The Demonic Realm

The world is divided into two lands. Senterra has two continents. But the two are still larger than Earth's landmass combined. The Demonic continent rests in the Southwest of the globe, according to scholars, while the Sapient Continent is in the North East. that is the reason why the Sapient continent received a full 4 seasons.

Although theoretically, the demonic continent could experience 4 seasons, thanks to Nue Mana accumulation on the continent, it piled up to miasma. All in all, there are three types of mana, Nue, Mid, and pure. Nue is a compilation of aligned mana, from air, fire, earth or any non-elemental mana, Mid mana is just 2 mana elements or non-elements together, this is the most common type of mana in the world.

When two mana types stayed together neither has a positive or negative impact, but more than that or less, and it will become Nue. lastly, Pure mana, as it says has only one type of mana. It also has the most power of the two types, so it is the most sought-after.

Pure mana coincidentally is the only known type of mana to those who managed to create a core in the Sapient continent. But… cores could also be found in Demons.

"My Liege! What are we doing here in these desolate lands?! your mana would deviate from its cultivation! That land has pure earth energy!"

"You treat me as if I can't coat myself in my mana, tsk, just leave if you're not going to contribute to anything, Chancellor."

A girl with very provocative attire. Walking towards desolate lands, it's the same land you see when the dirt is dry and is filled with cracks.

The girl's purple eyes scoured the entire region, not missing a single blade of grass as she did so.

"There he is."

"H-he?" The chancellor asked dumbfounded. "Were you looking for someone?"

The girl didn't answer, instead, she circulated miasma around her body, different types of mana coalescing around her body, it was unlike nue wanna, which turns erratic when gathered in larger quantities, her mana seems fine and even gets along.

The girl flew towards the spot she had her eyes on. A boy in his teens lay down with his eyes devoid of any emotions.

"As expected, he's in front of a dungeon entrance."

The girl scoffed. "Hey," he said to the boy, his eyes turned towards her but his eyes just lacked any emotions. "Do you want to die here?"

His grey eyes landed on her, and even though it seems that he knew what she was, there is not a single flick of emotions in him.

"Yeah, so do me a favour and leave."

"How dare you! Don't you know you're talking to her majesty!?" The Chancellor bellowed.

"Chancellor." She said coolly, "Shut up."

The Chancellor was taken aback but didn't retort, he just stayed silent and backed off.

Still, he looked at the boy warily.

"My name is—"

"Lorentia Heimer Ozmenia. The demon Queen." he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"It seems that I do not need to introduce myself, what about yours?"

"Didn't your spies in the Human continent tell you?"

"No, unlikely."

"I'm Leonard Heil Marchen. The son of a Duke." Leonard chuckled. "So, introductions are over, what does the Demon Queen have with one humble person such as me? Or are you here for the dungeon?"

"You obviously, we have many more dungeon entrances… and you seem in dire health."

Leonard looked at Lorentia, her deep purple eyes were mesmerising to those unaware of its charm effect, but Leonard couldn't care less about it.

"If the Demon Queen were to worry about the health of a human then it would be such a great honour," Leonard stated with sarcasm.

The chancellor, however, was a bit shocked. Leonard has Nue mana over his skin making it seem like he was either a demon or an amateur at magic. Since he's in the demonic continent the chancellor assumed that he's a demon youngling.

"Wh-wha…" his words trailed off.

"Oh, Chancellor, if others knew about this they'll be upset so keep in my mind to keep your mouth shut," Lorentia warned


"Well, Leonard, a human managed to survive in the Demonic Continent without any help from tools? A human shouldn't just be here." she calmly explained.

Leonard looked at Lorentia, his nonchalance of the situation had a tinge of deep hatred in his eyes. Lorentia saw this but felt that hatred wasn't directed at her.

"Didn't you just say I'm in dire health?" Leonard's brow raised.

"Health isn't always related to physical conditions."


Leonard contemplated for a while and looked at Lorentia, a hint of interest that seemingly vanished as fast as it arrived.

"Why? Surely being able to walk around the demonic continent was the only reason you're trying to 'help' me here?"

At that Lorentia smiled, her lips curling up seductively whilst she looked at Leonard. Leonard looked at her, eye to eye with nonchalance. Even in the Human continent where he lived, an eye to eye to the Emperor with that attitude is a sin.

"You're brave really. Anyways, it's on a whim."

The Demon Queen turned around and looked at the chancellor.

"Bring him into our realm with the utmost respect, you don't have to worry about his physical constitution."

