Chapter 239 Through skin

Chen Ming now walked into the the Yang Clan village. He didn't have much time to observe the village.

The village consists of houses that are somewhat in the traditional Chinese style. It is a beautiful wooden house. Everything was perfect it was ancient chinese style mixed with modernity.

Such as electric poles with wires connected to various houses The air conditioner compressor located on the balcony on the second floor.

Convenience stores that don't seem to belong to the place.

Chen Ming saw this but nodded. This was the village model he wanted in the future. He will used this style to improve his Chen Clan House.

His Chen Clan's house had to be like this. After that he will change the world.

Chen Ming, after walking for a while, he headed towards the house where Sun Yechang and Er Yang were. They should have woken up after being drunk last night.

Inside a house Sun Yechang was now lying on the sofa. He was very sluggish.