World Wide Chaos 1

It has been officially two years since Leonard had vanished. But in all those years a lot of things changed.

Yula and Lenneza dabbled in the entertainment industry, mostly games and video sharing. Lorraine too had a reputation. 

Not only in video games either, she is known as the youngest marchen and high society was in rage when they learned about her, gossips and such. 

It was speculated that she was another adopted child, but knowing that Duke Richard's first wife rumours were led that she is a hidden daughter.

Speaking of rumors, Leonard is the craze of rumors lately, not because of his notorious position as the Duke's heir who took his step mother on court but because someone leaked a divination, that Leonard would return one day with the demon continent conquered.

Of course, this is is quite scandalous. If someone ever conquered the demonic continent would be a massive achievement, even the Emperor could not ignore such a man. 

Thanks to that rumors however, the people who have malicious purposes started moving. 

"These fuckers!"

Yula couldn't help but curse, she looked at the blog in metube, there are malinformation spreading. And that is about Leonard, being the second coming of a demon king using the demonic continent on his back. 

It's thanks to the divination that came out. Of course, the theory is entertaining. So people naturally entertained the thought. But of course, the guy in rumors cannot defend himself so the malicious thoughts went on and on. 

Yula gritted her teeth at this thought, of course by the time Leonard is gone she is still engaged to him, after all the Marchen Family permitted it. So, Yula's family couldn't do anything about it as Yula wanted it. 

"Calm down Yula."

"How can I? Sister in law, my fiance's reputation is on the line!"

"I doubt Leonard would care. He's very nonchalant in everything."

"Ugh… but I can't help but worry!"

Lenneza sighed and just clicked her tongue "Just do it."

Yula breathed softly, her jet Black hair draped down her shoulders and her pink lips quivered for the last time. Clarity returned in her crimson-red eyes. 

Last time, when they got the divination ahead of time, Leonard reappeared in the demonic continent. But now another divination came in, but it was so twisted that the current situation came out. 

"We can worry about him later, we need to worry about ourselves for now."


After all, a certain cult would make a move in the tournament. 


Leonard took his time to relax, since he's a guest of the Demon Queen he was treated with respect and courtesy, after all, who would dare disrespect the guest of the Demon Queen?

"These days you don't do much?"

"I'm trying to find a purpose, Your Highness." Leonard responded, his voice neutral. Non-condescending and calm. 

"Purpose? Don't you have one?"

"Like…?" Leonard looked at Lorentia. 

Lorentia maintained a smile "Like being the heir of your territory."

"I gave that position to my sister, she can handle it better than me." Leonard denied. 

Lorentia maintained a kind smile and instead gave another proposal. "Why not think of a hobby? Another way to give yourself some purpose."


"Yes, do you draw? Paint? Or perhaps…"

"I do coding… but I doubt any computers here are connected to the sapient continent servers."

Right, both continents have technological superiority but different magical advancements, the demons are more superior on that. 

"Right… so?"

"I could do miming."

"Miming?" Asked Lorentia curiously. 

"Yeah, I'm a mime… though… I didn't use it to entertain…" Leonard mumbled for a few seconds. "Can I study how entertainment works for demons?"

With the suggestion Lorentia smiled brightly, she flicked her finger and demon maid came out of nowhere. Leonard couldn't help but look at her uniform, it was practically different from human uniforms that he knew. 

"This place is intriguing."

"Isn't?" Lorentia caught on Leonard's interest and tried to make him more curious. "Would you like to know our fashion as well?"

"Hmm… why not, I might need to dress up like all of you as well if I'm going to stay."

"Fufu… okay." Lorentia smiled, her eyes drawn to an arc and her lips like the crescent moon. "You're handling demon culture mildly for a human."

"You're tolerating a human in your territory because of a dude on drugs saying about the future." Leonard sarcastically remarked. 

"... Harsh."

"I could go harsher, but why would I dare do that to the demon Queen?"

"... I'll leave you on your devices."

"Thank you."

Leonard sighed and gathered books and magazines related to his study, history to fashion, art and entertainment. 

It took him a week to actually study them all, Leonard guessed that the Demon Queen knew of his bloodline, as he was housed in a detached mansion close to the Demon Queen's main one. 

He was grateful for such an act. There is so little moments he had peace that he almost swallowed the [Bloodline suppressing Pill] multiple times. 

Leonard stood up, most entertainment for demons are the same with humans, though they're more daring, like daredevils with their stunts. 

And with his study, Leonard found out that there are no circuses or even an equivalent of it in the demon continent. 

The closest circus-like entertainment to the demons are the Majestos which perform a 3 hour act of tricks. 

Leonard brainstormed from what he should do to what he can do, when he formulated a plan and a way to execute it, it took him only seconds to think of it. 

With his newfound purpose he stood up and went to fetch a maid to do him a favour. 


It was autumn and the tournament was in full bloom. The tournament is called [The Young Genius] which is a provoking title. 

Considering that the Academy is very competitive everyone would make it that they reach a high ranking on the tournament, everything below is a humiliation and a disgrace. 

Lenneza walked along the halls, towards the seats of the arena. Once she reached the end of the hall with a bright light slightly blinding her eyes she heard the rapture of cheers. 

Walter was fighting someone with a spear and he was having a hard time. Lenneza merely glanced and went to her seat, being in a VIP suite she could have a clear view of the arena. 

"Isn't he growing much faster than the last?" Yula spoke up. Just seating beside Lenneza. 

"Is he?"

"Yes… I personally witnessed how he got sword aura at age 14 but now he's just 13."

"Strange… any news from the princess?"

"None it seems."

After their chat the crowd erupted in cheer. Walter won his match with a few injuries. He looked around and met eyes with Lenneza and his face twitched. 

He looked away and moved out of the arena. 

"What was that?" Lenneza said in a hush and a raised a brow. 

She was perplexed but ultimately thought nothing of it. She continued her day and kept watch of time. 

Yula did the same, now with the help of her people. With her spare time while building her business empire she took her time to build a team for covert operations. 

An information and espionage organization, working for her and the Marchen duchy, though young it is doing its job nicely. 

And with her covert team they kept watch of their surroundings and would report to Yula and Lenneza if they saw any suspicious movements. 

With that, the duo tried to find a way to stop the oncoming terrorist attack from the group named Zurtin Brites. 


The empire was not standing still, with its economic and military power they were ambitious. But being an empire with a large landmass, they are a threat being watched by several countries. 

From the Land of the Light, to the Frontier countries. Everyone is considering the empire as a threat, and thanks to that they were held responsible of one of many frontiers against the demonic continent. 

The Emperor took his time. Gathering hidden forces. When the [Accident of the Port] happened, they found their soldiers. 

Superhumans that could change their bodies. Perfect durability that allowed them to fight without backing down. There was no reason to use them aside from protecting the border. 

Now the Emperor found a reason to go and further his ambitions.

[The Winstead Empire had declared that they wish to save Leonard! The son of the Duke!]

[The Benevolent Emperor has declared that they should take this opportunity to push the Demons back!]

[The Winstead Empire's Black forces would take this journey, what are the black forces!?]

It made headlines, news from the empire and other countries, politicians and aristocrats making their moves. 

With this the Emperor couldn't help but reveal a nasty smile. But his smile was blank and despondent, he smiles as if strings held him together. 

"Hahaha! it's finally happening. You would held your end of the deal…. Right?! Alexander!?" 

The Emperor released a broken smile. The recipient was a man on a bed made of flowers, looking back at him with a serene and blank smile. 

"Of course…. 'Uncle'"