Chapter 010: The...Nothing?

*POV CHANGE* (Present time)

Diablo found himself in the void of nothingness, lost and disoriented. He had been wandering in this unknown place, and now he floated aimlessly, his senses dulled by the emptiness surrounding him.

He could feel the Abyssal Energy coursing through his veins, a power that belonged to demons like him. But without a clear purpose or direction, he felt like a mere vessel, adrift in the vast expanse.

As Diablo contemplated his current state, a faint glimmer caught his attention. It was a tiny speck of light, shining amidst the darkness.

Intrigued, he focused his gaze on it, trying to discern its origin. The speck grew brighter and larger, gradually taking the shape of a swirling vortex. It was an Abyssal Gate, a gateway between realms and dimensions.

Driven by curiosity and his boredom that might rob his sanity if he stayed any longer, Diablo moved towards the Abyssal Gate.

As he approached, the swirling vortex grew in intensity, its pull becoming stronger. Diablo could feel the raw energy emanating from the gate, tingling his skin and fueling his demonic nature.

With a sudden surge of excitement, Diablo stepped through the Abyssal Gate, crossing the threshold between realities.

As he passed through, he felt a violent surge of power coursing through him, shaking his very core. Realities and dimensions merged and twisted around him, creating a disorienting and chaotic environment.

In the midst of this chaos, Diablo's consciousness was bombarded with fragmented visions and voices. Snippets of ancient languages, long-forgotten prophecies, and distant memories swirled in his mind.

He tried to make sense of it all, to grasp the purpose behind this nonsensical experience and his current state of being lost in the void just for him to learn from all that nonsense that his being summoned by someone was the sole reason for his presence in this boring emptiness.

As the maelstrom of energy and information raged on, Diablo felt a glimpse of a mysterious presence lurking in the shadows.

The being's form was hazy and indistinct, but Diablo could sense a powerful presence emanating from it. It seemed to be observing him as if it always has been, its gaze penetrating his very soul.

Little did he know, that the mysterious presence he had glimpsed in the emptiness, held the answers he sought, and its presence would continue to haunt him, urging him forward on his inevitable future path.

As Diablo set forth, the gateway to a grand mystery had been opened, one that would lead him deeper into the unknown, testing his strength, wit, and resolve. The realms and dimensions awaited his exploration, and the secrets they held would shape his path toward the unknown...

Suddenly, the chaos subsided though, and Diablo found himself standing on solid ground once again. He was in a new world, unfamiliar and filled with new possibilities. The Abyssal Gate behind him had disappeared, leaving no trace of its existence.

Diablo looked around, taking in his surroundings while dwarfing the "small" figures before him, with a whole mountain of corpses piled on top of each other, with organs spilling all over the place, bones twisted in degrees unhealthy to the eye, which stands behind them while creating a symphony of the word called "art" in the way of senseless slaughter that had some kind of nonsensical order.

As "they" gazed upon thee,

they felt fear for their souls became "free",

as for those that remained,

became the tainted honor to be stained,

by his demonic abyssal aura to be trained,

unless they are already chained,

by the very world, they drained...

("Their" vision of seeing Diablo when he is passively radiating the Chaos Fear Aura, Picture Here)

[To be continued...]


Author Note:


I know that this is the shortest chapter I brought up so far but I kinda felt like trying some stuff out after not writing for so long, which honestly made me take longer writing it since I was always thinking about what I should write while deleting and rewriting it several times, which ended up in this after my time for today run up with me noticing it way too late lol😅. Anyway, at least I'm back I guess? You guys don't have to worry though, as I will write longer chapters 1.5k-2k like usual after this chapter.

The only laborious job left for me to do is rewriting my old chapters T-T... (since I wrote those pretty off-hand or rather not seriously at all, which doesn't surprise me considering my state of health at that time)<--this makes me dread the chapters I planned to mass release even more, actually, I think I'm just gonna delete them, rewriting is much more time-consuming than writing something new after all...(so mass release will be postponed)

Hope you liked this short teaser-like chapter for what's to come, see you tomorrow (I'm gonna try uploading every 24h)

~Yours Sincerely,



Status Tab, for those that forgot:


[Name]: Diablo

[Race]: Demon

[Bloodline]: Chaos Demon

[True Demon Name]: Diablo Xiodo Tadren Alucard Landisher... Ramos Osiris

[Title]: First Demon,

[State Of Being]: Mortal

[Soul Stage]: Abyssal (Special)

[Age]: Adult (11 years)

[Stage]: Adult-low-level

[Attribute]: Chaos (All-Elements available, Chaos is an independent element as well)

[Body Physique]: 179.22

[Senses]: 179.22

[Gaseous Abyssal Energy]: 634.2/634.3 (Regn.<1 AE = 5 sec>)

[Current Abyssal Skills/Magic]: Chaos Abyssal Black Sun (primitive), Chaos Abyssal Energy Claws (primitive), Chaos Aura Style (primitive), Soul Attraction Force (primitive), ]

[Current Passive Abyssal Skills/Magic]: Chaos Fear Aura (primitive),
