Chapter 16: All Might's thoughts & Izuku's plans

All Might's P.O.V

"Oh My Goodness!" I was amazed when I saw young Midoriya fight in the 'Road to Heaven' tournament when young Bakugo told me that he was good I didn't doubt it since he could take down a villain almost without effort but seeing the video, I must say that I really underestimated young Midoriya fighting skills. He made no unnecessary movements and the way he uses his spear is majestic. By no means I'm an expert in martial arts, but in all my years in the Hero work I meet a lot of people that are well versed in martial arts, but young Midoriya is something else, he is only 14 years old and he reached this level like young Bakugo said he can take some pro-Heroes with martial arts alone, I can't imagine how good he would become when he gets older, this must be the reason of the Martial Arts Association to invite him to such a big event even if he doesn't participate in the international competitions.

But what impressed me more is that when I look for the videos of young Midoriya is that he doesn't only use the spear, in other tournaments he used a myriad of different martial arts and some other weapons that even if he was less skilled in comparison with his spear skills he still was very proficient in them. If this was in the times before the Quirks, there's no doubt that he would be one of the most famous people in Japan like the Olympics athletes back then. But because he was Quirkless he didn't receive the merits that he deserved. I remember my days before my teacher passed me One For All, there was some discrimination against Quirkless people but nothing like is now. It seems that the increase in people with Quirks made the discrimination against Quirkless people even worse since it's very weird to find them at this time.

But young Izuku didn't give up against the odds, he trained his body to become a Hero even if there was not a precedent about this. He could go to the wrong side by the treatment many people gave him, but this only become a steppingstone in his way and impulse him to become even a better person. He is a Hero at heart that would not hesitate to help people in need.

His heroic heart along with his fighting skills would be the perfect inheritor for One For All, but sadly he doesn't want this power. If it was a thing of being a little prideful this could change with time, but this is not the case with young Midoriya, he has his own aspirations and dreams and wants to achieve them with his own hands. This really motivated me to help him achieve his goals even if he doesn't want to be my successor, his eyes full of determination that can inspire anyone so I want to be part of his journey and see what he would bring in the future.

The problem that I currently have is that I don't know what to teach him, maybe I can fight with him, so he gets some battle experience but teaching him how to fight is out of the question, in my younger days I practiced boxing and wrestling but after getting One For All I could one punch many of my opponents so I got rusty in this area and with his abilities it would be hard to find someone to help him get better. He is doing training to make his body stronger, but he is getting stronger at an incredible rhythm, which maybe is one of the abilities of his Quirk, he told me that he has some energy inside him so maybe is one of his uses. Maybe I can give him some insight into the rescue area so I need to prepare a training based on this and so he told me that he lacks experience fighting with multiple opponents, so I need to find a way to help him, maybe I can introduce him to Ectoplasm since he also is a skilled fighter and his Quirk fits perfectly for the occasion but it would be better to introduce him when he gets in U.A.

"Hahaha teaching a genius is really hard"


Izuku's P.O.V

After Katsuki left my house, I started to check the plans for their training, one of the things I notice all these years is that Katsuki only use the sweat on his hand to make explosions but never in other parts of his body, so with proper training maybe he can use it on his feet to have better mobility and combined with footwork his speed could reach unbelievable levels. I don't want him to abandon his air mobility, so we need to find a way to combine his expositions in his feet and his hand for better stability.

With Kenshin, I want to teach him the breathing technique that I have to increase his stamina but combined with his Quirk maybe we can create a stronger version like the one Grandpa told me. Also maybe I'm not an expert with using katanas but with the years of fighting grandpa, I have some insight on it so even if I can completely improve his Battojustsu I can at least give him some pointers in other related areas.

With Kenichi, I would teach him my breathing technique to increase his already monstrous stamina to a whole new level, but I would only teach him the improved version once I complete it with Kenshin since Kenichi's talent is not the best teaching him an incomplete version would be stupid of my part. Also, I want to train him in Hakuda since it's very practical, and who knows maybe we can create a lesser version of Shunko.

But my main problem is that I don't know what to do with the pills that Grandpa gifted me, even If he said that could give them the ability to use some Reiryoku, Reishi, and Reiatsu, I'm more inclined that it would give them a boost in their Quirks. I trust them enough to give the pills to them but I don't know how much it would improve their Quirks so I don't know if I should give it to them at the start of the training or once they practice more with it.

And for me, I would keep my regular training and try to reach Bankai with my other Zanpakutō's but I highly doubt that I could achieve them since it's not a matter of training, but I need something to push the barrier. Well, I will focus on replicating the S.R.D.I. technology and creating my Hero costumes for everyone, but I seriously need to find someone that can take this role since I can't always do it, but that is easier to say than done. The only person that I know in the area is Hatsume-san and even if I get along with her, I can't trust her enough for the moment since I have only known her for two weeks. Maybe in the future but for the moment is a big no.

And for recruiting more people…. It will be difficult since I don't interact with a lot of people, maybe I could include Itsuka in the future but for the moment I need her to have more life experience since I'm pretty sure that her way of thinking would clash with the way we want to make things. And for someone from my outside circle, I have some people in mind like a man that I found on the internet, even if he does silly things to annoy pro-Heroes, he is not a bad person since he never harms people, from my perspective he only wants attention, but I need to investigate his past before I contact him.

There are some other people like a vigilante that I keep tabs on him, he is almost a rumor since he doesn't make many movements but reading some of the police reports his Quirks slightly reminds me of the Quirk of a certain pro-Hero that I don't like. I will do some research on him to verify if my hunch is right, and honestly, that I'm wrong cause it will make me hate that "Hero" even more.

I have more people on the list but for the moment I will keep just doing the research, maybe I will try to make contact with some of them after my trip to China is over.

Maybe some people would think that working with Vigilantes and a self-claimed "Villain" would be wrong or stupid since they could betray me or some shit like that. But in my opinion, most Vigilantes have my respect since they work as outlaws they don't have any of the benefits of the Heroes and only do it cause they think is the right thing to do and work on areas that the government and the Hero Association neglected but there is many times worse than Heroes since sometimes it seems that the government cares more about catching them than the Villains. The excuse that the government makes is that they could potentially harm citizens but a call bullshit to that. People may forget but in the chaotic era, Vigilantes were the ones that saved the lives of the people in danger and fought against the Villains after the Superhuman Registration Act, they implemented the use of a Hero License but not many Vigilantes liked that since they would need to register with his true name, and many could not do that because they gained powerful enemies.

And with the self-proclaimed Villain, honestly, it's hard to think of him like someone that could harm people, he is more like an attention seeker and uses the word villain to do it, but in all the videos that I saw he never once even tried to harm the Heroes, he uses his Quirk to stop their attacks and immobilize them, when he could give them some serious injuries. I can see that his Quirk is not the type that could be easily used so he must have spent a lot of time training it, maybe in his younger years he could use it very well. So maybe he tried to be a hero in some part of his life, but since his Quirk is difficult most likely the Hero schools didn't want him.

I sighed "It seems that I have to do a lot of background checks, what a drag but it can't be helped since they could be potential partners."