Chapter 12: The Truth

After walking a bit, we reached my mom's restaurant, saying that I was anxious would be a lie. After all, it's been 15 years. I opened the door and saw my mother. Seeing my mother after 15 years my eyes turned red and moisture started to form in my eyes, I could not hold back and ran to hug her.

"Izu-chan did something bad happen?" My mom asked worried since I never acted like this.

Usually, if I acted like this in front of Katsuki he would joke around that I'm a momma's boy or something like that. But weirdly enough he didn't say anything. Maybe he feels that is related to my 'Quirk' but since he doesn't know he just stayed in silence"

"Mom I awakened my Quirk" I waved my right hand to summon my spear, and quickly unsummon it to not make any problem inside. "I formed a bond with the spear that you gifted me 5 years ago, so it thanks to you that I could awaken it," I said with a smile to my mother. When we found that I was Quirkless my father left us, and my mom always took care of me and supported me, she tried to hide it, but I knew she was always worried about my future, and sometimes I found her crying for not knowing what to do. So, I decided to give her some relief.

My mom hugged me back and started to sob "Izu-chan, I'm so, so, happy for you, finally, your mother could do something for you, I'm so glad that you don't have to be judged by those stupid people anymore" and she started to cry more.

"Mom doesn't say that you always believed in me and supported me all these years, without you, I would be even a third of what I currently am," I said to my mom.

After a few more minutes we calmed down. I turned around to see Katsuki who was just checking his phone trying to give us some space.

"We should celebrate, Ka-chan please invite your parents to celebrate, also Izu-chan call your other friends, the more the merrier," said my mom with a happy expression.

I invited Kenichi and Kenshin since besides Katsuki they are the only male friends that I have. There are some mates from the dojos, but we don't talk outside the dojo. I wanted to invite Itsuka but she is outside town for a tournament so it can't be helped.

"Izuku it's awesome that you awakened your Quirk, and the best part is that is tailor-made for you!" Said Kenichi very excited.

"Congratulations Izuku, I'm very glad for you," Said Kenshin with a warm smile.

I smiled at them "Thank you both of you, it's a good thing that I could awaken it before the U.A exam"

"Indeed, you are lucky, you still have 10 months before the entrance exam, it's not a lot of time but good enough to gain some control and understanding of it," Said Kenshin nodding at me.

"If you need sparring partners, you can call us anytime," Said Kenichi with a big smile.

"Thank you, guys," I smiled at them. It makes me a little bit guilty it is not the right time to tell everyone the truth.

Katsuki's parents also congratulated me, Katsuki's mom was a lot like him, but his father seems to be a very quiet and shy person. I made a silent prayer for the man that need to handle two people with explosive personalities.

I ate a lot of my mom's food since it's been 15 years since the last time I eat it, in the other dimension I can make food from my memory it doesn't feel the same. I eat a lot of spaghetti alla carbonara, and even if my mom's restaurant doesn't make Japanese food, she also made me Katsudon since it's my favorite food.

We stayed till late in the restaurant and went to our respective homes after the party.

I went to my bed for the first time in a long time and just stared at the roof.

"Oi, are you going to tell me the real reason that you didn't accept All Might's Quirk? Shinso said in my head.

"What do you mean Shinsō? what I told All Might is the truth," I said with a smirk.

"Kukuku, maybe but not the whole truth, so what's the full reason?"

"Well, first of all, I'm sure that the people with a high position in the government or the Hero Association know about All Might's situation, and being selected as his successor would put all their eyes on me, so it would be annoying to be monitored by them all the time."

"Second, OFA is not just power, it represents all for what All Might represent but that is exactly the problem since All Might doesn't kill Villains or criminals. Some people deserve a second chance I won't deny it but also some people don't deserve it, like rap*sts and child abusers. They go to prison for a couple of years, get free, and would repeat the same thing."

"Third and most important, I felt that OFA is not just as simple as passing accumulated power, I could feel traces of different souls inside of All Might, if what I think is real, OFA also passes a part of its will to the next user. So, I don't want to risk it that the previous user's will, doesn't approve the methods that I will use in the future and become a hindrance"

"What All Might wanted is a successor a person who could be the next symbol of peace so receiving All Might's Quirk is not just receiving his power and making it my own, is to continue with his values and responsibilities."

"Indeed, if you said all of this to All Might he could think that you wanted to be some kind of Vigilante and could put you on a blacklist and I imagine that the reason you accepted his teaching is to gain some experience from the number one Hero and at the same time stay close to him when you reveal more of your power so the Higher-ups don't have any funny idea." Said Shinsō with an evil grin.

I smiled at him "You know me too well, even if I don't want to be his successor, I already know his secret so the higher-ups could try something, but becoming an All Might student resolve this problem and some in the future"

"Very well it seems that returning didn't make you softer," Shinsō said before returning to his room in my inner world.

Becoming All Might's student was just luck, but thanks to that I don't need to use other plans if some problem with the government occurred, maybe I'm being paranoid but with a secret as big as All Might, I need to be prepared just in case.

