Fiction Card System (Rewrited Chapter)

Somewhere on the grassy plain...

At the edge of a mountain, a girl lay sleeping peacefully, a smile on her face. She was cute, with short black hair and slightly larger-than-average oppai. Even though she was wearing a black turtleneck sweater, it couldn't hide her curvaceous body. Yes, this was Nayla, our protagonist.

While she slept soundly, the wind blew steadily across the plain. Not long after, she stirred and opened her striking orange-red eyes.

(Nayla's POV)

Disturbed by the wind, I opened my eyes and looked around. The first thing I noticed was that I was lying in an open field of green grass. Not far from where I was, a mountain loomed.

"Hmm... Looks like I'm far from the city. Lucky, I guess?" I said to myself.

I tried to stand up, but I wobbled and fell right back down, still a bit dazed from waking up.

Yep, I'm the type who has trouble getting up in the morning. But enough of that—I needed to check my system.

"Alright, system, are you there?" I called out.

[Ding! Hello, Nayla. I am your System AI. I'll guide and help you understand your system better. Nice to meet you, and please take care of me!]

"Ah, hello, System AI. I'm Nayla, nice to meet you too. And please, call me Nayla, not 'Host'. Oh, and could you stop with the 'Ding' sound? It's starting to hurt my ears."

[Understood, Nayla.]

"Calling you 'System AI' all the time feels a bit annoying. Can I name you instead?"

[Of course, Nayla! That would be wonderful.]

"Great! From now on, your name is Alice."

[Thank you for the name, Nayla. From now on, I will be called Alice.]

"Alright, Alice. Can you explain my system to me?"

[Certainly, Nayla. To use your system, just say 'Menu'. You can say it out loud or in your mind. Both work just fine.]

"I see. Menu."

Immediately, a blue virtual box appeared in front of me with four smaller boxes inside: Inventory, Gacha, Skills, and Status. I clicked on Status, and my current stats appeared.

[Name: Nayla

System: All Fiction Card System (Rank ???)

Race: Human






Card Slots:

(1.) - (Slot 1 Exclusive for Character Cards)

(2) - (Slot 2 Exclusive for Main Skill Cards)

(3) -

(4) -

(5) -]

Looking at my stats, I wasn't exactly impressed. I was really weak right now, but hopefully, that would change soon.

"Uh, Alice? Why is there no level indicator in my status?"

[That's because you can't level up, Nayla. To grow stronger, you need to draw Character Cards from the gacha.]

Hearing this, I almost lost it. Out of all the absurd things I'd heard, this was the worst.

"Wait, what?! How am I supposed to get stronger if I can't raise my level?"

[You just need to get Character Cards from the gacha. Once you place a Character Card in your card slot, you'll gain the character's full powers immediately, without needing to work hard.]

"So... I just need to 'gacha' to get strong?"

[Yes, Nayla.]

"So, it all depends on my luck?"


Great. My luck with gacha in games had always been terrible. But my current Luck stat was B, so maybe things would be different this time? I hoped so.

"Alright, Alice, if I can't raise my stats, can I at least learn skills that aren't from the system?"

[Yes, you can. Once you learn a skill, it will be added to your Personal Skills tab.]

"Good to know. Now, can you explain the card slots?"

[Of course, Nayla. There are five card slots in total. Let me explain them in detail:

The first slot is exclusive to Character Cards. You can't use any other type of card in this slot, and Character Cards can't go in any other slot.

The second slot is for Main Skill Cards only, following the same rule as Slot 1.

The third slot can be used for Companion Cards, Sub-Skill Cards, or Equipment Cards—anything other than Character and Main Skill Cards.

The fourth and fifth slots work the same way as the third slot.]

"Got it. Can you tell me more about each type of card?"

[Of course! Here are the six types of cards currently available:

Miscellaneous Cards: These can be used immediately and don't need to be placed in a slot. They are single-use.

Character Cards: When you use one, you can transform into that character to gain their full strength and abilities. Transformation is optional, but without it, you'll only get half the stats.

Main Skill Cards: These give you all of a character's main skills, but you'll have to level them up from the bottom.

Sub-Skill Cards: These provide skills that support other skills, like Brewing or Drawing.

Companion or Pet Cards: These give you loyal companions with the same behavior as in their original world.

Equipment Cards: These give you proficiency in armor, weapons, or vehicles, as if you've used them for a long time.]

"I see. Thanks for the explanation, Alice. Let's check the next menu."

I returned to the main menu and tapped on the Skills section. Four tabs appeared:

[Main Character Skills]

[Main Skills]


[Personal Skills]

"Alice, can you explain these tabs?"

[Certainly. Main Character Skills come from Character Cards, Main Skills from Main Skill Cards, Sub-Skills from Sub-Skill Cards, and Personal Skills are ones you've learned on your own.]

I tapped on my Personal Skills tab, curious to see what I had.

[Personal Skills:

Cleaning (Advanced Rank), Writing (Advanced Rank), Critical Thinking (Beginner Rank), Cooking (Master Rank)]

I felt a sense of pride. Living alone for nine years, I'd honed my daily life skills. And look at that—my Cooking skill was at Master Rank! Cooking had always been my favorite way to de-stress after a long day at work.

Just as I was lost in thought, Alice interrupted.

[Nayla? You there?]

"Oh, sorry, Alice. I was daydreaming."

[No worries! As you can see, skills are ranked from Beginner to Perfection.]

"Got it. Let's check the inventory now."

I tapped on the Inventory tab. Six columns appeared, and when I tried to count the rows, I realized it was endless.

That's when I remembered the Epic Beginner Gift Pack.

"Alice, can you open my gift pack?"

[Of course.]

[Congratulations! You have received 50 Gacha Vouchers from the Epic Newbie Gift Pack!]

"Wow, 50 vouchers! I hope I get something good."

"Alice, is there any other way to get gacha vouchers?"

[Yes, Nayla. You will receive five vouchers every week.]

"So no farming for them?"


"Nice! Now, about the inventory—how many items can I store?"

[Your inventory has unlimited storage, as long as you own the items.]

An unlimited inventory? That was one of the best perks so far.

"Alright, let's move on to what I've been waiting for... Gacha!"

I returned to the main menu and tapped on the Gacha tab. The same roulette from the void appeared, but this time, it said "Card." There was also a note saying the first spin had a higher chance of giving good cards. I could even use all 50 vouchers at once.

"Alice, should I use all 50 vouchers now?"

[If you want my advice, yes. You'll have a better chance of getting something good on your first spin.]

"Alright, let's do it. Use all the vouchers, Alice."


The roulette began spinning, and I couldn't help but feel nervous. I closed my eyes, trying to keep calm. All I could hear were sounds of "Ding," "Ding," and "Congratulations."

After about 20 minutes, I finally opened my eyes to see what cards I'd received.