Taking Over 5

"Leo! You know sustaining spells from far away costs more mana! How are you feeling?!"


Leo responded to Yula's question, in honesty Leonard had to run here the moment he felt the magic construct he placed on Lenneza suddenly erupt.

He placed the construct when she was using clairvoyance. He couldn't help but rush here whilst keeping up the shadow wall and also to his newest made martial art, mimery.

It might be confusing to be a martial art, however, the dictionary on this world clearly states that Martial art is a movement of the body in any shape or form that also allows the user to bend the natural law to their use.

Bend Natural Law, that's exactly what his mimery does so it falls into that category. However, there are limits to that as its strength isn't what the user makes it out to be.

"Leo…" Lenneza spoke with a grunt, visibly grinding her teeth.

"Shut up for a moment and rest you idiot suicidal mage, you think overloading your brain like an esper was a good thing?"


Lenneza just slumped as she was being carried by Leonard, Walter on the other hand was shaking.

"Dude you good?"

"The… Sword aura was… it's draining."

Walter is enduring the damages done to him quite well, Leonard internally nodded approvingly, what a tough main character.

"We're near the halls."

Suddenly their running came to a halt, a man with blonde hair drenched in blood was walking in their direction, every single one of the group had their hair standing at the sight.

They can't move, fear drenched them like standing directly under a waterfall, they can't resist but only go along the tides with no control.

Thankfully, the man walked and ignored the squad. The moment the man passed by, they regained clarity and immediately knew that the man was Yuri.

They all left and went to the Banquet hall to get some reprieve after all that farce.


He was angry, all these years he had lived this was the hardest. Not that he didn't encounter any hardships, but there's a reason why the people call him the chosen one and the champion of war by the demons.

Yuri walked down the halls of the Academy drenched in blood, from the demons and terrorists that filled the education facility.

He was supposed to be here before all of these happened. But by some twisted fate, he was late. He can't be late. He could just jump and be there immediately, or even just think and he'd be there.

But no, Alexander found a way to make his life hard.

5 military-based, significant and strategic bases were seized by unknown forces other than terrorists and demons that he had to save. It took him hours because they all somehow got to some weapons that made them invisible to mana radars.

Hours. That's all it took.

And now children are dead, relics stolen and his mood is soured.

"Those fucking brats!"

Two men encountered him in the halls. Yuri immediately knew these were terrorists.

"Who do you work for?" Yuri asked calmly

"Fuck off you noble twa—"

A wave from his hand and the man's head painted the wall.

"I'm not asking again."

The other man looked at his companion, struggling to understand what just happened. When it clicked, he was given a moment of clarity to understand who this man in front of him is.


Then his hand fell off, but unlike a clean cut which doesn't hurt, this one felt like being torn apart like paper, the man just screamed in agony.

"Not the answer I asked for."

"Fuck you!"

Instead of giving answers, he just smiled defiantly. A moment in which he thought he could taunt the most powerful man on the planet, a chance that doesn't come by easily.

"Oh? Do I have to revive you over and over again to get an answer?"

"H-huh?! The chosen one dabbling in necromancy? What the fuck are they letting you walk around the streets if you're worst than us?" he just smirked.

However, Yuri wasn't even playing, he just smiled as well "Who's going to stop me?" as he slowly crushes the man's head. It popped like a bubble all avarice painting the floor.

"This is going to take a while" Yuri catches something in his hands, the thing glowing teal, shaped like a sphere with many roots. Yuri patiently placed the thing in the dead body of the man.

"Hans, or rather, Tian Mu. Rise from the dead."

Yuri commanded, and another head started to sprout from the body, with a scream filled with agony soon followed.

"Who do you work for?"

"Ugh… ugh— cough! Y-you're a devil!"

Yuri just raised his hand.


The squad soon reached safety in the halls. What they discovered is that there was already a rescue squad that immediately pointed guns at them, some mages too as some batons were aimed at them.

"Is this the rescue squad?" Abigail spoke

"Maybe?" Leonard replied, "Please use [Inspect] if you have to." He spoke, aimed at the mages.

Of course, caution is presented but cooperation is shown. Leonard avoided using him [Mana Eyes] since there are mages but he is sure by sense that these people are the real deal.

"Why only come now?"

"We tried stopping some people from claiming the school relic," Lenneza replied

"We also passed by Yuri." Added Leonard.

"Ah… this place is safe now." one of the rescue teams spoke.

The mages checked up on Lenneza, telling her that her condition is just some mental stress thanks to her trying to compete with someone of higher strength.

Whilst the rescue team is giving some comfort to others, Leonard eventually lets go of the shadow wall, his complexion getting better.

"Ugh… those demons—" Leonard didn't even manage to finish his sentence when the halls were abruptly opened with a slam.

Everyone felt the overwhelming presence that is being suppressed only to be failed to contain. Yuri walked into the room in silence, his footsteps reverberating.

"Is this everyone?"

"Yes, Sir Yuri."

"Good…" His eyes darted in place and looked at the dead children covered in cloth. Everyone could hear the grinding of his teeth. "Nobody would remember what happened today."

"S-sir?! Are you sure of using that?" The Rescue captain shockingly asked.

Yuri nodded and pointed at the kids "Those are counts and Viscounts. We can't let the media destroy the image of the sole Academy in the empire."

The rescue captain nodded. Yuri then raised a hand, and threads of different colours shot out like a bullet and reached in different directions. Then with no warning, everyone except the rescue team slumped.

"Ha… this is tiring." Yuri closed his hand as many threads went into the dead children, with a glow they breathed into life, seemingly into a miracle.

Though, while everybody slept, Leonard however…

[Influence to the soul detected. Negated]

Had to act and lay down his heartbeat raising. He wished it would all be over when familiar shoes appeared in front of him.

"I know you're awake."

Leonard just scuffled and sat straight seemingly embarrassed.

"How is this possible…" Yuri looked at Leonard curiously "You've been weird ever since I saw you in the Planes of Fate but now you're even weirder."

Leonard chose to be quiet, just taking the heavy gaze he was being given. He doesn't want more trouble than it is.

"What do we do sir?"

"I'll handle it." Yuri responded but his eyes still drilled into Leonard "Since my power got deflected… I can't use anything to your soul but it won't matter if I use a hypnotised spell right?"

Yuri raised his Index finger and tapped Leonard's forehead and Leonard felt sleepy "Ah there we go." Yuri said before Leonard closed his eyes.