The Virus Part 1

His fever was still high with the symptoms of poisoning from the claws of those toxic animals. And his dreams and images... Zorack dreamed...

-You weren't exaggerating when you said this man was from another world! - Spike's voice showed nervousness.- Beautiful, tasty, and healed.

It was supposed to be just another Monday.

A terrible week of tests. He was about to expand his borders. Soon the driver's license would be in his possession. He was ready and looking forward to entering high school. He was a boy like any other his age. The only exception was that his best friend was not a boy. He and Angel spent hours admiring football players in the school grandstand.

-And you didn't believe it! - Angel shouted angrily.


It was by no means a nightmare! She wasn't just going to wake up if Spike had the same hallucinations.

she tried to retreat awkwardly and fell to the ground, her eyes fixed on the most impossible vision of her entire life. It wasn't every day that the math teacher turned into something that had tentacles, sharp fangs, and claws.

The arm hurt.

The director was an obnoxious man. And it wasn't just because he enjoyed Saturday detentions. He taught calculations. An adult was expected to take action. She had been kidnapped. Only he had advanced for her. Furious and without any control. Then the impossible had happened.

He had changed out of nowhere.

Angel had never screamed so loudly before.

It was not one of Lieutenant Ripley's and Alien's films, but the man had stopped motionless, eyes bulging in front of her a minute earlier.



The reality was over! The blessed reality.

-SPIKE! Do you want to do anything? More than shit! "Angel screamed when it managed to grab her ankle despite furious efforts to break free.

She whimpered, crawling dizzily. needed to put distance from that thing. The red, furious eyes looked at her with a new high-pitched hiss. And your hands! It was another hell. Scared as she was, it was inevitable. Her hands were beginning to shine.

They would no longer complain about just a burnt bank. It was probably going to set the whole building on fire.


There was the thud of the door opening in a violent impact that brought new screams as blasts of energy were fired.

-Stay away! It is still in the pre-larval stage, but it is still dangerous. It is in development. - Zorack explained tense.

Angel stopped speechless looking at him like an apparition.

-You want to tell me why you took so long? - Fear made her feel her insides turn over.

Zorack looked at her just to make sure that the girl, despite being scared, was fine. His eyes stayed on the cut that was bleeding cursing.

-Did that bite you?

-Bit ?! - Angel couldn't understand the words. - I could have died. Do you want to tell me why it took so long?

-Before or after you decide to run away? - he asked dryly.

No answer came.