Chapter 11: Change of Fate

"What the fuck! Who are you!!" Katsuki screamed

"It's quite rude to listen to other people's conversation," Said All Might shaking his head.

"Calm down Katsuki, he is All Might" I said, I could sense that his presence was the same and that strange thing was in him.

"Who cares about that, there's no way that you're that All Might bastard!" Katsuki yelled

All Might sighed "Look, young man, I'm really All Might. This is my true form." He lifted his shirt and showed his stomach. "Disgusting right? I got this injury when I fought a powerful villain 5 years ago. My respiratory system is in shambles and my stomach was totally scooped out. My face is emaciated and haggard. I have had too many operations and complications. Currently, I can only work as a Hero for a maximum around of 3 hours a day. This is my limit.

Katsuki didn't know what to say and only stared at All Might's wound.

"5 years ago," I was trying to remember the events that happened that time around "Is it that when you fought the S-class Villain, toxic Chainsaw?"

All Might laughed at that" You know your stuff, but I wouldn't let a thug like him take me down, it was someone else… someone much dangerous."

"What I told you and what you have seen it's a secret only a few people in the world know it, so I ask you to never reveal this to anyone." Said All Might with a serious expression.

"Well, it's not like anyone would believe us even if we say that All Might is getting weaker and look like a skeleton." Said Katsuki unusually quiet.

"Don't worry All Might your secret it's safe with us" I said still impressed about his injury wondering who was that strong to give him an injury like that.

All Might smiled "Well like I was saying before the young Bakugo interrupted, I own you an apology young Midoriya, told you that you can't be a Hero with the excuse that you are Quirkless, and a Hero always put his life in the line" All Might made a grin "But earlier when the slime Villain took a hostage when no one reacted to help. You, a Quirkless young man, rushed ahead to help someone in need! That really moved me!

I didn't know what to say at All Might words. "There's something that is said about Top Heroes when they were still students… Most of their stories are linked by the following line: 'My legs moved on their own before I could think'. And you did the same thing!"

All Might smiled "So young Midoriya, one of the reasons I'm here is to tell you that I was wrong. You can be a Hero!"

I just smiled at All Might's words, even if I already know this since the moments before I went to the other dimension and met grandpa Genryūsai. It's a nice gesture from him to say this.

Katsuki only made a mocking expression like he was telling "I told you so" at All Might words.

"That's why I think you are worthy to inherit my strength."

"… Huh? I didn't know what he was talking about and looking at Katsuki's face he is not better.

"Ha! That expression is a gag!" All Might laughed. "But jokes aside, I'm going to tell you about my Quirk, many people had theorized about what my Quirk actually is, and most of the people think that is just some generic boost of super strength. I always evade the topic with some jokes whenever it comes up in interviews and the like"

"My Quirk is a power like the sacred torch of legend. That comes passed from one bearer to the next" Said All Might with a dignified expression.

"It's a Quirk that you can inherit!? And the nerd inside me that had been locked in for a long time was released "It's certainly the case that the nature of All Might's Quirk is highly debated as one of the Seven Great Mysteries, but a Quirk that's inherited? I've never heard of such a thing not even in the most fanciful conjecture and why? Because recorded history no trace, not the slightest inkling it could be possible. Everyone has their own individual, inborn traits which make up the fundamental factor which they may establish themselves, and that is precisely the reason they exhibit special-"

"Shut the hell up you damn nerd! You are doing it again!" Katsuki said with an annoyed expression.

"Jeez, kid! Don't immediately dismiss the possibility" All Might said

"Sorry, a bad habit of mine hahaha," I said with an awkward smile. Well, if you take into consideration my situation it's not that weird that something like All Might's Quirk exists.

All Might just sighed" Well like I was telling, my Quirk is the power to transfer power, one person cultivates the power, and that person grants it to another and again it is fostered and passed down and the cycle repeats, and the name of this power is One For All and this the power I want you to inherit"

I was shocked to my core by the implications of what All Might said. If he asked me this question before meeting Grandpa Genryūsai, I think I would have said yes after thinking a little bit. But now it is a completely different story.

