Chapter 004: About Himself

In the next 10 days, I don't have to work, so I can upload chapters as much as my health allows. I don't have anything to do in that time frame, so I'll be able to crank out a LOT of content! Though, that depends on my condition. We will see how things turn out.

Additionally, I set up a discord server! In addition to posting ideas, suggestions, and criticisms, you also have a chance to add your own creative character to my story, however exotic it may seem!

(As long as it makes sense, after all, I don't want to mess up my story)

For those of you interested in it, here is the link:


And it was...

Still there!!


"Well, this appears to be the first good news I've received since I got here. Thank you whoever you are for giving me this body while maintaining my gender!

Even so, I doubt it will make any difference in the end..."

Afterward, he sat down to meditate and start calming his thoughts so he can evaluate his current state properly.

He checked out his entire body with his senses, which seemed to be way too strong as he could literally feel everything within a radius of 1.000 kilometers around him as if he were standing right there.

He initially believed that evaluating his body would be a problem because of the constant stream of information that was being fed to his head.

However, he discovered that once he concentrated on his body, he was capable of analyzing everything like a doctor who has knowledge of the body since his senses were only focused on his body and the rest was passively observing and only letting him know if there were any dangers.

It was the first thing he noticed: Gaseous Abyssal Energy surrounded his entire body and constantly nourished it to grow through the current energy-rich environment that was suitable for his race, as well as the fact that the main suction force came from what seemed like a gigantic heart in the center of his body as well as his brain, even though when it touched his brain it seemed to disappear or rather went "somewhere" he couldn't place.

(Picture Here for Gaseous Abyssal Energy)

The thing that became apparent really fast was that he did not appear to have any weaknesses. It meant he would not be affected by damage to his heart or head. Though both the heart and brain being damaged would temporarily lower his power output it seemed...

But now that he thought about it...

In addition to his thoughts, his comprehension speed was way too fast, which included his intelligence in addition to learning everything way too quickly...

Actually, it would be more accurate to say that he learned everything instantly, from his senses.

As a result of his high comprehension level, he could tell that his senses weren't giving him a huge boost in everything pertaining to his intellect. Therefore, only one option remained...

In some way or another, his Abyssal Soul was the cause. At least that would explain why the energy disappears once it reaches his brain.

Therefore upon closer examination of his brain, he was able to determine that it was actually being used at 100% or even overused because the Gaseous Abyssal Energy was constantly cooling down his brain as his body healed the rest of his self-inflicted injuries, no matter how small they were.

When he discovered that, his mind began processing the cause and coming up with the most likely conclusions.

Once he saw his Abyssal Soul, as the Status Tab called it, he initially thought it was normal.

However, now he realizes that there are problems with his brain and the strange disappearance of Gaseous Abyssal Energy flowing from it.

In his opinion, he was pretty sure that his Abyssal Soul had enhanced his brain to unimaginable heights.

This, in turn, made him use his brain at 100% to such an extent that his body was unable to keep up with it, as it appeared to have evolved his brain to the maximum extent that it could support.

This should be the highest point of his Low-Level-Demon stage, so this is the peak he assumed. After coming up with reasonable explanations for his abnormal brain activity, he focused back on the Gaseous Abyssal Energy and started to do a few tests with it like moving it and manifesting it as fire in front of his mouth like he did before, and to his surprise, he could clearly feel that he had perfect control over it as well.

It seemed too perfect to be possible since there was no energy leaking or being wasted, and he could also see that the mental energy that he had named himself on short notice, was moving his energy with absolute control as if he had trained tens of millions of years to do just that, which left him dumbfounded since he kind of anticipated there would be more challenges ahead.

After shrugging off the slight disappointment he felt for not having any challenges or anything to train for, he started to become happy and excited once more when he thought about the destruction and despair he would cause his enemies in the future.

Even though he recognized that it was his body that was giving him such anticipation as his whole being was made for destruction, he couldn't help but like it as it was all so new to him.

So when ahead and tried a different application of his Gaseous Abyssal Energy by taking the already condensed energy in his mouth and transferring it to all his claws including his horns and what happened next could only be described as Abyssal Energy Blades or in this case Claws or Horns.

(Picture Here)

He slashed his finger's claw at the wall as he wished to test their strength.

However, his action caused a massive gash, which he regretted immediately when THE ROCK crashed down on top of him.

In spite of this, he was very excited about the demonstration of power since he hadn't consumed any Gaseous Abyssal Energy, so he decided that it must have been his powerful control over his energy that enabled him to retain it so that it didn't dissipate due to lack of concentration.

When he tried making an Abyssal Sword Energy Blade, it just crumbled to dust. A notification sounded in his head that reminded him of something that he had ignored due to his excitement, but now with his brain constantly working at 100% and his soul doing it woodo boodo, he couldn't forget the memory anymore.

[1 Abyssal Energy used]

[47/48 Abyssal Energy remaining]



He called out "Status" in his thoughts as he was now able to see his Status Tab. While he knew that it was just a manifestation of what he already knew about himself based on his thorough analysis of himself.


