It's been two months since the Quirk training started, even if the main focus of these months was to train the Quirk, I didn't let them slack on the physical training. After 3 weeks of the Quirk training, they started to wear the weights again.
Everyone had amazing results in these two moths, Katsuki now can release small explosions from his feet that he can use to impulse slightly his speed and the strength of his palm explosion increased a lot, he also came up with new ways to make his explosion into a single point to reduce the area of impact. He also asked me to help him in his unarmed combat, so I taught him some techniques from Iron Fist, Krav Maga, Silat, and Hakuda, so his battle repertoire increased a lot.
Kenshin had a lot of improvement with the breathing technique, he created the basis for the breathing style he had the idea to incorporate the basis of the Thunder Breathing and Wind Breathing to create his own style the Storm Breathing, it still incomplete but we are still checking ways to improve it. The concept of this breathing style is to do the movement as strong and fast as the ones created by storms, it implements the channeling of strength in legs of the thunder style and the swift movements of the wind breathing, for the moment Kenshin is only focusing on battojutsu movements but he asked me to teach him some of the Zanjutsu that I knew from grandpa.
And Kenichi was the one who had the "easiest" time since he had similar techniques before we started the training, he was capable of using the first phase of Shunko but he still did not have perfect control over the technique, while using Shunko his clothes keep ripping but with enough time he would be able to overcome this issue. Also, he still can't use it to create large-range attacks but we still working on that. I taught him a little bit of Hakuda to increase his repertory.
"Well guys today we are leaving the Seireitei since the first part of your training is over," I said with a big smile to everyone, but no one had the expression that I was expecting.
"Oi Nerd let's stay a little longer here, I still have things that I want to do here," Katsuki said with a grin.
"Yeah, Izuku-san this place is perfect for training let's stay longer," Kenichi said while putting his arms behind his head.
"I support what they both think- de gozaru" Kenshin said with his usual calm voice
I just sighed at the words of the guys "Have you guys, forgotten what I told you before we came here?" I said with some mock " We can't stay for prolonged periods of time, if we do our perception of time will be a mess, also I need to return since I still have things that I need to do in our world, besides we can always come back anytime"
"It can't be helped in that case," Kenichi said shrugging his shoulder.
"Whatever I'll just train in another place," Katsuki said with an indifferent face.
"I get it, you must want to see your girlfriend after a long ti-" But before Kenichi could finish the sentence I released a little bit of my spiritual pressure. "I mean you must be wanting to gather more members for the team," Kenichi said with a panic expression.
Ignoring Kenichi I asked everyone to put their hands on my back. After we returned to our world they stayed a little bit and we decided to spar a little bit since it was early here and since I didn't want to destroy my house they didn't use their Quirks and I didn't use my powers. I used my wooden spear and Kenichi used a wooden Katana since it was just a spar, Kenichi and Katsuki didn't complain since this was helpful for them since it would give them more experience against armed opponents.
Everyone left after 6:00 PM and we decided to hold the next training session in the Seireitei after the trip to China ends. After a few minutes after they left to my surprise, my mom arrived home earlier.
"Izu-chan, I saw your friend near the house, were they here? My mom asked with a warm smile.
I smiled at her "Yes we were training the whole day since there are only less than 10 months left for the entrance exam of U.A."
My mom gives me a big smile "As hardworking as always Izu-chan, I know you're excited after having awakened your Quirk and passed the entrance exam but please don't overexert yourself." After saying that she clapped her hands "Ah before I forget, Kah-chan's birthday it's this Tuesday, so like every year I would keep the second floor empty to celebrate there, so is anyone else going to go besides those who usually come?"
I thought for a moment before answering to mom " Maybe the teacher who is helping us to train is going to come but I don't know since he usually it's pretty busy" I said to my mom, Katsuki and I told our parents about receiving help from a teacher for our training, but we kept hidden the fact that he is All Might since this wasn't our secret to tell.
My mom smiled at my words" That's good I've wanted to meet this mysterious teacher you've been talking about"
"Hahaha don't worry mom he is a nice man, you're going to like him," I said assuring my mom.
After chatting a bit, my mom made dinner for both of us and she told me how her day was and that she was contracted to the next weekend by a very rich family. She didn't tell me the name of the family but I would assume that they are very influential since my mom sounded very excited about this.
