"Hmm, actually I bet it's spanish," Manda mumbled. "However, I'm not very fluent in spanish. Only familiar."

This was bad. Very bad.

"I'm very fluent in spanish," stated Freya. "I grew up there, what a coincidence."

"But, Freya," I replied curiously. "You definitely can't read lips. Am I correct?"

"But I speak spanish," Freya assured me.

Manda nodded. "Yes, but I don't speak spanish. How do I transfer such an information from what I see to you?" Manda said emotionally.

"Oh, yes, you both are right." Freya chuckled after she finally knew the problem.

So, one of my friends could speak spanish, but she couldn't hear what was in the conversation. One could read lips, but not familiar with the spoken word. While I? Busy searching for a plan b. I was lost in my mind again and again.

"I know," I murmured within my thought. I immediately took a rubber band and attached a small tracking device on it. I pulled the trigger with one eye fixed to my target. Shotted!

"I already got a little recorder in a local man's jacket," I told two of my friends. "It's hard to stick it in a spanish man's jacket when someone's blocking it, so I choose the local man."

"I'm not sure it works, Suri," Manda hesitated while concentrating on her earphone. "There were only screaming of the band's vocalist."

Freya nodded. "Well, that's true. I don't know what they're talking about. I can't hear a word."

As the three of us tried to listen to indistinct chatter over earphones, the two white men suddenly disappeared!

"Bad," I exhaled. "Where are they going?"

No wonder my aim was to be called as international network dealers. They disappeared so quickly. "They may be at another customer's door."

"Let's find!" said Freya and Manda.

The three of us split up looking for Mr. Lion's presence. I guess that they were not Mr. Lion that Mr. Ferdy mentioned, they're just minions of him.

After fifteen minutes of separation, the three of us gathered at the center window in the room. The concert was almost over. The audience began to disperse slowly. The three of us were almost out of time.

"I can't find them anymore," Freya sighed breathlessly.

Manda wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Neither do I."

I nodded in dismay. "I can't believe they disappeared so quickly."

"I'm sure they're both connected to Mr. Lion. We just almost got them," Manda murmured and clenched their fingers. "Through binoculars, I could see the local man widen out his jacket, and the white man seemed to be leaning against the local man's jacket."

"They must be making transactions," I said a comment. "I think there are two possibilities. First, the local man was the last customer. But there's supposed to be a lot customers here, anyway. Because of that, the second possibility is the most correct."

"What is the second possibility?" asked Manda.

"Three of us being caught, they realized it, and they are starting to run away."

"The tracking device has GPS, right?" asked Freya.

"But I put it in a local man's jacket." I admitted. "And he's now gone."

"No problem. We could follow the local guy," Freya cheered.

Manda shook his head. "Don't tell me you're trying to collect the evidence."

"It's not a black mission, Freya," I snarled with a look. "It is not our capacities."

Freya rolled her eyes. "Whatever. If we do nothing, we will go home with empty-handed."

"Why are you so determined to win this mission?" Manda surprised.

"You want to have your name at morning ceremony, so your crush can hear that coming out." I laughed.

Freya pouted. "I'm not forcing you. I can go myself."

"Never mind," Manda clapped Freya on the back. "If you want to try, I'll go."

"Me too," I replied with a smile. "It's not because of you, but I just feel responsible for this unfinished mission."

"All right," said Freya excitedly. "Let's get in the car!"

As soon as I got to the car, I was thinking in case the local man noticed the tracking device in his jacket. "If the red point had stopped at the concert hall just now, he would have removed the jacket, which means we'd already been known."

Freya kept staring at the cellphone screen with a look of hope. "Look, Suri! It's moving!"

I smiled. "Good. Let's see where it leads."
