Chapter 011: First contact

**POV CHANGE** (Moments before Diablos' arrival)

In the ancient world of Valinor, a realm where empires clashed and the powers of darkness and light waged eternal battles, a pivotal moment was about to unfold.

The divine empire, together with the equally mighty Ugropis, sought to maintain order and protect the realms from the encroaching forces of chaos.

But unbeknownst to them, a group of ambitious sorcerers also known as demons or also seen as "False Demons" by the likes of Diablo had delved into forbidden rituals, eager to summon the ultimate embodiment of chaos – the first demon, also known as Diablo.

(False Demon, Picture Here)

In the heart of a hidden sanctuary, illuminated by flickering torches and wreathed in dark energies, the summoners prepared their ritual.

Their chants echoed through the chamber, calling upon ancient incantations to breach the veil between dimensions. The air crackled with anticipation as the circle of summoners completed their final invocations.

Suddenly, a surge of malevolent power filled the room, causing the very ground to tremble. A vortex of swirling darkness formed at the center of the summoning circle, growing in intensity and swallowing all light in its path.

From within emerged Diablo, a towering figure with horns, crimson eyes that glowed with chaotic fire, and a presence that exuded pure malevolence and chaos.

As Diablo materialized, the false demons of the demon realm, lesser beings masquerading as true demons in this world, looked on in awe and trepidation. They had never witnessed a being of such raw power before. Their feeble attempts at reaching deeper levels of darkness paled in comparison to the essence of chaos that emanated from Diablo.

With a deep, resonant voice that echoed through the chamber, Diablo surveyed the false demons with a mixture of disdain, amusement, and a bit of contained anger. He towered over them, his presence casting a shadow of terror that gripped their very souls.

The false demons, who had reveled in their misguided sense of superiority, now trembled before the true embodiment of their own dark desires, many dying after embracing his emanating aura while those who survived got stronger.

"Pathetic creatures," Diablo hissed, his voice dripping with venom. "You dare to summon me, a True Demon, unlike you failures? I can easily discern that your feeble attempts at emulating the power of the Abyss are laughable. You are nothing more than pale imitations of higher beings that stem from the Abyss."

The false demons, cowed by Diablo's overwhelming presence, could only bow before him in submission. They had sought power beyond their comprehension, and now they were faced with the reality of their foolishness.

They had summoned a force they could not control, and Diablo reveled in their despair while swallowing the souls of those weak enough to die in his mere presence while thinking about these maggots that were the cause of him being stuck in that darkness of nothingness without any sense of time.

Though one of these "False Demons", an enchanting figure having skin like jade as if straight from a cultivation story with a skin color that was literally like green colored jade stood up with determination to prove herself superior to her "people" being able to have some sense of control in this situation so that she can rule over the others came forward and said.

"Your Majesty Diablo let's make a deal-..."

But before she could utter another word...




She was split in half, by something that moved so fast that nobody could even see what it was before it has already done its job, which was slicing up flesh in half, like a butchers knife, which obviously was Diablos razor sharp tail that was now dripping with green purple blood swaying happily like it had a mind of its own by his side...

While wondering to himself what this self-centered maggot lower than dirt thought of herself, to be to talk to him like an equal as if blinded with unrealistic thoughts that do not reflect reality, that are widely spread as "MCs" in those stories that he didn't like reading in his 'past life'.

"Annoy me like this brainless 'thing' in front of me and the same thing shall happen in the same way that it happened just now. Anyway, prove your worth to me or perish...I don't need brainless creatures beside me that aren't even equal but rather lower than useless feces."

The false demons, who had unwittingly summoned Diablo, now found themselves torn between terror and a desperate desire to prove their worth.

The false demons, driven by a newfound surge of desperation, pleaded with Diablo for forgiveness and the opportunity to prove themselves. They promised to aid him in his conquest of Valinor, offering their knowledge of the environment from their enemies that they have fought with for centuries and souls in exchange for a place at his side.

"Very well, then sign this contract...and we will have a DEAL!"

(Abyssal Contract, Picture Here)

"All of you shall spread the word of my descent so that those pesky insects gather together so that I don't need to play hide and seek with them. " Diablo said as he sneered just at the thought of it.

He couldn't search for them all over the place if they decided to split up into countless groups to use the whole planet as a playground for them to hide, or could he?

Coming out of his thoughts he called upon these inferior beings to follow his demands.

"Let's begin gathering by your army, and bring me to the hidden place where the souls you have gathered are stored reside. Oh, make sure to be quick my patience has limits after all..."

As he said this out loud as a matter of fact, the false demons flinched in hesitation and hurry as they understood that they couldn't take their time to hide those souls from him or at least take a significant portion of it away...

The leader among the group of false demons stood up and bowed to Diablo to say, "Of course your Majesty Diablo, we shall quickly lead you to the location while the others gather our demonic armies ready for war...lastly, let me introduce my lowly self. In the name of I, Avestan, I shall pledge on my name in the Oath that we will never break the agreement of our contract."

(False Demon Leader Avestan, Picture Here)

Diablo, amused at Avestan's name and how fitting the words he spoke just now resonate with his name's meaning of oath, covenant, and agreement if the meaning means anything according to his "past life"...though it might mean something entirely different on this planet?

Not seeing the need to speak any further and waste his words on these creatures, his tail pointed forward in an inviting gesture in a way to signal to lead the way for him as he stepped forward and started walking ahead...


*POV Change* (Elsewhere)

Word of Diablo's arrival spread quickly throughout Valinor, reaching the ears of the divine empire and its equal Ugropis, while also reaching the weaker empires and kingdoms. The divine ruler, a bastion of righteousness and order, knew that the emergence of Diablo threatened the delicate balance of their world. The forces of light and darkness had reached a critical turning point, and the destiny of Valinor hung in the balance due to the wreaked environment of constant war and depleting resources.

(Divine Ruler with Decorative Divine Clothes, Picture Here)

As the news reached the ears of the Emperor of Ugropis, a steely determination filled his heart. He knew that the divine empire would face its greatest challenge yet. The clash between the divine and the infernal was inevitable, and the fate of all 'realms' would be decided by the outcome.

The stage was set for a monumental confrontation. Diablo, the first demon, had arrived, and the world of Valinor would never be the same. The clash between the divine empire, the false demons of the demon realm, and the true embodiment of chaos and destruction would shape the destiny of the realms and test the resolve of all those involved.

[To be continued...]


Author Note:


I just noticed that I only got enough time to write on weekends... so I can only release 1-2 chapters a week max unless some miracle happens (I can force myself by waking up early and going late to sleep but that will be on the cost of my health which I don't wanna do).

Anyway, hope you liked this chapter? Constructive criticism is always welcome and the next chapter is gonna be interesting...? (I think, well, one obvious hint: WAR)

~Yours Sincerely,



Info: By "Realms" it is meant that there are multiple huge @ss continents that each have a different energy barrier with varying intensities that are protecting it from invaders like the Demon Realm that is able to move...and clash with its barrier on other barriers and the rest is history. Those Energy barriers were originally intended to keep mana inside of the continent to let mana levels rise, protect in from the violent sea (it's the most dangerous in that world), and some other stuff...