The past week and a half were exhausting for saying the last, even with my improved stamina the number of things to do is a lot. I exchanged a few favors with some influential families of the kids I trained before, lucky for me they didn't ask for much, they just wanted me to do a proper training routine and to spar with them a few times in the coming months, this was because they knew that I was going to take the U.A entrance exam and I just wanted a tour in the installations. I kind of felt guilty but since I don't want to make money with the information, my guilty lessened.
And with my search with material I was pretty successful since one of the parents knew that sometimes I participated in contests he sold me some of the materials that aren't patented so the number of raw materials that I have increased a lot. I also raided some clandestine suppliers of support gears; it was pretty easy with the combination of Bakudō #26. Kyokkō and Bakudō #27. Shōkō that makes everything silent around the user and in conjunction with being capable of transporting everything to another dimension, they never knew who had stolen from them.
A.N/ Bakudō #27. Shōkō doesn't exist in the bleach cannon I made it.
The chemical compounds needed for making the regeneration serum were harder to get so I decided to just make them from zero since I had the information of the procedure to make them so I just needed the basic chemicals that were many times easier to get.
And besides work, I talked a lot with Hatsume-san about how to make support items and exchanged some ideas about some support items that we wanted to make. She is a very funny person to talk with and she is very passionate about everything related to support items. Sometimes we could talk about it for hours. I also discovered that she wants to enter to U.A but in the support department, and I think she would easily get in. She invited me to her house to help her with a project, I accepted, and we decided to meet the following weekend of the next week.
"Katsuki, I wish you could have seen the support facilities, they were amazing they have textiles that felt very soft but were highly resistant against fire and cuts. In another place, they were workings in the development of a better expandable cloth like the one Mt. Lady use in her costume and…" I said letting my bad habit take control of me.
Katsuki couldn't handle anymore "Shut the fuck up you damn nerd! You found a lot of things about how the Hero costumes are made I get it, but I don't understand half of what you are saying if you talk that fast you damn idiot!"
All Might started to laugh "Ha ha ha, Young Midoriya I didn't know that you were such enthusiastic about support equipment and Hero costumes."
"Sorry, old habits die hard, but yes I was always interested in that because I was Quirkless and I thought that I would need more help in the future, I even made some support gear for myself, like a grapple shooter to help me climb buildings, boots with iron soles, and some gloves to improve my grip. Bus since I awakened a Quirk, I wanted to get expand my horizons to know what will be better to complement it." I said telling half-truths since I could not tell him that I was scanning the machinery and gears to make my suit.
All Might was astonished by what I was telling him "Hahaha you really are a jack in the box young Midoriya, and you're lucky by the way. One of my best friends in the world contacted me a few days ago and invited me to I-island to an event held there in two months, so you and young Bakugou will go with me, and I will ask him to let you tour in his lab"
I know that is impossible, but I can swear that in my eyes stars were appearing.
"What the hell is I-island? And who is your friend old man Yagi?" Asked Katsuki not knowing what All Might was talking about.
"I-island is an artificial moving island inhabited by over ten-thousand scientists conducting research on Quirks, also is one of the few places where civilians can use their Quirks without the need of a Hero License." I explained to Katsuki "And if I'm right, Yagi-san friend should be David Shield, he was All Might sidekick when he was in the United States and made all of his Hero costumes"
"You're very now your stuff young Izuku, you are right about everything after I leave the U.S.A we maintained our friendship and but since both of us were busy with work we could see each other for the last couple of years, but since this is an important event, I surely will attend, and both of you will go with me"
I was excited, I-island was literally the best place for research in the world and if I can scan the equipment there, the thing I could potentially do in the future will increase by a lot. Also, the time is perfect since I have another trip the next month.
"Thank you very much Yagi-san, with this opportunity my horizon in the support area will increase, also the time is very helpful since I need to make a trip to China next month," I said to All Might with I big smile.
"Why are you traveling to China young Izuku? Is there a tournament there?" Asked All Might.
"It's somewhat similar, it's more like an exhibition held by the International Martial Artist Association where they invite many martial artists around the world, there are many exhibition fights but the main reason is to encourage the competitive spirit of everyone for the international tournaments, every year the place where the exhibition is held change, the first time I was invited was held here, last year was in Mexico and this year is in China," I explained to All Might
All Might almost have his jaw on the floor by the surprise. "Young Izuku so that means that you are considered one of the best in the world? Every time I think you can't surprise me anymore; you exceed all of my expectations"
I know that after he found out that I had won the biggest national tournament, All Might was researching more about martial arts. So that is the reason why he is so surprised, be personally invited by the International Martial Artist Association means that you are recognized as one of the very best in the world, not all the national champions are invited since sometimes they win by being lucky, and other are always invited since they only participate on international events.
