It's been a month since we came to train in the Seireitei, I decided to prolong the body training for the whole month since later it would be kinda difficult to just concentrate the training on body training, even if it was just a month thanks to the breathing technique that they now can control gives them more stamina and the springs that restored their body faster, they had a good advance considering the short amount of time, the weights that Kenshin and Katsuki are wearing are now 15 kilograms and the ones that Kenichi are wearing is 18 kilograms. But the main reason that I could think of their increase of physical strength is the constant exposure with Reishi particles in the food and the ambient, sure there are Reishi particles in my world but not at the same level as here.
A.N/ The exposure doesn't mean that they would get some power or anything like that its just that makes the body a little stronger.
I also had good advances in my experiments I could now recreate the regenerative serum 7 out of 10 times but it takes me a lot of time because I need to be very careful with the process but with more practice, I would be capable of doing it faster. Also, I could cultivate the Data-gathering Bacteria pretty easily, I can communicate with them in an area of 100 square kilometers, the only downside is that they only survive 2 hours outside the vial.
A.N/If you ask the reason of how he could advance this fast in the serum. It's because he only followed a "recipe", so it only took him time because he wasn't familiar with the equipment and how to use it. If he developed the serum from 0 it would take him who knows how many years.
"Now everyone this last month it's been very fruitful, your control of the breathing technique is very good and your physical strength increased a lot so its time that we start with the next phase of the training, but first please remove the weights" I said to everyone
"Finally, we are free from this shit" Said Katsuki while stretching his body
"Wow, I feel so light without them!" Said Kenichi with a cheerful smile and moving around.
"It feels very different know -de gozaru" Said Kenshin with a calm smile.
"Hahaha sorry for ruining your fun guys, but this is only for a moment since the next part of your training will be Quirk training and I can't let you train new techniques and ways to use your Quirk for the moment you are free from the weights." I said with a smile.
Everyone's faces turn ugly at my words.
"So who wants to go first"
Kenichi wanted to say something but before he could speak Katsuki interrupt him.
"I will be the first one. So don't get in my way" Said Katsuki with a grin.
Kenichi just sighed helplessly, and Kenichi just smiled since he didn't care who is going to be first.
"Very well Katsuki, first of all, I analyzed the samples of your sweat that you gave me, and to my surprise, my theory was right when the doctor told you that you could only secrete nitroglycerin-sweat from the palms of your hand but I discovered that your soles also secret nitroglycerin-sweat but in less quantity than the palm of your hand, so if we increase the quantity you can potentially create explosions from your feet." I said with an excited expression.
"And how the hell we are going to increase the amount of nitroglycerin I can create on my feet?" Asked Katsuki
"To increase the amount of sweat you create I made a pond with thermal water on the limits of the training field you are going to stay there to expand your sweat gland and with the time your body would react to this as a signal to increase the amount of nitroglycerin you create, and also you are going to do the same with your hands, first you are going to create a large scale explosion towards the sky and then you are going to plunge both of your hand in the water you would repeat this until you feel that you are about to reach your limit, this would help you to increase the scale of your explosions," I said with a serious face.
Katsuki grinned at the idea of being able to create nitroglycerin-sweat in his feet with this he would gain more mobility and speed and doing this training with his hands would increase the scale of his explosions.
"Okay, nerd you convinced me." Said Katsuki as he went to the area where the pond is.
"Now both of you, even if your Quirk it's the same the way you use it it's completely different, so first I'm going to say the common points, first your Quirk it's very malleable and has a lot of flexibility, but the main problem is that it lacks the ability to make wide-scale attacks similar to Katsuki or others wind Quirks but since both of you are close fighters is not much a problem for the moment and the best way to train your quirk is to use it in different ways to increase your control and flexibility, so first I'm going to teach you Hohō that is the footwork that Shinigami use and with enough practice we can recreate Shunpo using your Quirk," I said to the brothers.
