Chapter 7: God's Wrath

It's been a year since I came to train with Genryūsai-san, my overall strength improved by leaps. My control with Shinsō improved a lot, the first thing I was able to do was to move it in his extended form, that was quite difficult since I wasn't used to the length also now, I could decide how long the spear would extend as well as the speed. With this, I could use him in a more versatile way. Another thing that I discovered is that when my spear is not in a release state, I could decide if the blade could cut or not, this is quite convenient since I wanted to enter in U.A, I didn't want to hurt my classmates.

My control with Reiatsu also improved a lot, now I realize how much energy I was wasting, the only problem that I had is that my Reiryoku was increasing a lot my I just needed to put some extra hours in my training to keep with the increase. Genryusai-san said that soon I could practice Kaidō. I was particularly excited to learn this one, there are not many healing Quirks so having this would be useful in emergencies since usually there is not a healer when the battle arises.

My dexterity with Kido also increased, now I could use various Hadō spells without the incantation, but by far my favorites are Hadō #4. Byakurai and Hadō #33. Sōkatsui. Byakurai I can send a concentrated lightning bolt with my index finger or use my whole hand too wide the range. And with Sōkatsui I can send blue flames from my palm this also can be used in a concentrated way or to send a wave of blue fire.

And with Bakudō I must say that underestimated its uses, I thought that it was only to restrain but it can also be used for defense and support. For example, Bakudō #8. Seki creates a small energy orb that repels strikes, Bakudō #26. Kyokkō hides my presence bending the light around me but doesn't but if I make noise the enemy can detect me. Bakudō #37. Tsuriboshi creates an elastic cushion. I know there are two branches for barriers and seals, but I haven't learned.

But by far the one that I made the most progress was my Shunpo, I could use it now without hurting myself and I can even do afterimages, Genryūsai-san said that I was talented in this area since most of the practitioners take a very long time to reach the level I currently have.

The only thing I was having a problem with was creating things in this dimension, the problem that I have is that even if I know the overall structure, I don't know the ins and outs of the things I wanted to create, sure I can make things like tables and mannequins but with more advanced stuff I made no progress. I'm thinking of creating a Bakudō that let me analyze things, but it would take a long time.

I haven't talked with my other Zanpakutō but with my current progress, I know that it would not take me a long time to at least talk with one more. I currently have the coalification to try to achieve Bankai with Shinsō, but I decided to wait a little bit more, even if can materialize him I still need to beat him and that by no way in hell is easy, I know that even if Shinsō wanted to go easy on me he couldn't since that would be prejudicial to my growth, and I would not achieve a true Bankai.

My training with Genryūsai-san was still as brutal as ever, every time that I made a progress, he increases the difficulty of it. If I get faster, he goes faster, if I get stronger, he uses more strength, if I use Kido, he uses Kido, the worst part is that when I make a plan to win, he just plays with me as if he could see everything from the start, well this should be expected for someone with his amount of experience.

"Well, I need to warm up before I start my training with Genryūsai-san" I stretched all my body and made some shadow boxing, after that, I summoned my spear and made some simple movements.

"Well, young Izuku it's time for your beati- *cough* I mean for your training" Said Genryūsai-san with a smile.

This year I noticed that even most part of the time Genryūsai-san it's a very serious person from time to time likes to make fun of me. I don't mind, there is nothing much to do in this place besides training, so he needs to have some fun.

"Well let's start," I said at the same time using Shunpo to get near him.

"Shoot to kill, Shinsō!" As I tried to stab him with a high-speed attack, he just slightly moved his head to evade.

"So sneak attack this time, you're getting cunning kid," He said with a smirk as he sends a kick to my ribs.

"Bakudō #8. Seki" I know this won't reflect his kick, but it gives me time to gain some distance. As soon as I gain some distance, I started to thrust my spear multiple times, with Shinsō's ability this was many times stronger and faster if I didn't alone. But he just blocked it easily with his katana.

