Planes of Fate 1

With a ringing headache, Leonard woke up in a bed, the ceiling purely in contrast to his room with a well-decorated ceiling. 

"What happened…"

Leonard asked himself as he tried to remember what made him fall asleep, only to recall that dreadful night. 


His body jerked upright his heart racing as he remembered fighting some terrorist until he got knocked out by a strong one. 

'Damn! I shouldn't have held back!'

Deeply in Leonard's mind, he should've used his Mimery arts earlier to get them all to safety, he knew that if something happened to all of those noble children the Academy's reputation would plummet. 

The dissatisfaction of nobles is already evident in the academy; this will surely cause some rebellious factions to cause more trouble. As the timeline of the novel is already going haywire, Leonard is already having a headache trying to make things balance. 

If these cause a civil war Leonard would surely lose his mind. 

'If they did that while there's a demon ki—'

Then he slumped. 

"Ah right… It's… it's dead."

He slumped a bit then laid down on the bed, blinking a few times to realize that the demon king is once again dead. What was he preparing for? He thought. 

'Right! I was… I was going to… '


He forgot what and why he is living for. 


Lenneza woke up in a bed, a hospital bed. Her head hurts but it's merely mild that she can ignore it. She stood up, whatever happened in the academy will surely leak in the press. Questions about the Academy's safety and how come mere terrorists could attack them. 

Lenneza could already tell that the academy and the Royal family were altering some details, as there were no children who died since the rescue team came in time to save them. But some professors were not so fortunate. She could tell they will use their deaths as some noble sacrifice but that will not quell whatever mastermind is trying to make some discord within the empire. 

Whoever that is, it needs to be terminated. 

She sighed as the door in the room slowly opened. Two people came into her room, both with a Doctor and nurse uniform. 

"Hello, Miss Lenneza, may we ask some questions?"

Lenneza nodded, and the nurse and doctor sat down on the chairs already present in the room, after that the nurse passed a clipboard to the doctor. 

"Okay, miss, do you remember anything in the academy?"

"Please be specific."

"The day the terrorists attacked, can you recall the events?"

Lenneza was confused by this specific question but she told the events, from the start of the party to the terrorist attack. 

"... Then after that, the rescue team came in and helped us treat the injured and drove away the terrorists. That's how I recall it."

The doctor nodded and looked at the nurse "No traumatic outburst" then his gaze went back to Lenneza "Thank you for your input, does your body hurt?"

"A mild headache?"

"That's probably from the mental stress of using magic against a stronger individual."

"Ah, yes there were some mages along the terrorists hurling spells…"

"Right, your mind will be good if you rest it for another 6 hours."

Lenneza nodded, she was asked several health-related questions and answered concisely, she thanked the doctor and the nurse before they left the room. 

"I wonder how Leonard is doing."


The attack on the Academy was a few days ago, the number of accusations and dissatisfaction were many but were suppressed as the Royal family stepped in. 

No noble children died in that incident, only the adults did. Though that isn't a good thing. 

Funerals were made to honour the professors who sacrificed their lives to protect the children. 


"What do you mean, Leo?"

The whole Marchen Duchy with the exception of Lorraine attended the funeral, of course, Richard donated money to the families of the dead professors. 

"It's like my soul and my mind are disagreeing about something."

"... Huh?" Lenneza raised a brow. 

"Never mind," Leonard replied with a sigh. 

Leonard and Lenneza placed a flower on one of the coffins, he could see the crying wife of one of the professors. He could only 

'sigh, why are things even going this way?'

Leonard thought sometimes, was saving the children a mistake? To deviate Osbourne from his predestined fate? If he just was on the villain's side of this story would he avoid the terrorist attack and prevented the innocent souls of these men and women from perishing?

He sighed once again, at least the noble children didn't die. That would produce more disastrous results. 

Once the coffins were lowered the Family went back home, Lorraine stayed back at home since it's best not to involve her in the outside world yet. Terrorist attacks aren't the only things the Marchen Family had to worry about. 

"Brother! Brother!"

Lorraine came up to us and hugged Leonard first then Lenneza. 

"Isn't it supposed to be 'Brother! Sister!' than just repeated brother?" Lenneza asked, a bit of indignation on her tone. But her response was only a cheeky grin so she just sighed and hugged Lorraine. 

Lorraine was getting better at her martial arts, unlike Leonard, Lorraine was the first to make her own Martial art. It is Cubecraft's enchantment on her weapons and she uses the same mechanics in cubecraft to fight. 

That being pearl throwing, lava blocking, etc. She's very proficient at it when Leonard saw it. 

They went to their respective rooms, Leonard checking his computer. Now since the incident is done he has to continue where he left off. 

But before he could, a knock on his window alerted him. He moved his feet to identify the noise just to see a silhouette of a man on the other side. 

"Who are you?"


It sent chills down his spine. Why would this man come and see him? And why out the window? Despite that, he opened the window. Yuri walked in and sat down at it. 

"Leonard Marchen."

"W-why are you here?" Leonard asked with a hint of worry. 

"Simple" Yuri placed a finger in Leonard's head, he remembered, the children that died and those that perish, the reckless team he made to go confront the Terrorist that dared claim the Relic of the academy. 

"W-wha—" Leonard was confused

Yuri chuckled "I reviewed your Fate, You're quite the troublemaker."