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POV Rara: Aiden's Riddle

"Aiden?" call me Aiden, the only sibling I have in the world. Aiden and I are only 5 minutes apart, of course the title brother is the title that best deserves to be pinned for me.

Hearing what I was calling Aiden, he responded with a sharp glare that didn't have any brotherly aura at all.

One question that is currently raging in my mind is what kind of big mistake in the past, what have I done until the universe gave me a brother who is not lacking in morals like Aiden Pramasatya Dimitri.

Or what kind of trials will the universe give so that His trials are so difficult for me. 

"Aiden!" I called out to Aiden again and this time in a tone that sounded higher than before.

"Noisy!" cursed Aiden and heard that I couldn't help but roll my eyes lazily. 

"Accompany me!" Hearing what I said suddenly Aiden's attention, which was originally only focused on the ipad he was holding, was diverted.

"Accompany you?" the parrot in a tone that sounded unable to understand very well what I was saying.

"Yes, accompany me to the bookstore!" Aiden's thick eyebrows then knit together when they heard what I said.

"You to the store, books? Since when?" I understand what Aiden is thinking right now. I, who seemed reluctant in terms of studying, suddenly wanted to set foot into the shop, this is really an impossible thing. Or even hard to believe.

"Since I was determined to be better." Aiden's lower jaw then opened very wide when he heard what just came out of my two luscious lips.

Reluctance to believe what I say is of course what dominates Aiden's feelings the most.

Don't forget that Aiden and I were in the same womb and at the same time, only when we were born did that look different.

Of course understanding what's on Aiden's mind is not a difficult thing for me to do. 

"This time, who is your biggest motivation to move forward, Ra?" Can I interpret Aiden's question as a form if he gives up on this riddle? The answer may be yes, maybe no. I'm just an ordinary human, not a psychic who can penetrate into other people's minds. 

"Raka?" Because he never got an answer from me, Aiden immediately guessed what he wanted to say. I can only be silent on what Aiden said. I think Aiden is mature enough to understand what my silence means. 

"Why is the axis of your life only aimed at Raka, Raka, and Raka."

"Open your eyes wide, there are still many who are better than Raka. What's so special about Raka?" If you ask me to describe an Aiden, Pramasatya Dimitri, maybe in short I will say that Aiden is the most ignorant person I have ever met, but once he speaks, the words that come out of his mouth are longer than normal humans in general. 

"Raka is special, Den!" Maybe I already seem to have trouble controlling my senses, I started to get emotional so I called Aiden no longer using the word 'Aiden' as I usually do. 

"Come here! I have something to ask you," Aiden said to me. Seeing the lines full of firmness that radiated from Aiden's eyes made me fail to argue with what he wanted. 

"What?" I asked Aiden as soon as I sat down on the side of the spacious sofa. For a while, Aiden and I didn't say a word to each other, only our eyes looked at each other.

Trying to guess until in the end we were united to give up because even though we were twins, what we were able to do was only to understand what was in each other's feelings instead of reading the contents of feelings.

"Why does it have to be Raka?" I couldn't help but sigh roughly when I heard what Aiden was asking.

"Because falling in love never chooses, God chooses. Me and Raka are just victims. Disappointment is a consequence and happiness is a bonus."

"You realize it or not, Raka, are just two people who meet each other, but not to be united by the universe." Aiden said in a tone filled with emphasis on every word.

"But I envy you, Ra." My forehead suddenly furrowed very deeply and my eyes looked at Aiden with probing.

"Does it mean?" I asked, not understanding the mindset of the man next to me.

"You and Raka are the luckiest couple. Since the beginning of your relationship you have had reasons to separate. You have different beliefs. Beliefs."

"Shut up Aiden!" I cursed in the highest note I have.

"Raka will always be the person I most hope for in my life. While continuing to hope that the universe will provide the best compromise." Aiden no longer retorts to what I said, but that shouldn't keep me off guard. 

In this world no one can recognize Aiden as well as I can. Aiden's silence is like a ticking time bomb that will explode violently when the time is right.

"Raka? You can hug her, win Aunt Khanza's heart, but remember your rival is the altar and the rosary."

"Shut up!" I again gave Aiden an ultimatum, but no matter how many ultimatums I had said, still what I said was only taken for granted by my brother.

"I haven't gotten to the point yet, Ra." My lower jaw suddenly opened very wide when I heard Aiden chattering incoherently, cornering me from various directions and apparently he hasn't gotten to the point of the conversation.

O Allah, give Your servant the patience to face my own younger brother. This time, it was the most serious prayer for me to say as well as the loudest amen for me to say. 

"Say it quickly!" I ordered Aiden in a firm tone that couldn't be denied at all.

"So far, your life has only been based on Raka, Raka, and also Raka. Without you realizing there are people around you who have no less sincere love and maybe he is the soul mate that the universe has outlined for you." I don't know what expression to make to reply to what Aiden said. For a split second Aiden and I could only be silent.

I was still silent, considering the right words to reply to what Aiden had said. As for Aiden, he was still looking at me with a very sharp gaze like he wanted to pounce on him as if I was a hungry lion.

"Say amen to each other, even though in reality you are of different faiths. I pray wholeheartedly, even though in the end you are not alone. God is not evil, only you are against common sense."

"There are people out there who love you more and Raka. Please, love is okay, stupid, don't." Aiden repeated the same statement again, maybe that was more than enough to make me sick. Love me? Sincerely? Who? 

"Don't play riddles with me, Aiden. My intelligence is nothing compared to your near-perfect head."

"Enough Ra! We're talking about your complicated love cycle so please don't distract us."

"So who is that person?" I asked straight to the point of the problem, without the slightest intention of prolonging this conversation. If that continues then I can be sure that I will be the one who will go crazy first.

"He is as close as your pulse, it's a shame you never thought of him. And one thing you must always remember is that he is the best for you." Aiden took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly.

I knew this conversation would still go on, Aiden just needed a little time to calm his beating heart.

"We are brothers, we are in the same womb and at the same time. So I can judge what is good for you and what is not."

"Who are you referring to?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity any longer.

To Be Continued ….