"You flatter me too much Yagi-san, I never competed on an international level so I can't call myself one of the best. I smiled at him and scratched my head. But I just was being modest if it was before training with Grandpa, it would be true, but now at least in one-on-one fights, I don't think there is anyone more skilled than me since I trained 15 years almost every day with someone that had centuries of battle experience.
"Just accept a damn compliment, you damn toothpick bastard!" Katsuki said with an annoyed face.
"Okay sparkles, but anyway I have several invitations to the exhibition, if you are free you can accompany us, it will be fun, besides Katsuki, Kenichi, Kenshin, and my mom would go with me," I said to All Might.
"How long will the event last?" All Might asked
"Just a weekend, we will fight to China the Friday morning and return the Sunday on the afternoon"
"Very well I will try to clean my schedule to go with you," Said All Might as he smiled.
"Oi nerd, today are we talking with Kenichi and Kenshin?" Katsuki asked
I nodded at Katsuki words "Yup, its time already since I almost finished with the basic things that I need"
We went towards Kenshin and Kenichi's classroom to look for them.
"Oya, Izuku-kun, and Katsuki-kun it's nice to see you guys since lately you have been busy -de gozaru" Said Kenshin with a warm smile.
"That's right, both of you what is happening that you need to go immediately after the class ends? Asked Kenichi.
"I'm sorry guys both we been making preparations for something we came to talk with you," I said apologizing
"Oi Kenshin why the hell are you talking more polite out of the sudden, are you mad at us?" Asked Katsuki somewhat annoyed
"I'm not mad at you guys, but lately a had been spending more time with my grandfather so I unconsciously started to speak like him -de gozaru" Kenshin said with a shy smile.
"Leaven aside Kenshin way of speaking, what do you mean by making preparations? Asked Kenichi a little bit confused.
"We can't talk about that here, so please come with us to a quieter place," I asked both of them.
They nodded at me, and we go out of the school and walked towards my house since at this hour no one would be there. I talked about random things that happened this week. After we reached my house, we went directly to my room.
After getting comfortable I looked at Kenshin and Kenichi "What I'm about to tell you guys can never leave this room since the only people that know about this are Katsuki and me, the only reason I'm telling you is that I trust you and know you for a long time so I know that you will never reveal my secret" After I said that I cast Bakudo #27. Shōkō in the whole room just to be sure that no one will hear this.
"Don't worry Izuku-san we will never reveal your secret" Said Kenichi with a big smile.
"Kenichi is right I would rather commit seppuku than betrayal you trust – de gozaru," Said Kenshin with a serious expression.
I smiled at them "I'm sure about it" I knew that Kenshin way to express was rather radical, but he is like that "You see, I told you before I awakened my Quirk but that is a lie, I'm still Quirkless"
"WHAT!!?" both of them screamed in unison.
"But Izuku-kun you clearly show us how you can summon your spear and that your body also got stronger – de gozaru" Said Kenshin quite confused.
"That's right if you were still Quirkless that would be impossible" Kenichi supported Kenshin's words.
They were confused by my words, and that was understandable "I know that you have some doubts, I wouldn't believe it either if you asked me 15 years ago"
"What do you mean by 15 years ago Izuku-san? You're not even 15 years old." Said Kenichi more confused than before.
After that, I started narrating all the events that happened to me, how All Might tell me that I couldn't be a Hero, how in my desperation I wielded my spear and swore to become a Hero even if heavens didn't want, my meeting with Grandpa and transforming my body to wield my current powers, my years of training and how I had to say goodbye to grandpa.
"So, the only thing that I have left to remember him, is that Katana over there, he was my teacher and the person who inspired me more to become better," I said to them.
Kenichi was crying after hearing my last words with grandpa "That is so sad, why the universe would make him disappear like that it's not fair! "Said Kenichi with tears in his eyes.
Kenshin had a face hard to read. "Izuku-kun your story is hard to believe, but I know that you would make such a complex story just to make fun of us, so if it's possible, can you take us to the dimension you are talking about? – de gozaru"
I nodded at him and asked everyone to touch my back. After everyone was making contact with me, I teleport us to the other dimension, and in less than a second, we appeared in the training field.
"Wow it's so cool, Izuku-san can you really make everything you want except for leaving beings," Asked Kenichi very excited.
"As long as I know the structure and functioning, I can make it," I said to Kenichi
Kenichi was still excited about everything, but Kenshin was still in silence.
"Excuse me Izuku-kun, I appreciate your trust in telling us your secret, but I assume that there's a reason for you to do it – de gozaru" Kenshin asked
I smiled at him "As expected of you Kenshin that's indeed true" I paused for a second "What do you think of forming a team?"