The chancellor bowed his head and looked at Leonard, once the Demon Queen was walking away and was about to cast her spell, Leonard muttered something.

"And I was supposed to meet a certain merchant girl…"

The Demon Queen didn't respond in any way, she just disappeared. The chancellor being a demon, whose senses are above that of a human heard what Leonard said, but only left him confused.

Anyways, the Chancellor looked at Leonard curiously, why did he pique the demon Queen's interest?

Leonard stood up and looked the Chancellor in the eyes. The chancellor felt a bit creeped out. "What's taking so long?"

"Ahem… when we get there, you will learn about the Etiquette of demons."

"Yes, touching a Demon's horns is only allowed by a loved one or a relative."

"Uh… yes... Something like that."

The Chancellor placed a hand on Leonard's shoulder.

'A human adult huh?'

They were the same in height, and the Chancellor stood over 187cm, he tried to read Leonard's look but his face is always blank, whatever traits the Demon Queen found in this man, the Chancellor wouldn't question it.

He activated his spell almost nigh instantaneously and they disappeared off the entrance of the dungeon. They reappeared in a city of stone later on. Where everything works on magic.


Walter was having nightmares once in a while, one where he forced his sister into bed. Or when he became an animal of lust.

"What… What…"

He woke up abnormally sweating, he stood up to find his bed wet with his silhouette, he sighed, promising to change the sheets later and took himself to a bath.

Right now he's in the dorms of the academy, being in the best as his talent deems him worthy of the facility. He's been here for almost two years and he always stands on top of his class.

Sometimes, Lenneza, Yula, and the newly admitted studied, Heidi would try to topple his stop spot but his hard work proved itself in front of them. To catch some attention he needs to stand out.

The Zurtin Brites were always wary of talents rising in the Empire. As it either could help or hinder their goals. Since crushing them head-on achieves nothing, he plans to join them.

In the means of abandoning his sister. He felt sad, but it is necessary.

Once he was done with his shower, he changed the sheets of his bed and walked out of the dorm and walked to the academy. There were no classes for a week since it was time for the contestants to practise and hone their skills.

Walter, with his sword, went to a training room with a puppet inside it. The room is wide enough for wide movements so there's no need to worry about space.

The puppet can be appointed a role, from a swordsman to a bowman, its use is very versatile. Its power/difficulty could be chosen too, from apprentice Bishop to apprentice Arcane.

Walter chose Archbishop as the difficulty for the puppet, he chose a mage for the role.

Walter raised his sword, prepared for an attack. 5 seconds later the puppet started moving. Fast, it was so fast that Walter could barely see it. However, he was prepared, intercepting a spell as it got near him. An arcane burst.

Blue energy is shaped like an arrowhead. The previous difficulty is something he could deal with 9/10 fights so it doesn't improve anything on him anymore. Walter took his stance and readied himself.

Fighting the bowman puppet wasn't that easy, it fights like an AI with all of the fights it has recorded in the past, it's all a matter of using those experiences wisely. Walter raised his sword, those nightmares like a clip of videos taken away from the strands of destiny, just to forcefully show it to him. Just to show that he's a bad person beyond his looks.

He raised his sword as soon the puppet raised its bow, he went for the assault, swinging his sword with vigour, his sword parried, blocked and sliced arrows that came from the puppet. Walter did his final move, in one move, three slashes were made and the puppet was blown back, however, it did not accumulate any damage.

Walter looked at the fallen puppet, its bowman mode was gone and it stood up to its default position, back from the start.

Walter looked at his hands and he still could feel the nightmares playing in his head. The mock-up match didn't help at all.


Leonard was met with good reception, it was in a mansion, well a gothic one, the Demonic Continent looked gloomy at first till they got into the city or rather living sectors. It was filled to the brim with plants of the Demonic Continent. Leonard showed interest in the plants, they all have vibrant colour schemes, unlike the gloomy rumours they made out to be.

Though, the gothic mansion was on point with the rumours.

"This fun, is there possibly a coffin here where a vampire rests?" Leonard expressionlessly chuckled.

"Yes… though how did you know?"


Leonard chuckled as he heard the Chancellor's answer. "That is so cliche"

Leonard was led to a bath as the maids and servants were commanded by the chancellor, nobody treated him badly as he was labelled as the Demon Queen's guest.

Once he got a refreshing bath and was dressed up casually, Leonard looked around his guest room. It has the same furniture expected from a noble, much less a Demon Queen's abode.

"Well, then. This is it." Leonard exhaled as he jumped in the bed. "My last and final quest to continue…"