After training 15 years with Grandpa even if my physical strength it's not as big as All Might's, it was never my objective to have that amount of physical strength but I'm sure that at least I'm as fast as him. Besides I feel that All Might power is not as simple as just passing power, I can feel something inside him something that should not be in this world.

Katsuki was losing his patience" What are you thinking nerd! Just accept the damn Quirk. If I can beat you who have All Might's Quirk, then it means I can also beat All Might!" Katsuki said trying to encourage me.

After thinking for a little bit more I look at All Might's eyes "All Might-san I'm honored that you think so highly of me and decided that I'm worthy of inheriting your Quirk" I paused for a moment "I'm sorry but I must decline your offer." I said with a firm resolve.

Katsuki and All Might couldn't believe what I just said.

"Hey, toothpick! are having a stroke or something? Said Katsuki very confused.

"May I ask why you decided to not inherit my Quirk young Midoriya? Are you still angry at me?" Said All Might with a very complex face.

I ignored Katsuki and looked at All Might "I'm not angry with you All Might-san, I know that asking you that question was unfair for you. You just knew me for a couple of minutes so you needed to say what a responsible Hero should say, so don't feel guilty about that" I looked at Katsuki, Since I know that he was very angry at All Might words. "But to be honest with you, I know that inheriting your Quirk is not only taking your power. It's inheriting your place and that something that I can't, and I don't want to do"

"Don't get me wrong, I respect you a lot and all the things you have done, you're the symbol of peace, the man who ended a chaotic era and made the Villains tremble in fear with your presence alone. The man that smiles at de adversity and gives hope to every person in the world." I changed my gaze to the sky and extended my hand "But that is a path that has already been walked. I want to make my own path and be myself, not just 'the next symbol of peace or 'All Might's successor'. I want to show everyone that supports me all these years my way to becoming a Hero" I said as I smiled at All Might

Katsuki and All Might went silent again. All Might just looked at me with a surprised expression on his face and smiled. I think he was surprised by the fact that someone at my age had this kind of conviction.

I clapped my hands to end the silence. "All Might since you shared a secret with us I want to share one with you," I said with a serious face and took out my blazar and rolled sleeves of my shirt, showing my tattoos.

"Nerd what the heck did you do!? Asked Katsuki very confused and angry

I just rolled my eyes "After I talked with All Might I went to my house and trained with my spear and after a while, I felt a burning sensation on my arms, and I passed out. After I woke up, I saw these tattoos" I waved my right hand and summoned my spear. "One of the tattoos bonded me with my spear so I can now summon or unsummon it wherever I want, also that bond made my body stronger. For the moment I don't know if the other tattoo has another function since I only awakened it a few hours ago."

All Might was surprised that I could awaken my Quirk at this age and that the Quirk was quite unusual but before he could say anything "Hahaha, a weapon-related Quirk for the spear madman, it like tailor-made for you. Katsuki was laughing like a madman. "Anyways congratulations Toothpick," Said Katsuki with a grin.

"Young Midoriya, I acknowledge your determination, so I won't insist that you become my successor. But I see great potential in you and young Bakugo, so I want to train both of you, even if you don't become my successor your words inspired me so I want to help you" said All Might with a smile on his face.

I waged the pros and cons in my head and quickly accepted All Might's proposition, even if I had a lot of fighting experience, but I had none at being a Hero and All Might be the number 1 Hero should be a great teacher, right?

After talking a little bit, we decided to start the training this weekend. Katsuki and I went to my mom's restaurant since we both are hungry and I really wanted to see her, but every time I try to go something interrupts me in my way.

"Oi Izuku, what are you hiding from All Might?" Katsuki asked me with a serious face. "And don't try to fool me, outside a fight you are a terrible liar"

I just sighed "Look Katsuki I will tell you everything tomorrow but now I really want to go with mom, so can you please wait?" I was planning to tell him anyways but it's a long story.

"Fine, but if you try to lie to me, I'm going to beat you to death," Katsuki said with a grin.

I smirked at Katsuki remark "Try if you can"