The Virus Part 2

In one last breath, the creature tried to rise, hissing furiously as it opened its mouth, displaying its fangs, hallucinating at the sight of fresh blood pouring from the wound on Angel's arm. She and Spike screamed at the same time in amazement.

-Now! That was before! - Angel looked at him possessed.

Zorack gave her a displeased look. Who was the boy who accompanied Angel after all? maybe a boyfriend? These ideas suddenly infuriated him.

"When you didn't have these things behind you and your little boyfriend didn't do anything?" He countered, reloading the pistol at full power.

It was another contaminated native.

How many more were there?

Angel looked at him in bewilderment. didn't even want to know how he was there. It was enough that he was there. He at least knew those things. She threw herself into the arms of that weeping stranger before Zorack managed to pull her behind his possessive body without paying attention to the shocked expressions of a shocked Spike.

-Says for the love of God that for that thing over there you have a gun that works! Was he going to kill me?

These were questions he did not intend to answer.

Not yet.

Much less in front of a native who would only cause more panic among humans. The confusion was already great with running after the world had seemed to collapse outside. A huge crater had emerged, engulfing vehicles and causing more screams with the deafening sound.

Zorack stopped without action. The feeling of the body glued to his was ... He shook his head tensely. Body contacts had been banned. There was no physical contact between them. It doesn't even change fluids. There was only one detail. He had been captured and taken as a slave to hell. It was not like that at N'Tirlay. There were no such damn prohibitions. The small, delicate hand on his arm was a natural appeal. He could feel the energy that she accumulated in her body with the skills emerging.

Only he was beginning to become very aware of the heat of her trembling body next to his, with her breathing quickening. Slowly his hand touched her hair as if it were a mirage. I could never have imagined that the simple touch could bring so many tumultuous emotions and ...

The feeling of touching her was heavenly. It was the curse of temptations for him.

-You didn't tell me he was a Greek god, Angie. Although you didn't exaggerate a bit. He's absolutely beautiful! "Spike complained angrily.

Both Zorack and Angel looked at Spike in surprise as if they had forgotten his presence there.

She stiffened awkwardly in the arms of that stranger. She noticed strange smells that looked familiar and comforting. She turned to her friend, irritated:

-Really? You won't have to worry about one of these things if you don't shut up the damn mouth, Spike. I'll kill you! - Angel complained and stopped dead. - Damn your mouth! It is not to stay ...

Zorack kept her protected in his arms as he aimed the weapon at the creature. He ignored the new deep hisses as the gunshots echoed before shooting with a provocative smile on his well-made mouth as he sought out his green eyes.

Although she didn't exaggerate a bit. He's absolutely beautiful! The words echoed in the mind of a certain captain who refused to admit the pleasure they brought.

-Beautiful, charming, tasty, and healed, sweetie? - Zorack's smile widened.- I think I liked the direction of the conversation.

Had the girl commented on him ?!

-Spike! - Angel shouted and could tear the dreamy expression off his friend's face with her nails. She turned to Zorack, her cheeks burning and glowing. "The story wasn't quite like that all.

"Please, just open a hole under my feet."

Zorack shook his head, trying to break the fascination that the green eyes aroused. They needed shelter and protection. Rays! They needed Spartakus. If they couldn't turn on artificial gravity on the ship ... When a regulator was overloaded, it couldn't take it and ended up burning. It damaged several side devices.

His eyes landed on her injured arm.

-You'll need to strengthen the immunization. - managed to observe forcing indifference.

It was amazing how hot it was on that planet. Or maybe it was her. The small hand that touched his arm seemed to burn, radiating stimuli throughout his body.

Zorack shook his head in bewilderment again. He should be disgusted. Physical contact only brought disease. That had been repeated several times at the gym and yet he didn't agree. Only it was her. he was prepared to feel everything there and never attracted and fascinated. At the very least should be feeling aversion. However, he was experiencing different sensations.

Think of Scarlet, he reproached himself. It wasn't quite a good choice. Scarlet might be of rare beauty, but she was still just a female like any other for him.

It was Angel.

And it was not a body that emitted alpha waves making a digitalized transfer through a device. The natives of the planet still adopted primitive forms of mating. Only that all of her instincts were suddenly alert and awake.

"Is she going to turn into one of those things?" Spike shook his head ruefully. "You know a xenoform is usually ... You're even more in trouble, Angie."

-What curse is a xenoform?

Spike stood up visibly offended.

- Now! I know that Predator has not had good reviews at the cinema. - He seemed to apologize. - But they will film the sequel. And it will be a success. Much better.

Zorack rolled his eyes impatiently.

