Chapter 15: Determination

"Making a team? -de gozaru" Asked Kenshin

"Yes, I want to make a Hero team with people I can trust, the four of us know that there's a lot of corruption in the Hero society, there are many so-called Heroes that are worse than some villains, but the government and the Hero Association covers their shit to not generating polemic. Also, I know you are aware that thinking that everyone deserves a second chance is a naïve way of thinking, since there is scum that make evil acts, they spend some time in prison and when they finally get freedom back, he starts over again."

Kenichi and Kenshin only looked down at the ground clenching their fist.

They know by experience that not all Heroes are good people. When they were younger their parents officially died in a villain attack, but the truth was that they were killed by a Hero. Their parents were pro-Heroes, they weren't very strong or high-ranked, but they always put the civilians' safety before anything.

One day they were got information that linked the pro-Hero Scarlet Night with human trafficking crimes. It seems that he used his popularity with the young woman to get victims that he would sell, but not before doing horrible things to them. But since it was a case that linked a pro-Hero with organized crime, they needed to do things very discretely since they didn't know if they have informants, so they just worked with a few other pro-Heroes that they trusted.

They investigated him and discovered the next time he would make contact with his "client". A Hero is always at a disadvantage fighting with bad people, Heroes always need to prioritize people, and that bastard used this for his advantage, he used the kidnapped women as shield making it harder for the Heroes to make a move. After a long fight the Heroes team could rescue all the victims, but their parents suffered very serious injuries, the doctors couldn't do anything for them, and they end up dying.

The Hero Association didn't reveal to the public that the perpetrator was a certified pro-Hero with the excuse of maintaining the order and not inculcating distrust in the Hero society. Their grandfather was infuriated by how the Hero Association wanted to change the truth, he wanted to tell everything to the public, but they 'talked' to him, so he didn't tell the truth.

"Izuku-san you know what will happen if we do that, even though we certainly think that some people don't deserve a second chance, the hero association will label us as criminals if we kill villains!" Said Kenichi with worry in his voice.

"Calm down Kenichi, I'm sure that Izuku-kun wouldn't say this without having a plan -de gozaru," Said Kenshin with a calm demeanor

"You are right Kenichi in normal circumstances that would be the case, but I'm not saying that we start right now, this is a plan for the future we need to get influence in the Hero world, even if we can act as Vigilantes there a limit of what we can do while running from the authorities and also we need to change the system from the inside so we can stop all the bullshit from people behind desks"

"So, what is what you want to do for the moment if we decide to join?" Asked Kenichi.

"I want to train you guys, in the past couple of years in my free time, I had some ideas of how you can use your Quirks in different ways. Also, I'm confident that I can help your fighting skills to a whole different level." I said to them. Even if I want to do something I can't take them with me since they can be discovered because of their Quirks especially Katsuki. I have several ways to fight without using my spear so there's no problem for me to do some Vigilante work.

"Izuku-kun can you give us some time to think about this -de gozaru? Asked Kenshin

"Yes, there is no problem with that, do you want to stay here, or do you want to go back?" I asked them.

"I think it would be better thinking about this on the outside," Kenichi said.

"Kenichi and I need some time alone to think about this so that will be the best -de gozaru" Kenshin concurred with his brother.

"Very well, touch my back again so we can return"

After we teleported back to my house Kenshin, and Kenichi only stayed for a few moments after asking me some questions.

"Oi nerd do you think they will join us? Asked Katsuki

"I'm pretty sure they are, they hate how the Hero Association does things, also I know they trust us very much since they told us about their parents. So, you don't need to worry"

Katsuki nodded at my words "Fine then when are we going to start the training?"

"If all the things go well at the end of the week but if Kenshin and Kenichi haven't said anything we can just delay the training a little bit more, besides I need to do some research before going again to the dimension," I said to Katsuki

"Seriously you need to give a name to that place it's getting fucking annoying to just call it 'the other dimension' or some shit like that" Said Katsuki

"You are right, it's getting annoying well I will just call it Seireitei," I said to Katsuki

"Why that name?"

"Well most of the buildings there are copies of the places where Shinigami used to live, and grandpa told me that was the name of the place," I said to Katsuki.

"Whatever, also I want to ask, do you have any other people that you want to get on the team?"

"I been thinking about it, I need to find more people that can help us whatever it is fighting crime, getting more influence and in the support area, even if I can cover the support area for the moment I can't invest all of my time there," I said to Katsuki. Even if I have 'infinite' time in the Seireitei it would be stupid of my part to focus too much time on that since my main ability is not in the support area.

Katsuki nodded at my words and made a mocking smile "Well if your girlfriend turns out to be worth trusty you can always include her in the team"

"Shut up we´re just friends and besides most of the time we only talk about support items," I said to Katsuki.

"Yeah a friend that you spend hours talking to and make a stupid smile every time you receive a message from her and I think that the girl is into you, just think about it she invited you to work on a 'project' in her house." Said Katsuki with a teasing smile.

"She just uses words that people can misunderstand and besides we only meet in person once," I said to Katsuki

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say"

After Katsuki stopped trying to tease me we talk about some people that I have in mind that even if we don't know them in person they could be very good potential allies.


