As soon as they were free, she rushed to her uncle and woke him up by clearing the traces of the spell from the ground. But the stunned woman was unable to get out of the artificial sleep. So she had to carry her on a cloud of earth.
- Where are we Ariadne ?
- We had been kidnapped and imprisoned by black mages. The clan of the Alas Negros. They want our powers, but not tonight. Only we can escape, so I beg you uncle, pull yourself together because I could never carry you on a cloud of dust, the young woman is already heavy enough.
Mertillo looked at the unconscious woman floating on the cloud and smiled.
- Don't worry my dear, I'm fine.
Relieved, Ariadne approached the cracked wall and further enlarged the hole through which she filtered the dust, enough for them to get out. When it was done, they stepped into a huge courtyard filled with various buildings as large and desolate as the shed that had held them prisoner.