Then I coated the blade of my spear and send a Reiatsu slash to him, previously I needed to use all my focus in this but now I could easily do it. Genryūsai-san also did the same, but his Reiatsu color is red, as both slashes collided his was stronger. I used Shunpo to quickly get out of the area of the attack. But he followed me as pierced my shoulder with his katana.

"Hadō #4. Byakurai" I knew this wouldn't hit him, but at least would make him retreat.

"Nice timing using Hadō, if I was slower, you would have pierced my heart, you really want to kill this old man," said with a smirk.

"Genryūsai-san that's a bad joke, we both know that you can evade that with your eyes closed," I said as I was concentrating Reiatsu all over my body. Then I used Shunpo to get again close to him, this time I made a diagonal slash, Genryūsai-san just made a step back to evade but before the blade of my spear reached the ground, I made a fast 360° turn to increase the strength of my next attack and made a horizontal slash, but he blocks it with his katana. Then I keep thrusting my spear multiple times towards him. Then Genryūsai-san made a low kick making my posture quiver, then slashed towards me. I just made a quick black flip to evade, and, in the air, I extended the blade of my spear towards the base of his katana trying to make his grip loose a bit, then I retracted it and used Hadō #33. Sōkatsui sending currents of blue flame towards him.

I knew that this wasn't going to hurt him, but this was a distraction. I jumped as high as I could and stepped on the air. I haven't perfected this technique but maybe can hurt him.

I took a throwing stance, and the blade of the spear changed its form making it a little bit longer than a normal spearhead, then I started to put all my Reiatsu on it, making it glow in a deep green color. 6 months ago I discovered that I could change the form of my spearhead but since I was used to his normal form I didn't think it would be useful but after thinking about it, some spears are used for throwing, and with Shinsō ability, it could make it many times stronger. Also standing in a high place and sending it to the floor I could use it to transform the potential energy into kinetic energy.

Then with all my strength, I did the throwing motion without letting go of my spear and extended the shaft of the spear and sent it towards Genryūsai-san. It was better to extend the shaft since I wanted to keep the Reiatsu as compact as possible in the spearhead and since Shinsō speed, it's the same in any part of the spear it's not a problem.

The spear was as fast as a shooting star and the green color of the Reiatsu gave it a surreal appearance.

"Sure, the youngster from today advance really quick, Bakudō #39. Enkōsen "Said Genryūsai-san extending his hand creating a gold shield in the form of a large spinning disk of condensed Reiatsu.

Soon both the spear and the shield collided, neither of them was giving in trying to win this battle making the place glow in gold and green light, but after a few moments the shield started to crack and soon it broke into countless light fragments, and the spear keeps moving to slash Genryūsai-san shoulder.

"Hahaha finally I hit after a year of training, I know I used all my strength, and he just used a mid-low Bakudō but for me, it's a win," I said laughing and smiling, I retracted my spear and unsummoned it. I was nearly out of Reiatsu, so I went back to the ground. And saw a serious face on Genryūsai-san but then.

"Hahahaha young Izuku you are the best, I can't remember the last time I got hurt, that last attack of you was ingenious, what is its name?" Said Genryūsai-san with a wide smile.

"Since this attack, it made from the sky and using Shinsō name we decided to name it 'Kami no Ikari' (God's wrath)"

"That's a good name young Izuku. Now I think you are ready to try to achieve Bankai" Genryūsai-san

"But Genryūsai-san you told me that it takes a long time to try to achieve this," I said to Genryūsai-san

"Well, that's on normal circumstances, but you are out of the standard measure, in your level you can be considered a low-level captain, so achieving Banka is very possible" Said Genryūsai-san

"Well, I think that I would do it but not today, I used all of my Reiatsu in that last attack, I will need preparation so I will try in 2 days," I said with a determined face.

"Very well, now you should rest for the rest of the day, only meditate a little so you can replenish your Reiatsu a little bit" Genryūsai-san

I nodded at Genryūsai-san words and headed to my room, today was a tiring day, but also a fruitful one.