After reaching my room I searched for more information about the vigilante I was keeping tabs on and the self-proclaimed Villain.
"Hey kid, are you sure you want to recruit this Buffon for your team? I understand the others you want to recruit but I don't understand your logic with this guy."
"Come on don't be so hard on the poor man Raikou, he just wants some attention"
"But I thought that you hated the people that only want attention for their actions," Raikou said with a confused tone.
I narrowed my eyes "I certainly hate to some point the people that kind of behavior, but it depends on the person, there are people that only want attention without caring about the people and hiding their true self, that's the kind of people that I hate." I smiled "But there are people that are naturally like that, their behavior is just like that, but it is not necessarily a bad thing, for doing somethings you need the attention of the people, it just depends on what your intentions are, but in him, I don't see neither of these options, there is something deeper like he is desperate for attention as if he was asking for help"
"But at the end of the day, he is committing crimes even if they are just silly things, why do you want him in your team and why do you want to help him? Raikou asked me.
"You see even if I think that there are people that don't deserve a second chance it doesn't mean that there are no people that deserve it. I don't want to be just an executioner of the evildoers, I want to be someone that also helps people in need, and from my perspective, he's someone that needs help and has the potential to do good things, so that's the reason I want him in my team" I said to Raikou with a smile.
"I see, even if I don't completely understand it I will help you in your journey." Said Raikou with a proud voice.
The next couple of days were kind of the same except for the training with All Might ironically, he started to train us in using our Quirks. It was kinda funny since Katsuki has been doing this for the last 2 months and I didn't precisely have a Quirk, but I trained for 15 years to control my powers. I decided to show him a little bit of what I can do and showed him my Reiatsu slash, and he was very impressed with the results. We invited him to Katsuki's birthday party, and he told us that he will try to attend since he wanted to talk with our parents.
"Happy birthday Katsuki!" We all congratulate Katsuki at the same time.
"Thank you, everyone," Katsuki said with a plain voice.
Then Katsuki's mom hit Katsuki on the head. "Be more courteous to everyone"
"Don't hit me you old hag, I will kill you!" Katsuki said with an angry voice.
"Shut up! If you expressed yourself better I would not hit you damn idiot son" Katsuki's mom.
"You two… stop it… you are startling the guests." Katsuki's dad said with a concerned voice.
Katsuki frowned even more "Shut up, damn old man! Don't butt in!"
All Might made a frown "Young Midoriya they are always like that?" All Might asked with a worried voice.
I just smiled at him "Hahaha don't worry Yagi-san this is their way to show affection"
Katsuki's mom stopped yelling at Katsuki and turned to All Might. "I'm sorry for my idiot son bad manners, my name is Mitsuki Bakugo, it's a pleasure to meet you"
Katsuki's dad also greeted All Might "My name is Masaru Bakugo it's a pleasure to meet you teacher, and sorry for what you saw earlier"
"Hahaha don't worry, I'm used to young Bakugo manners, my name is Toshinori Yagi it's a pleasure to meet you" All Might said with a big smile.
After Katsuki's parents shared some greetings, my mom also reached to All Might's side "Teacher Yagi it's a pleasure to finally meet you, my name is Inko Midoriya, thanks for taking care of Izuku" My mom said with a warm smile.
All Might didn't respond to my mother and suddenly tears started to fall from his eyes.
"Are you all right Yagi-san?" Asked my mom with a worried face.
"Sorry Miss Midoriya," All Might said as he dried his tears. "You remind to someone dear to me" All Might say with a melancholic expression.
"Is that so? Well don't worry about that, it's a pleasure to finally meet the teacher that my son talks about" My Mom said trying to change the subject of the conversation.
Meanwhile, on our side, Kenichi and Kenshin had complicated faces. "Excuse me Izuku-kun, is he really teaching Katsuki and you, he looks very…" Said Kenshin with a complicated face.
"OMG, he looks like a skeleton, are you sure he can teach you and Katsuki? Kenichi said a weird perplex expression.
"Kenichi don't be rude at people- de gozaru" Kenshin reprimanded Kenichi
"Oi, bastard don't be disrespectful to old man Yagi." Said Katsuki with an angry face.
"Hahaha, guys don't worry he is very qualified, beside do not judge a book by its cover," I said with a grin.
Please read the creator's thought section.