It's been 15 years since I came with Genryūsai-san to this dimension.
Now I can use almost all the Hadō and Bakudō spells that Genryūsai-san knows and create some myself. I still have my favorite ones, but I use them according to the situation. Thanks to the hard work and Genryūsai-san, I could use almost all of them without incantation only some of the high-level Kido need the incantation.
I also practiced a lot Kaidō, since it would be weird to practice hurting myself, Genryūsai-san used a thing named Gigai that is an artificial body that Shinigami used to be in the human world and interact with humans. So, you can say that I used it as a training dummy. Unlike Hadō and Bakudō in Kaidō, there are no named spells. There's only one and the efficiency of it depends on the user Reiatsu control.
The Bakudō that I wanted to scan objects was a complete success so when I return to my world, I will look for all the necessary instruments needed to create Hero costumes and some gadgets. Even if I could increase my defense with Reiatsu an extra layer of protection it's never bad. Also, I needed some extra equipment for different occasions, even if I could restrain my opponents with Bakudō there is a time duration for it.
With my Zanpakutō now I could talk with every each of them and use their Shikai. I get along with all of them. I noticed that they have some part of me in their personality but everything else is their own. Each of them has different hobbies, tastes, likes, and dislikes, they are unique in their way.
The only problem that I had in these years is that I can't use the Bankai of 3 of them, it's not a surprise considering how powerful and complex they are in their Shikai form. They told me that it's not that I'm weak or something like that, the problem is that it is not the right time and I need a catalyst to achieve it. So, I can only wait, maybe if I gain some experience in my world it will be helpful.
Speaking of returning to my world, Genryūsai-san told me that it's a few days I can return. I feel so happy since I really miss my mom and friends, but for some reason when Genryūsai-san told me that I could briefly see some sadness in his eyes. I don't know the reason for that, I mean yeah, I will be busy with other things and the preparations for U.A but it doesn't mean we can't spend time together in the outside world.
When my family and I found out that I was Quirkless my dad left us after a few months. He sends money for child support, but I never saw him again, he tried a couple of times when mom's business succeeded, and I started winning championships, but I knew that it was only for his convenience so neither my mom nor I wanted to see his face. So Genryūsai-san is the closest that I ever had to a father figure, so I wanted to keep my relationship with him.
For the next few days, we sparred a lot if it was like 15 years ago the training would look like a horror movie but now look like a battlefield, with the years of training I can fight him without getting several injuries and I can wound him but at the end of the day, he keeps winning for his several hundred of years' experience.
"Well young Izuku it's time for you to return to your world" Said Genryūsai-san with a smile
"Great, I can finally show my progress to Katsuki, Kenshin and Kenichi, they will be surprised that a now have powers, oh by the way Genryūsai-san we should go to my mom restaurant to celebrate the end of the training, I want to introduce you to my mom since you helped my a lot and show me a whole different world, I know you two would get along," I said with a big smile
But Genryūsai-san only made a sad expression "Young Izuku, you are the only one returning, I can't go with you"
"Why? Are you going to another world so soon?" I asked with a confused face.
"You see young Izuku the purpose of my existence was to find the wielder of your spear and train him, but since my purpose is complete, I will disappear"
"Why? You still have a lot of things to teach me, I can not defeat you so you can still train me, there is no reason for you to disappear!"
"Well you see my work was to guide you in your path, I thought that it will take you at least 100 years but it only took you 15, so I couldn't be more proud of you," Said Genryūsai-san with a gentle smile.
"So, I killed you, if I didn't exist you would not have to disappear, and even worse after you meet me your lifespan got shorter, if it wasn't for me, you could still live," I said with tears falling from my eyes.
"Don't you dare to say that again Midoriya Izuku!" Yelled Genryūsai-san with an angry face.
I was surprised since this is the first time that Genryūsai-san used my full name, and more surprising is that he yelled. In all these years he didn't even raised his voice.
