World Wide Chaos 2

Jane felt like she was in a sleep paralysis. She can move, however, she can't control what was happening around her. It has been almost 2 years since she became a soldier a super soldier of the empire. A hidden reserve to fight off demons, the last offence of humanity.

But in truth, they're just slaves at this point, they get paid but where is the money? The bank account that they don't own?

"Private Theor…"

"I don't want to be here anymore!" One of Jane's friends spoke in a frantic, paranoid manner.

"Private Theor calm down."

"I-I can't! I agreed to fight for the demons but didn't expect to be treated like this!"

Theor was one of the few people that survived with Jane underground in the city of Termon, ever since he came to become a part of the black ops of the empire he was enthusiastic till he was drowned in work. First, he thought he was doing good for the empire.

Then they were sent on several missions, his hatred for the demons was years of propaganda from the humans and the number of rumours about how demons were painted made him cruel and apathetic to demons.

The last four missions he was sent to make him open his eyes. He threw an artillery shot that came from the demons. The shot he aimed missed and instead, the artillery exploded beside multiple demons.

When he went ahead to finish the demons, he heard what they were muttering thanks to his heightened senses. He still could hear the words of the demon "Im sorry, Im sorry… I can't go home… my baby I can't go home…". Right then and there he wished that the god that governed this world made the demons and humans speak different languages.

"Look, Theor. This is the last that the emperor asks of you."

"What? To kill people that have a family to return? I don't want to! We've encroached and already retrieved territory! That's enough!"

Jane could relate to Theor, her mind was the same as his back then. Killing the demons made her mind weary, hearing how they broke their promises to their loved ones as they were killed made her heart sink, it was demoralizing.

"It is a decree, to you, Theor and of course to everyone."

"This is the last?"



Theor grumbled and contemplated for a bit. Jane moved towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Theor looked back and glanced at Jane.

"Let's make this the last."

'Yes. let's make it the last.'

Jane breathed deeply, she consoled and talked to the rest of the team, once they were done, they are free.


With the help of the Demon Queen's finances, Leonard started organising his little project's logistics. He plan to entertain the Demon populace, the longer Leonard stayed, it felt like he was accepted there like there is no problem with him being a human, and then he remembered. The Technique he used earlier 2 years ago.

His skin is coated with Nue, his muscles with Mid and his organs with pure mana. The Mana Filter Technique is now swallowed by the Mana Heart Reactor technique. Leonard sighed, he probably looks like a high-level demon.

The attributed mana he had or pure mana that seeps into his bones and organs is unattributed mana, yes it has no attributes. All other attributed mana goes at his flesh and skin. Grand protection in case he needs to use attributed mana to protect him.

Anyways. Leonard remained focused on his little project, he planned to set up a little circus and entertain the demonic populace, he's not confident in making it popular but confident in delivering an entertaining play.

In all of the months he was in the demonic continent he learned that the demons call the continent, the Kasha continent, named after the founder of the Demon Empire. He also learned that they're no different from humans, the only difference is that the normal populace has household magic as a curriculum since every demon can use magic.

By that, their entertainment in their history is not much. Since everything could be explained with reason, the only entertainment they have is infographics, a lot of social experiments and pranks.

Leonard also aimed the entertainment to the common populace instead of the nobles, he is sure they would look at him like an animal instead of an entertainer. Anyways, he looked at the calendar, the demonic calendar. Its June. now that he thinks about it, the tournament would be around the corner.

Leonard now couldn't care less, may the Zurtin Brites win or the Protagonist. It may sound irresponsible, but at least once, at least once may he stop worrying about something he doesn't want to get reminded of. All of these, this system, this plot all of these shit were only forced on him.

Once in a while. Let him forget about the world he was forced unto.


Alfard, the territory that was being targeted next has already been vacated by the demons, it's a strategic point, being the entrance of a chokepoint, an uphill entrance through the middle of a valley.

This territory is closely guarded by the demons, because if this is lost it would be a detriment, a waypoint to different towns and cities it would be a disaster. But it could be manageable.

A General from the Demon Empire prepares all the logistics for the war he had foreseen he is sure that Alfard would fall, however, their queen has told them to let it fall. For she has seen and planned it all along.

The General worked with the documents and reports in his office, everything that happens around Alfard goes to him. Though, he doubt if this peace would last long.

"General, I have something to report."


"According to our spies the human black ops are going to be deployed, but not in our location."

The General lifted his gaze to the demon reporting, the demon lowered his head and gave an envelope. This envelope has a letter written in a different language, not a single human will understand what's written there. After all, a letter made of mana is not easy to understand.

The General opened the envelope and read the letter. The more he continued to read the more his face contorted.

"You may leave, tell the spies I thank them for their good work."


The contents of the letter are simple, a warning, that the humans are aiming for the city of Kiryu, which is the nearest city to Alfard, the problem is that Kiryu is not surrounded by mountains or in a valley like Alfard, it is in flat lands and to access it, you have to be either inside the mainland or…

"To take over Alfard…"

The General is quite confused by this move. However, once he thought about the possibility that humanity has confidence in taking air supremacy the General's face darkened. Since ancient times the demons have claimed aerial superiority, but ever since the Unity of Races, where Dwarves shared their Technology, Elves with their magical technology, and Humans with their versatility they have to give up the air and focused on land, though not completely abandoned as the Demon's strategy within the air is hit and run, the one who hits first wins.

Thanks to that strategy, the battle for aerial superiority has always been at a stalemate. But what if?

The General took out a piece of paper and started writing with his mana, a language that demons have always used. Once he was done he took out a device under his desk that looked like a music box. After folding the paper he inserted it and a faint glow of bluish light permeated around the room.

Once he confirmed the letter disappeared he carefully placed the music box back where he took it.

"For the Homeland…"

With another idea, the General started writing another letter. He took a long look before writing it down once again. A message for a spy in the human's land, one that the demons are keeping an eye on.

The Zurtin Brites.