Kenshin P.O.V

Sometimes I wished that the Quirk society didn't exist. I know it sounds hypocritical from a person that trains his Quirk every day but I don't hate the Quirks but I hate how people give too much importance to the Quirks like if everything that mattered was the Quirk and not the person.

Quirks are more like tools that depend on how the person uses it either to do good things or bad things, but in the current times a person with a powerful Quirk would get preferential treatment since he has a 'bright future', a person who has a 'villainous' Quirk always would get treated badly because they can 'become villains in the future and people that are Quirkless are treated like they are useless.

Izuku-kun is the best example that I can think of, he worked harder than anyone I know, he is much smarter than most of the people around or age, he is kind and a good leader by nature. But with today's society, just because he is Quirkless they treated him like he was less than others.

A couple of years ago we entered the 'Road to Heaven' tournament and he won becoming the youngest person in the tournament's history to win in our league. But instead of getting admiration he only got pity because it was a 'waste' that someone so talented doesn't have a Quirk. After the awards ceremony, we decided to celebrate Izuku's achievement, but we saw some Pro-Heroes coming towards us, I thought that they would scout Izuku-kun since he was the champion, but they ignored him and started to talk with Kenichi and me, saying that we have a 'bright future' and other things.

I was infuriated by their attitude towards Izuku-kun, he was the champion of the tournament, and this was supposed to be his moment but these 'Heroes' ignored him not even trying to be polite. We just ignored all of them since if that was their attitude when cameras weren't present, they were not worth our time.

So, when Izuku-kun called us to give us the notice that he awakened his Quirk I was very happy for him since now no one would look down on his dream to become a Pro-Hero and he would shout the mouths of every single person that said that his dream was impossible. But after that I could barely see him, maybe he was excited about discovering all the things about his Quirk.

After school Izuku and Katsuki came to my classroom and told Kenichi and me that they needed to talk with us about something serious. We decided to go to Izuku's house since no one is there at this hour. On the way, we talked a bit and he told us that he is doing special training and doing some research in support gear.

After we enter his room, he started telling us his secret and how his powers are not a Quirk. At first, I didn't believe him, but such a complex and detailed story would be hard to create and even if Izuku-kun likes to make pranks this doesn't match his style.

But when he teleported us to the place, he described all the doubts I had disappeared in an instant. But after a few moments, he asked us if we wanted to be part of his team. He wants to create a team with people he can trust since Hero society was corrupted and it would be hard to know who to trust. I agreed with everything he said but this was an important decision to make so I asked for some time.

"Oi Kenshin what do you think about the team Izuku-san wants to create? Asked Kenichi

"To be honest, his idea is very tempting, but we need to think very well before giving him an answer -de gozaru," I said to him.

Kenichi looked at me very confused "In what there to think about? What he wants to do is a very good thing and we know that he would not become a greedy scum like some Pro-Heroes."

"That's true but what do you think would happen when we start getting some influence to change the system and the people in command feel threatened? They will try to hunt us down, if everything of what Izuku-kun said is true with his help we can defend ourselves, but what if they don't come only for us? What if they target grandfather? – de gozaru" I said with a somewhat agitated voice.

Kenichi was stunned by everything I said and understood the implications of this. After that, we didn't talk on the way home and Kenichi went directly to his room and I decided to go to the backyard to practice a little bit to clear my head.

After a few moments of practice, I felt that something was off and that I am doing a lot of mistakes.

"Your mind is distracted so your movement execution is worse than usual".

I turned around and saw my grandfather looking at me. Even though he is old, he still has a strong body that imposes dominance. This should be expected of a former pro-Hero and a martial artist.

"I'm sorry grandfather -de gozaru"

"It's not normal for you to commit this type of newbie mistake, are you worried about something?" Asked my grandfather

"I'm just thinking about the future," I said to my grandfather.

"You know that you can ask me if you need some help"

I hesitated a bit before asking him. "Grandfather what would you do if you could change in a good way the Hero Association?"

"I would do it" grandfather answered without hesitating.

"But what if that could put at risk the people you care?

"Well that is simple, I would just become stronger so I can protect everyone. That is what I would like to say but I'm old and getting stronger at my age is difficult." He paused for a bit before continuing "But you still young and have all the possibilities of the world, so if you want to do something train hard for it, make sure that every decision you make is one that your heart tells you is the right thing to do." Said grandfather with a melancholic face.

I know why grandfather is making that face, he always regretted that he wasn't strong enough, that he needed to abide by the Hero Association demands even if he thought it was the wrong thing to do.

After my talk with the grandfather, I knew what was the right thing to choose so I went to Kenichi's room.

I opened the door and saw Kenichi staring at the roof "Kenichi let's join Izuku's team -de gozaru"

"But you said that…" but before Kenichi could continue, I interrupted him

"I know what I said, but grandfather told me to follow my heart and I decided to join Izuku's team so what do you want to do -de gozaru?"

"If you are joining his team, I obviously will follow you," Said Kenichi with eyes full of determination.

I smiled at Kenichi's determination "Okay since you are so motivated, let's make today's training 3 times harder -de gozaru"

"NOOOOOOO" Kenichi screamed at the top of his lungs.