Chapter 8: Bankai and a new partner.

After two days the preparation to fight against Shinsō to achieve Bankai is over.

"The fight against him would be a difficult one, my advantage is that he can't use Kido, but he would expect that, the problem is that he is too cunning, as an ally it's a very good thing but fighting against him it's a pain in the ass," I said

I closed my eyes trying to materialize Shinsō, I concentrated a couple of minutes and after that, a black cloud appeared around my spear and after a couple of seconds moved a few meters far from me. The black cloud started to gain human shape and then dissipated showing a young adult with silver hair.

"So, this is the place where the old man keeps pounding you all the time, sometimes I wonder if this would be classified as an 18+ rated movie, kukuku. Said Shinsō with his characteristic mocking smile and narrowed eyes.

"Why do you always have to make everything sound dirty?" I said but then he extended his spear towards my head, but I just sightly move it to the side.

"It's not a big surprise that you would try a sneak attack just a moments after I summoned you sly fox," I said making fun of Shinsō

"Well, it's my way to say hello, and besides it's not like you would get hurt by just that, if so that old man would be sad" Said Shinsō with a smile as he evaded my Hadō.

"It seems that we both think the same," I said with a grin.

After our little "greetings" both of us jumped backward taking fighting stances.

"Shoot to kill"

"Shoot to kill"

And both of our spears collided making sparks flight over. After that, I retracted my spear and used Shunpo to get behind him and stab him, but he just extended the back part of his spear to parry my attack and moved at high speed, and made multiple thrusts against me.

I used Hadō #4. Byakurai in its concentrated form. Shinsō split in two the Hadō, but it gave me time to get near him. I made a vertical slash, but he evaded taking a step back, then I made a diagonal slash and at the same time, I slightly extended the spear length to mess with Shinso's sense of distance. My tactic worked making an injury on his chest. I didn't let him rest and continued making several thrusts. Now Shinsō has several small cuts around his body.

"Kukuku, as cleaver as ever Izuku-chan, but now it's time that I get serious. Said Shinsō opening his sky-blue eyes, releasing a huge amount of Reiatsu.

And before I realized his spear was near my face, I quickly moved to evade it but he didn't let me go so easily and started making a bunch of spear strikes towards me in different directions making it hard to defend. Small cuts started to appear around my body. After that, he shortened the distance between us and started to make a combination of acrobatics attacks that were difficult to predict but since our fighting styles were very similar, I could predict some of them and parry them. I extended my hand and used a wide area Hadō #33. Sōkatsui makes him retreat.

Then I concentrated Reiatsu on my spear and started to make several energy slashes towards him, after that I got close to him and made several thrusts at extreme speed, making it hard for him to defend. He started extending his spear and retreating at the same time, to prepare for his next attack. He retreated his spear and took a throwing stance and started to charge Reiatsu at his spear. It seems that he wants to end things with one attack, but I will not give him time to get ready and I used Shunpo to get near him but as soon as I was 3 meters near to him, I saw him smiling.

After seeing that smile my head has ringing warning bells, and in that instant, he got behind me and pierced at the side of my abdomen.

"Kukuku, its seems that I could fool you Izuku-chan usually when we try that attack, we cannot move for a couple of seconds but I just make it flashy so you thought that I wanted to end things here," Said Shinsō with a sadistic smile but then he felt something piercing his leg, when he looked at his leg he saw that his leg was impaled to the ground with the back of Izuku's spear.

"You know I was wondering why previously you didn't use any of your weird tricks, but I realized when it was too late to evade it, so I decide to lessen the damage and take you by surprise using your favorite trick."

What Izuku said was right the cut on his abdomen looked awful, but it could be worse, in the worst-case scenario he would be impaled and could have only a few options left. So, he decided that it was better to let him get a clean cut.

I cast Bakudō # 1. Sai very quicky to stun him a little, then I took his spear out of his hand and pierce his chest with it. Shinsō looked at me with a face full of surprise.

"Hahaha we really are alike, even if we could defeat everyone in a one-on-one situation, we always look for the opportunity to trick others to end the fight quickly, who would think that the trickster ends up tricked" Shinsō continue to laugh for a bit.

"Even if I don't like to lose, losing at you it's not half-bad since we can get stronger, very well Izuku I hope we can soon get a rematch" Said Shinsō with a wide smile as he dissipated into black smoke in my spear.

I smiled at my spear and unsummoned it. A name appeared on my head, that Shinsō Bankai name but before I tried to use it I need to go to Genryūsai-san so he can heal me before all the adrenaline wears off.

"You truly are something else young Izuku, getting your Bankai without outside help, you must be the youngest one" Said Genryūsai-san with a wide smile as he was healing me.

"Well not everyone has you to train them," I said the truth even if I'm somewhat skilled, Genryūsai taught me more than anyone else, I don't think I would be this strong without him, my spearmanship increased more than it would be with another 10 or maybe 20 years if I kept training like before.

