Chapter 23: Common Sense

After Katsuki's birthday party everything was the usual, but today I'm going to Hatsume's house. I was leaving my house but my phone started to ring. I checked who was calling and it turns out that was Katsuki.

"Oi nerd are you going to that girl's house? Asked Katsuki over the phone with a plain voice.

"Yup, I was just leaving the house"

"Be careful" Katsuki said with a serious tone.

"What are you talking about? I'm just going to a girl's house, it's not like I'm going to raid a criminal storehouse again." I said with a confused tone.

"I still think that that was an idiotic move on your part but anyways I left something useful in your mailbox." Said Katsuki still having his serious tone.

I raised my eyebrow at his words and went to see what he left in my mailbox, I checked and there was a little box there when I saw what was I frowned my eyebrows " What the heck are you thinking you, damn idiot, what do you think that would happen if my mom saw this" I screamed at Katsuki.

"Hahahaha chill out, I left them after aunt Inko left the house, besides you can never be too careful, and who knows? maybe you can have some luck" Katsuki said without stopping laughing.

I just sighed at Katsuki's words "You should worry more about your love life instead of mine" I said with a teasing tone.

"And who said that I'm not dating someone" Katsuki answered with some mocking tone "But anyways you need to release some steam, do whatever you want with the condoms but don't give aunt Inko a grandson too soon, bye"

But before I could ask him anything he ended the call. "This bastard, I swear I will pay him back, well I'll just throw this into a trash bin in my way to Hatsume-san house"


On my way, towards Hatsume's house, I bought two cakes, since I didn't know what Hatsume-san likes I bought a chocolate and a vanilla one since they are the most common flavors. I arrived at her house, it's a white duplex house, and to be honest I thought that it would be noisy around since she told me that made some of her items here. To ringed the bell and waited but no one attended the door. I waited a couple of minutes and decided to knock on the door.

"Excuse me in somebody here," I said as I knocked on the door but before I got an answer.


I heard an explosion in the backyard, I entered from the side because I was worried that something bad happened. As I reached the backyard, I saw grey smoke coming out of a small room and near the door, I saw Hatsume-san laying on the floor. I ran to see if she was okay.

"Hatsume-san! Are you alright? What happened?" I said with a worried expression.

She noticed that I was here and got up off the ground "OOO Midoriya-kun you arrived! Hahaha don't worry it was just a small explosion" Hatsume-san said with a big smile.

'How in hell I should not worry about an explosion?!' I thought looking if she doesn't have any wounds. She's wearing a black tank top with workshop coveralls tied around her waist, and goggles on her head. After checking that she wasn't hurt I relaxed a little bit, but then I realized that I was looking too much at her.

"Sorry for entering without permission, but I was worried that someone had gotten hurt with that explosion," I said as I scratched my head hoping that she didn't notice it.

"Don't worry Midoriya-kun this happens at least once a day hahahaha" Hatsume-san said laughing

I was really concerned at her statement, but I decided to ignore it for the moment "By the way, in what were you working that caused the explosion?"

"I was working in the super cutee baby I told you before, I will show you.." Hatsume-san said before realizing that both of us forgot about the smoke coming out of the room.

I ran towards the room and found the extinguisher, luckily there was no major damage to the room except for the item Hatsume-san was working on.

"Hatsume-san you should rest for a bit, I brought some cakes how about we eat them while you explain your project to me?" I said to Hatsume-san with a slight smile.

"Ooo that's a good idea, I haven't eaten since yesterday hahaha," Hatsume-san said laughing

She told me that sometimes she forgets to eat as she is so immersed in creating support items, but I didn't think that she would forget it for that long. We went inside her house to eat the cakes, she went to the kitchen to prepare some tea, and I went to the from of the house to leave my shoes and put on a pair of slippers. I sited in the living room waiting for Hatsume and notice that there was nobody at home.

"Sorry for the wait Midoriya-kun," Hatsume-san said as she put the tea on the table and sit beside me.

'Too close' I thought "Hey, Hatsume where are your parents?" I asked her.

"Dad is on his job, and my mom went out with her friends, so we have the house for ourselves" Said Hatsume-san with a smile.

'Seriously, is this girl listening to what she is saying?' I thought to myself and tried to change the subject "I didn't know what you liked, so I brought one vanilla cake and a chocolate one, I hope you like one of these flavors" I said with a smile as I opened the cakes box.

After showing the cakes to Hatsume-san I saw that her eyes began to shine. "Thank you Midoriya-kun, chocolate is my favorite flavor!" Hatsume-san said as she grabbed my hands and smiled.

I saw Hatsume-san smile and my heart feels warm. I like this part of her, she always is cheerful about things that she likes, she is one of the most passionate people I have ever met, everything she does is because she enjoys it and never tries to use one of the social masks that everyone has since I started to get popularity from the tournaments and my mom's restaurant started to gain popularity many people started to try to get close to me but I always noticed that they wanted something from me, but looking at her smile I knew that this was something authentic.

"What a beautiful smile," I said without notice after looking at her smile.

"Thank you Midoriya-kun, you also have a beautiful smile" Said Hatsume-san without getting flustered.

Then I realized what I have said, 'What the fuck is going on with me? Come on Midoriya Izuku your mental age it's at least twice that of hers'. "Thanks, Hatsume-san," I said with a small smile "Well let's eat the cakes"

After the little scene that I made, we started to eat and talked about some random this that happened in the week.

"Hahaha your friend sounds pretty interesting, and our birthdays are pretty close" Said Hatsume-san laughing

"When is your birthday? I asked to buy her a present for that day.

"It was this Monday; it was the usual I went to have dinner with my parents and eat cake so it was pretty fun"

"Why didn't you tell me Hatsume-san? know I feel bad for not even congratulating you"

A.N/ To be honest it's my fault I have forgotten that Mei's birthday is the 18 of April hahahaha.

"You didn't ask" Said Hatsume-san with a smile. "And don't worry about that, you bought cake so it's okay," Hatsume-san said with a bigger smiler.

"If you say so, by the way, can you tell me what is the project you are working at?"

Hatsume-san's eyes started to shine "You see my neighbor is the Buster Hero: Air Jet so he sometimes let me see his Jetpack and I'm trying to make my own version of it."

"Amazing Hatsume-san, to be able of recreating a pro-Hero support gear you are something else!" I said with a big smile.

"Hahaha not at all Midoriya-kun I'm still a long way to be at that level, well let's go to the baby-making room to start" Said Hatsume-san while grabbing my hands.

'OMG, please someone teach her some common sense!' I thought.

We spend a couple of hours working on the Jetpack and to be honest I'm very surprised at what Hatsume-san could make in her own house without some fancy equipment. Well, she is very smart and works very hard to get better. She is talented but puts in more work than anybody else, I respect her a lot for that.

"Well the problem that we have now is that we lack some materials for the engine, but I can get them in a day or two, "I said to Hatsume-san. Even if I had materials in the Seireitei I didn't have the ones that Hatsume-san needed.

"Really? Thank you so much, but how much would be the cost of the materials? I don't have too much money in hand" Said Hatsume-san with a worried expression.

"Don't worry Hatsume-san, I would pay for this, treat it as a late birthday present if you want" I said with a smile.

"Thank you so much!" She said while she started to hug me.

I could feel a soft sensation in my abs and I could feel that my face was getting red so I distanced myself a little bit away from her "I will call one of my suppliers so please wait for a little bit." I said as I took my phone from my pocket. But then something fell from my pocket.

"Midoriya-kun something fell from you-"Hatusume-san said but stopped and her face started to get red for the first time.