The next day I went to school, and I must say that it was more boring than I remembered, and I don't remember many people in my classroom, but that is to be expected after 15 years from my perspective and I didn't talk with them, to be honest. After the class ended, I went to register my "Quirk", even if my powers aren't a Quirk, I need to do it to not arise suspicion, I can only imagine how everyone would react if they discovered another type of power.

After a few moments with the doctor, I could successfully register my powers as a Quirk, they noticed that my body was more resilient than a normal one and that I had strange energy inside me. They theorized that the energy made my body stronger and made the bond with the spear. And as for the name of the Quirk, I just named it Reiryoku, and when they ask the reason, I just said that is because it reminds me of an old tale from the pre-Quirk era.

After leaving the hospital I called Katsuki to explain the whole situation, I asked him to meet me near the river where we used to play as kids. I arrived first since it's near the hospital.

"Oi, toothpick you better tell me the truth," said Katsuki after arriving.

I rolled my eyes and said "Well that the reason I called you, you need to sit down cause it will be a long explanation," then I explained to him all the things that happened after leaving All Might, going to another dimension, and meeting Grandpa Genryusai, transforming my body and becoming capable of using powers that aren't Quirks, training for 15 years and saying goodbye to Grandpa.

Katsuki was making an expression of disbelief "So you are telling me that you become the last user of a weapon that Shinigamis use and on top of that 7 forms of them and that you trained 15 years and here the time didn't pass? You know that this sounds like you are getting nuts right? "

I knew that he wouldn't believe me that easy, so I grabbed his shoulder and teleport us to the training grounds of the other dimension.

Katsuki was confused about the change of place so I started to explain to him "This is the dimension that I was talking about, here I can create things with an energy called Reishi" as I was saying I created a fountain. "This is where I trained 15 years, the tattoo of my left hand is connected to this dimension so I can come here anytime I want, I can create things that I have knowledge of, and the time spent here doesn't happen in our world so we could spend a thousand of years here and not even a second would pass for the others"

"Holy shit! So, all that bullshit was real! Damn is not a surprise that you rejected All Might's powers" Said Katsuki

"Well, this and another couple of reasons, but I'm surprised that you are not calling him bastard or other names" I said quite surprised.

"Well, what you said to him yesterday makes sense to me and he properly apologized, and he even bowed when you never ask for it, so at least I will show him some respect until he does something stupid," Said Katsuki

"Very well but putting aside All Might, I told you the whole story because I trust you and I know that there is no way that you are going to tell anyone of this," I said to Katsuki giving him a mild smile.

"The hell I would tell anyone! There is a lot of greedy bastards and if all works like you said, the moment anyone knows this they are going to hunt you to use you, and if they don't catch you, they are going to take anyone related to you to lure you to them" Said Katsuki

Many people think that Katsuki is not smart because of the way he expresses himself. But I can guarantee that he is one of the smartest in our age group, maybe he doesn't have much theoretical knowledge, but his reasoning and critical thinking are very high.

"You are right Katsuki but since only you and I know it for the moment there is no risk" I assure him.

Katsuki lifted his eyebrow "For the moment? Are you going to tell it to more people? I hope you are not thinking in All Might"

I started to laugh at Katsuki words " Hahahaha, there's no way in heaven I will tell him about this, he is a good man but too good for his own good if I tell him about this place I'm sure he is going to tell it to at least one person in the higher-ups., so he is a big no, in the future I want to create a group of Heroes with people I can trust, you and I know that many people are corrupt in the Hero society so I need people of trust, and by I far margin you are the one who I trust the must so I want you to join my team, you can say no if you want by the way" I said ensuring Katsuki that he is not obligated to join.

" Hahahaha and missing all the fun? No way! I knew that someday you were going to do something like that, and you are right there is a lot of corruption in the Hero society, so it's hard to know who trust in the future, but I know that it's more probable that the hell freeze that you become a corrupt Hero or doing some shady shit" Katsuki said

I smiled at Katsuki, we were planning to become Heroes from a young age, and we investigated a lot and we found out that being a Hero is not all glamour and that not all Heroes are good people but the government covers their shit. Katsuki also thinks that there are people that should not have second chances.

"So, there are other prospects for the team?" Katsuki asked.

I nodded at him "I'm thinking about including Kenichi and Kenshin, we knew them for a long time, and with their past, we know that they are not naïve like many people of our age"

"Well it makes sense to include them, we should start talking with them giving some hints about this, and look if they are interested," Katsuki said

"Yup, in the worst-case scenario they will just say no, but I highly doubt it," I said remembering their past.

Katsuki made a weird face thinking about them. "Well let's check in this couple of weeks," he said trying to change the subject.

"Very well, but first I think we should train together in my free time training I thought of many ways that you can use your Quirk, but before that, I need to prepare a couple of things, so we can start the training in 2 weeks and at the same time very if both of them want to come in," I said to Katsuki