"I indeed helped you but, even with my training alone I estimated that it would take you 10 years to achieve your first Bankai, other Shinigami's would take at least 200 years, you can know that you're a genius among genius, so don't underestimate yourself, it's good that you are not prideful the opposite it's not good either. "Said Genryūsai-san

"Yes, I understand Genryūsai-san, I will work on that" Genryūsai-san is right I once heard that too much of everything is a bad thing, I never too much humble but I think that comparing myself with Genryūsai- san made me like that. It's a good thing that he pointed out early.

"You have to rest for at least 4 days before you can do any hard training and 7 to try to use your Bankai"


The next couple of the were quite boring, to be honest since there is not any source of entertainment I could only meditate and talk with Shinzo. So I started to talk more with Genryūsai-san, don't get me wrong it's not like we never talk about things besides training but usually, it's just about the Shinigamis and their culture.

I asked about what he did before he meet me, and he told me that he travel around different worlds with all types of people and lifestyles. Some worlds that resembled his and others like one where demons exist and there are actual exorcists, one where ninjas are the primary military power and use all types of elements and techniques to fight, and many more.

I was really fascinated by other worlds and how different are from mine. Also, he told me that to pass the time he took different types of jobs like being a chef, a regular teacher, and others so he is very knowledgeable about many areas.

After a few days, I was good as new, so go to the training field to use my Bankai for the very first time. I took my battle stance and yelled.

"Bankai: Kamishini no Yari!" After that my spear extended at a speed that I could hardly follow with my eyes, and I couldn't tell how long it becomes. Its power could easily cut in half a building but that wasn't the scariest thing about the Bankai. What scared me the most was the speed it could retract to its original length. I think there are more things about the Bankai, but I will discover them with time and practice.

Another thing that I realize is that the amount of Reiryoku that I have increased a lot, but the amount of energy I need to maintain the Bankai is many times more than my Shikai. Also, it is very subtle, but I think that my body is getting strained from the increase of power of Bankai. So, if I use it for a long time, I could potentially break all my bones and damage my internal organs.

"Ha, it seems that the amount of training will increase and Shinsō told me that I would meet more Zanpakutō after I learned his Bankai. I wonder if I would get some sleep with all the training it's coming." I laughed to myself but getting more power it's a good thing so I can sacrifice some sleep.

I continue to train for half an hour before my body gets some serious damage. My body felt so heavy that I just lay on the floor not wanting to move. Well, it seems that today I would not contact any other Zanpakutō, so I would wait till tomorrow.

I asked Genryūsai-san about the strain in my body, and he told me that it was a normal thing that it was like adaptation time so I don't need to worry but recommend me to not use it for a prolonged amount of time and not use it everyday cause it could seriously damage his body.

The next day I meditated to enter my inner world and the mansion looked like always, so I just went to the room area checking if there's a door open beside the room of Shinsō. I was lucky and the first doo that I tried to open wasn't locked.

In the next moment all around me changed and I was in a backyard of an old traditional-style Japanese house, but the best part was that all around the house was covered by beautiful white snow. I was mesmerized I had seen snow before but not as beautiful as this, I looked around for a while when I heard a voice behind me.

"Oi, are you going to be looking like a fool all day?"

I turned back and saw a person with spiky white hair and turquoise eyes, he had a serious expression like if he was more mature than he looked. What surprised me is that he was really short like 1.40 meters (around 4.6 feet).

He looked a little annoyed at me and said "Did you just think that I'm short right?

"Yeah, I'm sorry I only thought about it because you have a very serious expression," I said a little embarrassed

"Well, it's okay at least you are better than the other guy," said the white-haired guy.

"What do you mean by-"but before I could continue someone appeared beside us.

"Yo, it seems that you meet the shorty" Said Shinso with a mocking expression.

"Who the hell are you calling shorty you damn fox face," said the white-haired guy

"Come on, cant you take a joke" Said Shinsō

"Hey Shinsō stop making fun of him, he is our partner so we need to get along," I said

"Don't worry he is always like that, I only reacted like that cause he got me unguarded. "

"If you say so, well I know that you know my name but let me introduce myself. My name is Midoriya Izuku the next number one hero, it's a pleasure to meet you" I said with a big smile as I extended my hand

"Well, I know you since I'm a part of you and vice versa, even if your attitude is all sunny with the people you know you are very mature like me. So, it would be a pleasure to work with you" Said the white-haired with a small smile, as he shakes my hand.

We talked for a bit and realized that their relationship is like mine with Katsuki. Both of them throw insults at each other but they get along.

The white-haired guy stood and looked at Izuku and said "Very well, now the moments that you were waiting for I will tell you my name, my name is..."

I opened my eyes and went to the training field. After getting there I closed my eyes and pointed my spear to the sky and yelled.

"Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens Hyōrinmaru!" as soon as I said Hyōrinmaru's name the area around me got colder and the sky got darker and as soon as I slashed my spear a Chinese dragon made of ice appeared in the direction my spear pointed.

"So this Shikai is Ice-related, but it doesn't seem as simple as just creating an ice dragon every time I move my spear, I feel that my Reiatsu condense the water in the atmosphere, maybe I could make more things in the future but for the moment I need to train with him to get familiar"

"Well, let's get ready as soon as I start as soon, I will get better," I said wondering how long it will take me to master all of my Zanpakutō.