"Izuku-kun are you sure it is alright to teach us the techniques that your grandfather taught you -de gozaru? Asked Kenshin with a worried expression.
"Kenshin is right, these techniques are the legacy that your grandpa give you, it okay for you to teach this to outsiders?" Asked Kenichi with a concerned face.
I smiled at their questions "It's okay guys, maybe these techniques are memory with my grandpa but I can't live in the past, beside you two along with Katsuki are my best friends, so I won't hesitate to teach you what can benefit you and make you stronger, also this is just the thing that both are going to learn, each of you will have a different technique to learn."
"First Kenshin, the breathing technique that I taught the 3 of you it's an incomplete version of the real technique, my grandpa told me that in another dimension there were people that used breathing techniques along with weapons to mimic certain elements of nature like fire, water, thunder, and wind. But the attacks weren't made with those elements it just replicates the qualities of the element. But if we combine your Quirk with that breathing techniques your power will increase a lot."
"I see so if we can re-create this breathing technique it would surely help me a lot to increase my strength and attacks repertory-de gozaru," Said Kenichi with a bright smile
"That right, I made some progress with this but I still need your help to adapt it to your style"
"Okay Izuku-kun I will do my best to re-create it -de gozaru," Said Kenichi with a determined face.
"And for you Kenichi, since your style is on unarmed close-combat I will teach you a technique named Shunko it's a combination of Hakuda the unarmed close-combat style of fighting of the Shinigami, and Kido the combat style based on spells. This technique drives an elemental Kido into the user's arms and legs. Obviously, since you can't use Kido, we will use your Quirk. With this technique, your strength and your speed will increase a lot. I know this technique very well so I can teach you and since you use something similar it shouldn't be much of a problem for you to learn it."
"Amazing, I usually use something similar but what you describe must be on a different level, yoshh I will do my best!" Said Kenichi with fire in his eyes.
I smiled at the determination that both brothers showed so I started their training. Katsuki can do his alone since it's something that can be done without supervision, even if Katsuki it's prideful he knows his limits and won't do a stupid thing that would harm his body.
"First, I showed both of the brothers the Hohō footwork and as expected for the two brothers they catch the basis pretty quickly, Kenshin with his natural talent and critical observation and Kenichi with his immense determination and incredible memory. They have some flaws but considering that they only started a few hours ago its very incredible.
First, I started with Kenshin training with the breathing technique since Kenichi wanted to practice a little bit more the Hohō footwork. With the help of Raikou, I showed him what I knew about the advanced breathing technique, I have the general idea, but I lack something, and I hope that with Kenshin's help complete the advanced breathing technique. We stayed 2 hours training and Kenshin understood the things that I knew and has giving some ideas of how we could complete it.
I let Kenshin take a break so he can digest all the information and think of more ways to use it and went towards Kenichi. I showed him my wind version of Shunko as slow as possible so he can understand how the flow of wind works around the body, also I explained to him the mechanism of the technique works. We stayed a couple of hours training, and he made some minor improvements, it doesn't surprise me since he is very diligent and since he used techniques with similar effects, I don't think it would take him a lot to do the first phase of Shunko.
After a little bit longer I called everyone to finish today's training, we went to the dining to eat, and since today was a very productive one I decided that only for today we could break the diet, and materialized a lot of my mom's dishes, like carbonara, pizza Margherita among other dishes and since Katsuki likes spicy food I made him rotini pasta with arrabbiata sauce.
After we ate, as usual, they went to the spring and I went to work in the lab for a couple of hours, since I was pretty close to having a complete understanding of how to create the regenerative serum, I decided to check what other useful thing I could recreate. I was interested in one item named Karakura-Raizer Transformation Watch. This watch lets the user to changes its outfit, even if the design of the outfit was bad in the archive, the technology was very good and I could just put my hero costume on the watch and have it with me all the time.
"It seems that I will be very busy," I said with a tired expression.