"But Genryusai-san-"
"No buts young man, this is a will of the universe, the universe wanted that you use the spear and made me train you, To begin with, I'm not even a living being, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't even exist, so don't be sad Young Izuku for someone that it's not even a person just a tool of the universe." Said Genryūsai-san with a calm voice
"You are wrong Genryūsai-san," I said with a low voice.
"Where I'm wrong Young Izuku?"
"You are living being Genryūsai-san, you bleed like any other, you smile like a person, you feel sad, you have things that you like and dislike, even if you say that it was your purpose you could have been cold to me and act like it was only a task to you but you always treated me with kindness, when you knew that I was feeling sad for not seeing my family and friends for a long time you cheer me up every time, you share the experiences of your life when you could just keep silence, you believed in me and helped me to become more powerful than I would have been, you helped me to become a better person." I paused a little bit to contain my tears
"So don't you dare to say that you are just a tool of the universe, you are a person, my teacher, and the person that I respect most in the world, so please don't say that you are just a tool!" I said as I couldn't keep my tears from falling anymore.
Genryūsai-san just looked at me with a complex expression but didn't say anything. But I could see his eyes turning red with a little moisture.
"It seems that even an old man like me can learn something, it makes me happy that I could be a person in your eyes young Izuku, at least with this I can be happy" Said Genryūsai-san with a smile.
"Is there any way for you not to disappear? I said hoping that there is at least one way
"Sadly, there is not, but don't be sad young Izuku, I lived thousands of years already so it's time for me to rest"
"Is there anything I could do for you? You give me so much, but I have never done anything for you, so please tell me if there's anything." I said to Genryūsai-san
"Well, there is a thing indeed, you see I never had children or grandchildren, so if it's possible can you call me grandpa?" Said Genryūsai with a warm smile.
"Yes, I would call you grandpa from now till the end of my days, Grandpa Genryūsai," I said with the biggest smile trying not to cry.
"Very well, as you are my grandchildren now, I want to give you the last present not as your teacher but as your grandparent before leaving" Said Genryūsai with the warmest smile he had done in his life as he took a bottle from his pocket.
"In this bottle, there are 12 pills similar to the spirit king pill but the effects are not as good as the one you take, they can use the Reishi, Reiatsu, and Reiryoku but in a limited amount, but since there are Quirks in your world this can help them a lot to the people you gave the pill, and the other present I want to give you is.." Grandpa Genryūsai said as he removed the katana from his waist. "I know that you like spears more but please take my katana as a memento that I was once here"
And as soon I took the katana, Grandpa Genryūsai started to fade.
"It seems that our time together is over, remember to always follow your heart and do what you think is the right thing, I know that your dream is to become the number one hero in your world, and I know that sooner or later it would happen, I believe in you my only grandchild," Said grandpa Genryūsai with a smile
I hugged grandpa Genryūsai "I will do it, grandpa I will become the number one hero and make you proud, so you can rest now grandpa, I hope that the universe let me see you in the afterlife," said trying to hold back my tears.
"Goodbye Izuku," said grandpa Genryūsai as the light enveloped us.
I woke up in the backyard of my house holding grandpa Genryūsai katana in my hand. I stood out of the ground and hugged the katana and the tears I was holding back started to flow like waterfalls. "Grandpa Genryūsai, Grandpa Genryūsai"
After a while I calmed myself since Grandpa would not like that, I keep crying all the time. First, I would put the katana in my room since I can't be on the streets with one, then I want to go with mom since it's been a long time since the last time I saw her even if for her was this morning.
I put the katana on the pedestal I previously used for my spear. I leave the house and go to the center of Musutafu where my mom's restaurant is but then I saw a crowd of people looking at something. I went to see what was happening and saw something that infuriated me.
The same slime bastard that tried to take over my body scaped from All Might and now is trying to take the body of a pink-haired girl around my age, but none of the pro Heroes present is trying to help her. It seems that they don't do anything because their Quirks are not useful against the slime.
"It seems that I need to take this issue on my hand," I said and started to run towards the slime.