[Name]: Diablo

[Race]: Demon

[Bloodline]: Chaos Demon

[True Demon Name]: Diablo Xiodo Tadren Alucard Landisher... Ramos Osiris

[Title]: First Demon,

[State Of Being]: Mortal

[Soul Stage]: Abyssal (Special)

[Age]: Infant

[Stage]: Infant-low-level

[Attribute]: Chaos (All-Elements available, Chaos is an independent element as well)

[Body Physique]:103.8

[Senses]: 103.8

[Gaseous Abyssal Energy]: 47/48 (Regn.<1 AE = 5 sec>)

[Current Abyssal Skills/Magic]: Chaos Abyssal Black Sun (primitive), Chaos Abyssal Energy Claws (primitive),


When he looked through it again, he saw the "(Special)" attached at the end of his Soul Stage but did not know what it meant.

From his status, he learned that what he had been using so far was the chaos element, which he felt most comfortable using since when he tried the fire element, its output was far lower than the chaos element, even though both used the same amount of Gaseous Abyssal Energy.

Without a baseline to compare against, he was unable to determine how special the chaos element was, so he blamed it on his incompetence. In other words, his weakness.

Nonetheless, the more he looked at the "(Special)" attached to his Soul Stage, the more restless he became, wanting to know what it meant, so he automatically called out to the first voice he heard in his new life.

"Abyss, what is the Special attached to my Soul Stage supposed to mean...?"

As well, please let me know what my soul's ranks, stages, and state of being are as well as what my title is even supposed to show or indicate since I have no idea what makes my Bloodline Special as I can also feel that the Chaos Element is Special, but I cannot figure out a proper answer or conclusion..."


Ranks related to all matters of life will be revealed first, followed by your personal information.]


Soul Stages (Qualities):

For demons: low-middle-high-black-sin-abyssal <--all demon souls are generally black

For Angels: low-middle-high-gold-nobel-divine <--all angel souls are generally golden-white

The soul stage (quality) above is followed by other races as well. There will be different categories for them based on whether they are evil or good.

So they will fall into the Demon category if they have a lot of SINS or they will fall into the Angel category if they have a lot of good deeds.]


State Of Being: Mortal/Higher Being/Demilord/low-medium-upper-peak-ancient-Overlord

There are 3 main stages in short: Mortal-->Transcendence-->Overlord].


Demon Stage:

Lower Demon, Middle Demon, Upper Demon, Demon Lord, Demon King, Demon Sin King, Demon Monarch, Demon Overlord, Chaos Demon Overlord, Abyssal #$£##$ ]


Due to the fact that your Abyssal Soul was born at the same time as the Omniverse, you have special privileges:

-Your ability energies are under your complete control, which allows you to output a higher power than you originally should be capable of. The Lower Demons, for example, are capable only of primitive Abyssal Magic. However, you can output basic Abyssal Magic while still being within the same stage as them as much as primitive Abyssal Magic allows you to use it before your body explodes.

-You can learn everything instantly. For example, if a god gave you his entire life's worth of memories, you would be able to master all the knowledge he had over his fighting style, martial arts, magical knowledge, etc...

-Due to your complete usage of your brain, you're capable of seeing everything in your perception slower in time than it originally is

-You have a godly domain where you are able to perceive everything. The higher the Demon Stage you reach, the more you can perceive

It is virtually impossible for you to die. As you can only die physically, and not on the soul stage, you will always be able to resurrect in the Abyss without any trouble, though we will caution you to avoid dying as you will lose 5% of both your physical and Abyssal Energy power each time and will need to regain it.

-Your soul also grants you psychic abilities that you can access upon your first evolution

It is up to you to find out more unless you ask us again.]


Your title doesn't grant you any special power other than signifying that you were born to be the

First Demon Diablo and Ruler of the Abyss.

As you may usher prosperity to all Demonkind and bring DOOM upon all worlds,

On the Day Of Judgement!!

As was already stated, upon the first time we have connected to you.]


Chaos Demon Bloodline:

Chaos is the highest form of Destruction so it is equal to the purest form of Creation and the Void that spreads emptiness wherever it goes.

You can turn any or all of the elements into a Chaos element but be warned, you might die on the spot. Physically, it won't be possible, as your body won't be able to deal with it. Therefore, you may only use one Chaos Element until you can use them all.]

Surprisingly they did indeed answer him though they didn't say it in a slow manner, no. They rather showed everything directly into his brain in the instant his questioning stopped. That caused him to become lightheaded as his eyes became sleepy before he fell down...

However, there was a final burst of information before he fell asleep.

[Abyss: We have added two options where you can select from and see everything we conveyed in more detail:

(Ranks) and (Power Leveling)

We will be waiting for your future questions.

May you have a peaceful rest, Diablo.]

Thereafter, Diablo began his long sleep...


Author Notes:

Look into the Auxiliary Chapters for more details.


I added some easter eggs (from other stories, animes) and memes throughout this chapter.

I'm looking forward to seeing if you guys are able to find them. 😄

Do you have any ideas on how I could make it better?

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Is there anything wrong that I need to correct?