Preparation (Rewrited chapter)

Congratulations, Nayla! You've received the following cards:

Najimi Ajimu (Main Skill Card Rank: ???) (Locked)

Herrscher of Reason Card (Main Skill Card Rank: SS)

SCP 3000 Anantashesha (Companion/Pet Card Rank: S)

Bio-Tech Blueprint Construct (Sub-Skill Card Rank: S)

Enkidu (Equipment Card Rank: A)

Yoshino - Date A Live (Main Skill Card Rank: B)

Alchemist (Sub-Skill Card Rank: B)

Mash Kyrielight (Main Character Card Rank: C)

Upgrade Card x3 (Misc Rank: B)

Ara Haan Card (Main Character Card Rank: C (Growthable))

Multiverse Identity Card (Misc Rank: ???)

Upgrade Card x11 (Misc Rank: C)

Mapo Tofu x6 (Misc Rank: F)

Black Key Card x19 (Misc Rank: F)

I stood there, staring at the results of my 50 vouchers, completely stunned.

"This...this can't be real!"

Any otaku would understand my daze right now. For instance, Najimi Ajimu's skill card alone—though locked—makes perfect sense. After all, she has over 12 quadrillion abilities, and she's practically a demi-god! And then there's the Herrscher of Reason Card, which gives me the power to construct anything, as long as I understand how it works.

I couldn't stop myself from grinning like an idiot. If someone saw me now, they'd probably think I was losing it—but who cares? I just pulled some incredible cards!

I felt a rush of excitement. With these cards, I wouldn't have to fear anything, right?


Just as I was basking in my imagined future, Alice's voice pierced through my excitement, dropping a bombshell that made my jaw hit the floor.

[Nayla, I hate to burst your bubble, but your current self, even with these gacha rewards, is far from invincible. Forget SCP-3000—for now, you're only on par with high-class supernatural beings.]

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed. "What do you mean, Alice?"

[First of all, Najimi Ajimu's Skill Card is locked until you draw a Rank EX Character Card. You know why—you're nowhere near strong enough to handle all her abilities.]

[Second, even though you have the Herrscher of Reason Skill Card, you won't be able to use it at full power. Your expertise is in food and cooking, not science or engineering. To make the most of that card, you'll need serious technical knowledge.]

Okay... fair point. But I did draw the Bio-Tech Blueprint Construct Sub-Skill, so maybe that could help?

[True. If you pair that sub-skill with Herrscher of Reason, it'll be easier to use the main skill. However, it's still limited by your imagination. You can't just invent advanced tech with no experience.]

(A.N: Bio-Tech Blueprint Construct is using the power of idealism, as long as Nayla knows the concept, the skill will help Nayla to prepare how to do it)

Alice wasn't done.

[Third, your stats are capped at Rank C due to your character cards. You're only as strong as a high-grade supernatural being for now.]

[Finally, you can summon Enkidu, but you'll only be able to maintain it for 20 minutes due to the immense mana and stamina it consumes.]

Hearing all this was... disappointing. My high from pulling these amazing cards plummeted fast. Was my luck from my previous life still messing with me?

But wait! I have SCP-3000 as my companion!

"Alice, how strong is SCP-3000 in this world?" I asked, hoping for some good news.

[SCP-3000 is ranked just below Dragon God Ophis, Great Red, and Trihexa. It can fight two Heavenly Dragons, Albion and Ddraig, at the same time.]

A wave of relief washed over me. Plot armor secured! I may only be a high-level supernatural being, but I had a freaking cosmic eel on my side! Hehe, even if I can't use all my cards yet, SCP-3000 will keep me safe.

"Alright, Alice, equip the following cards: Mash Kyrielight, Herrscher of Reason, Alchemist, Bio-Tech Construct, and Enkidu."


[Equipping Character Cards]

[By using Mash Kyrielight Character Card, you unlock the following skills:]

Active Skills

Exalted Impervious Wall of Snowflakes (Rank: Advanced)

Cooldown: 15 minutes

Increases defense for you and your allies by 50%. Reduces damage taken by 20%.

Wall of Fuming Chalk (Rank: Master)

Cooldown: 24 hours

Grants one ally invincibility for 5 seconds and restores their mana and stamina by 15%.

Shield of Rousing Resolution (Rank: Advanced)

Cooldown: 1 hour

Draws the attention of all enemies to you and boosts your mana, stamina, and HP regeneration by 20% for 20 minutes.

Noble Phantasm: Lord Camelot (Rank: Master)

Cooldown: 24 hours

Manifest Camelot itself to defend you and your allies, proportional to your will. As long as your heart remains steadfast, so will your fortress.

Passive Skills

Magic Resistance V

Reduces magic damage taken by 35%.

Shield Art (Rank: Advanced)

Damage dealt with a shield increased by 15%. Damage blocked by the shield reduced by 10%.

Three confirmation prompts appeared before me:

Do you wish to change your appearance to Mash Kyrielight?Do you wish to materialize Ortinax Battle Suit?Do you wish to materialize Galahad's Shield?

I thought for a moment. Summoning the shield and battle suit could be overkill right now. Plus, that armor is skimpy. No thanks.

I pressed Yes for the appearance change and No for the shield and armor. No need to walk around with a massive shield strapped to my back—yet.

Suddenly, a bright white light enveloped me, forcing me to close my eyes. When the light faded and I opened them again, I noticed my appearance had changed slightly. My face had softened, and my hair had grown longer, now covering my left eye. The lilac hue in my hair and the lavender glow in my pupils were new, too.

"Was this really me?"

Before I could think further, a flood of memories on how to use Mash's skills and the shield came rushing into my mind. It took me a good 10 minutes to sort through it all. Once I had calmed down, Alice continued the installation.

[Installing Herrscher of Reason Card]

Active Skill:

Gather and Construct (Rank: Beginner)

No cooldown. You can reconstruct anything you fully understand. You don't even need materials to create it—just your understanding of its mechanics.

Passive Skill:

Superhuman Memory

Your learning speed is increased by 10x, and you can memorize anything you see.

After that, the Bio-Tech Construct and Alchemy cards were installed. Each came with basic knowledge and abilities that made me feel... ready.

[Status Update:

Name: Nayla

System: All Fiction Card System (Rank ???)

Card Slots:

Mash Kyrielight (Character Rank: C)

Herrscher of Reason (Main Skill Set Rank: SS)

Alchemist (Sub-Skill Rank: B)

Bio-Tech Construct (Sub-Skill Rank: S)

Enkidu (Equipment Rank: A)

Race: Demi-Servant







I couldn't help but smile.

"I guess I'm ready to start my second life!"