Chapter 238 It's Win-Win

Today is Sunday. So he has time to do whatever he wanted.

Chen Ming spent about two to three hours. He was able to build a house successfully. with the cooperation of his group.

The house he built was a one-story house, about a hundred square meters wide. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms, one kitchen, one living room. Front porch with a usable area

Chen Ming, although his artistic sense could not be compared to Austin, was still able to design a house that was very livable. He contacted Yang Luqing to have his people help install the water and electricity system.

Which Yang Liqing did not delay. Immediately send his men to do as Chen Ming asked. Chen Ming said that when he was free, he would concoct pills for Yang Liqing.

The Thousand Plant Vines made Chen Ming surprised. The Thousand Plant Vines that he used to build houses. Its root went down underground. combined with the Sky Swallowing Grass causing the inside of the house to have a very good flow of profound energy