-Predator? That is a combination of organic materials in the pre-larval stage. It will develop, and this combination of organic material will be resistant to all types of weapons we have. Was I clear? - the captain's patience ran out.

It was altogether at the same time. The unfortunate girl didn't have to be touching him provocatively. She leaned on him without balance. It was frustrating! It was unnerving! It was ... it was ... He had muscles that reacted to her proximity that he never imagined reacting like that against his will. shouldn't feel anything for her. Precisely for her.

-He's always so ... so ... - Zorack didn't know the word to describe Spike.

Angel sighed awkwardly.


-Oh, fine. We don't need to argue about it. As long as you don't have carnivorous habits in the diet ... They say they eat any type of meat ... any type at all. Cannibalism in extreme situations ...

Zorack cursed. He had found a perfect copy of Bash for his growing despair. And the girl was bleeding. Furiously tore a piece of the shirt she was wearing to tie the wound to an improvised tourniquet. The infection ...

-I'm fine, Spike. I will not become one of those things! - Her voice showed little certainty of that. The pleading eyes went to the stranger. - I'm not going, am I? And if I turn around, I will include you on the main menu.

May the stars have mercy on him.

They were the eyes of any woman pleading and in front of strangers! She didn't need to be showing off like that! He was going to complain furiously. Zorack shifted uncomfortably trying to hide the arousal in his body with the girl brushing pleasantly against him

-Perhaps! And then the next time you won't get up and run and ...- the harsh words got stuck in the dry throat when his gaze caught the trembling and inviting lips.

-Really? -the horror in Angel was evident.

For all that was most sacred. Zorack took a deep breath. The girl was not that innocent to rub against him in front of more people. Okay, she was scared, but ...

- You shouldn't have run then! - He cleared his throat tense. - Of course, you won't! It just needs reinforcement in DNA immunization and ...

-I wouldn't have run away if you hadn't been around screaming and giving orders. I don't even know who you are.

He ran a hand through his hair, still tense.

-I'm Zorack. Captain of the Spartakus spacecraft under the command of the Galactic Alliance Confederation.

It was a very clear and precise explanation. That the unfortunate girl didn't ask any more questions. Questions he didn't have at the moment. Zorack was discovering that the body itself reacted to her proximity, revealing muscles that it had always controlled.

It was the unfortunate heat there. There was no other explanation. No inhabitant of Édrin suffered from that. Their society had simply evolved. Such primitive instincts were despised. Curse! He was almost 200 years old and had never before shown such a damnable interest.

You're a pervert! And he always thought himself so normal ...

Kid. She was still a child.

And it was the worst of lies. It was a small, perfect body of a woman he held in his arms on that bed in the motel room while Angel burned with fever.

The girl's closeness was by no means unpleasant. He put the gun to his waist, visibly irritated and frustrated. As soon as he got back to the ship, he would check the equipment in his cabin. Scientific studies showed that the brain was able to emit alpha waves with greater intensity in safe virtual sex. Ah, end of time rays. The transfers of these alpha waves were digitized. What would it feel like to experience ...

He didn't even want or could imagine the feeling of touching that skin as soft as he wanted to make her moan.

Only he was staring at that annoying creature, noting the perfection of the mouth with delicate and inviting lips, furious as an animal with itself.

Unhappy girl.

It was enough to get to Spartakus. It was, who knows, some side effect of their exposure to the atmosphere of the natives. It could be breathable but it was toxic and harmful.

Cursing in a foreign vocabulary for Angel, he pulled the girl without any kindness.

Spike cleared his throat invoked.

-Wait! We will go together!

-Oh no. No, go! the captain thundered in a bad mood. I won't have to put up with a kid ...

-Take me with you! I won't miss it! It's better than the Predator! If you don't take me, I will scream at the top of my lungs to anyone who wants to hear that the Earth has been invaded by aliens.

Zorack sighed miserably. He was no longer just a teenager. What is the protocol in such a situation? The Pleidians wouldn't mind the disappearance of a native, would they?

-Why would I take you along? - he wanted to know. - I'm a carnivore. - at that point, Zorack ground the words. - I may be tempted to eat the meal earlier, although you have more bones than meat, kid.

Angel stopped quietly swaying precariously. The head throbbed terribly. She closed her eyes, supported by Zorack, shivering with cold.

-I think ... - she took a deep breath with the certainty that the entire body had been run over. - I think I'll need I don't know what ... I'm not feeling well, Zorack

-But shit, Angel! - Zorack vented all the anger he felt.

Had they experimented with the girl?

What had they done to her after all? The thought was anything but pleasant.