Chapter thirty-three

"I would therefore ask you to evacuate as many people as possible from your country if not all. And don't worry, the doors of America, Europe, Asia, and even Oceania are open to them. They will just have to choose the destination of their choice.


Mohamed Sow".

The Secretary-General of the Presidency of the Republic of Benin had just read the last passages of the letter sent to them by Moha that morning in the presence of the President of the Republic himself and some of his ministers.

_ Remind me why! demanded the president of his secretary.

_ He wasn't very specific. He just said that it was because of the bloody confrontations that are to come in the next few days, replied the latter.

_ And are we bound to respect and carry out his directives right now?

_ Your Excellency, the Supreme Alpha, and his men have already had to save many humans around the world. If he's warning us, it must be for our good. I don't mean that in a bad way.