Forbidden path

(Flash back 6 months before departure)

(Nayla's first POV)

After seeing my Gacha reward, I decided to use Ara card first

Nayla: Alice, Please replace the Kyrielight Mash Card with Ara Haan: Apsara card

[Of course Nayla]

[Kyrielight Mash Card (Character Rank: B) has been replaced with Ara Haan: Apsara Card (Character Rank: S] to the first slot]

(A/N I'm not going to list the skills of Ara Haan since it's hella a lot)

[Confirmation: Do you wish to change your appearance to Ara Haan? Yes/No]

[Confirmation: Do you wish to materialize the Priestess of Apsara Kimono? Yes/No]

[Confirmation: Do you wish to Materialize Ame-no-Nuhoko? Yes/No]

I then clicked "Yes" to all of them. not long after that, a large magic circle formed under my feet. and a bright white light began to envelop me. after 5 minutes, the light starts to dim.

I then started checking my current appearance by constructing a full-body Mirror with my abilities because I was a bit curious about how I would look. and what I saw in the mirror surprised me

Because what I saw was a very beautiful woman. With long black hair hanging from his head. Standing at 1.75 meters tall, she has an extraordinary figure, with skin as white as jade, she has a pair of beautiful heterochromia eyes with one bright orange and the other dark red. she looks delicate and soft-hearted.


feeling flabbergasted, I was dazed from my appearance for 5 minutes! Not good, if I keep looking at myself.... I will walk the forbidden path and embrace self-cest

When I started admiring my current appearance, I didn't know that I caused so much commotion on my island because when my body/appearance changed. The light that came out of the magic circle was so big and bright that it was noticed by anyone.



(1st POV Durenda - 5 Minutes Before Nayla use Ara Haan character card)

Durenda : " *humming*"

on a clear and sunny day. White and fluffy clouds floated across the clear blue sky. Watching the weather I started humming a happy melody.

Today is a beautiful day for me to start training. As I walked to the barracks located on Sky Island.

Walking near the castle, I was shocked because out of nowhere I saw a pillar of bright white light coming out of my master bedroom. feeling worried, I then activated the teleportation device my master gave us, I then teleport outside of my master bedroom, when I opened the door. I saw Eve standing near the pillar of light.

Durenda: "EVE!!!, what happened? What is that pillar of light? And where is master?!?!"

Eve: "Calm down Durenda, master inside the pillar. Though to be honest I think the cause is, one of our master's weird devices that she created"

Hearing what Eve said, I breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the pillar… I don't know what kind of disaster our master created this time.

Most of her creations...80% will cause strange effects, there is once she created a strange weapon that shoots rays of light, when light hits food, the food comes alive. I can't even tell how she comes out with such an idea, but I can guess it's probably from another weird novel she had been reading

Remembering broccoli soldiers fighting for the right to be that time I asked my master to add a delete feature to my memory, even though I'm an android. after seeing that, I feel like I'm getting so many emotions that I don't think I'm able to.

My master is a little surprised why I ask such a thing, I started to tell about what I saw, and how did my master react? she just laughed!! Hmph!

remembering what had happened back then. I let out a soft groan and prepare myself for whatever my master had created.

As the lights started to dim….I saw a woman who wasn't my master but…we somehow had a connection with her. I then looked at Eve as if asking what's going on, though she also look at me with the same expression.

But then, I saw her narcissistic actions and how she admired herself in the mirror, I knew right away. that this woman really is our master, only that her appearance is different.



(Back to 1st POV Nayla)

While admiring myself in the mirror, I felt a gaze behind me. when I turned around, I saw Eve and Duranda with dumbfounded expressions on their faces

Durenda: "M-master? is that you?"

Eve: "Master, why did your appearance change? what happened? did you eat something bad again?"

Hearing what Durenda and Eve said, I facepalmed.

Nayla: 'Right, I forgot to tell them that I have an ability that can change my appearance.'

Nayla: "Durenda, Eve don't worry it's me Nayla. It's just one of my abilities, I can change my appearance into a fictional character as well as gain their powers. The reason I changed this time was that... I was a bit curious about her."

Nayal: "Anyway, thank you for worrying me"

Eve: "I see, I'm glad you're doing well master" with a gentle smile

Durenda: "Hmph! It's fine as long as you don't make anything weird again"

when I heard what Durenda had to say, I couldn't help but smirk. As I know she still has a grudge against me because I didn't add a delete feature for her.

Durenda: "What's with that smirk!! Hmph I'm going to start training, Bye stupid master!"

As Duranda about walked out of my room, she took out a teleportation device. but before she pressed it, she looked back at me with a worried look. Well, I'm sure she didn't notice, After seeing this I just smiled at her and waved my hand.

Noticing that I was still staring at her, she then hastily pressed the device to teleport out. hehe, tsundere.

Nayla: "By the way Eve, do you want to follow me?"

Eve: "Sure master, what are we going to do?"

Nayla: "Hmmm to test my summoning skill, I guess?"

After saying that, I then took Eve's hand and moved us to the open forest near my castle.

on the clear ground. I started testing one of my character skills.

[Secret skill: Millennium Fox Summoning]

I don't know why, even though the character card Ara Haan is Apsara, I'm able to summon Eun the Millennium Fox. but....who cares? it's a plus for me~

Nayla : "[Secret skill : Millennium Fox Summoning]"

as soon as I activated the skill, a white bright pillar shot down in front of me. Shortly after that, as the light began to fade, a beautiful white fox emerged from it,

The height of the fox is almost 2 meters tall, the white fur that glittering like a gem, I bet that fur is so soft to touch.

unknowingly, I started walking towards the fox while the fox was still looking at me. I then hugged the fox's head tightly as the fox lowered its head to snuggle closer.

I don't know why but I was so happy as my tears of happiness started to fall from my eyes.

Nayla: "Nice to meet you again Eun."

as I said that Eun only let out a soft whimper as she snuggled closer to me, we then stayed like this for a long time. although I honestly don't understand why I know this fox and why I have this feeling.

But...I pushed it to the back of my head because I'm happy now and don't want to think about complicated things.

(A/N Reminder: by using character card, Nayla received full memory and feeling of that character, but it won't conflict with her personality)

(A/N Even though Ara is Apsara in here, I decided to make her race a Nine-tailed celestial fox and I will also alter Eun's personality.)




(End of Flashback, Back to present time)

(1st POV Nayla)

The moment I decided to leave my island, I started walking to the throne room located at the palace center of Sky Island Elysion with Eun.

When I reached the throne room, I asked Eun to call all the guardians.

(A/N Guardians are the 6 Androids that Nayla had created)

Nayla: "Eun, can you help me to call the others?"

Eun just nodded and left the throne room. Seeing Eun leave, I can't help but remember my past, I have been on this island for almost 20 years. honestly, if it weren't for Alice reminding me of my purpose in this world. I'm sure I'll stay hidden on this island.

when I started to remembering my past, the first person who came here was Eve.

Eve: "Master, I have come received your call, is there anything I can help you with? it's rare for you to call us into the throne room as you normally gather us in your home at Hamalen"

Nayla: "Hmm yeah "Usually" I would do that but since this is something very important, I decided to gather all of you in the throne room. But let's wait for the others before I explain the reason"

Eve: "Of course master"

not long after that, all of my subordinates arrived one by one. start from Duranda, Theodore, Bernard, A2, 2B and 9S.

Seeing that everyone was already here then I started to explain why I gathered them here.

Nayla: "Now let's start shall we? also sorry to call all of you here out of sudden but we have something important to discuss" I said while putting a serious face

Seeing my serious face, Everyone begins to tense up since they know...I barely show any "serious" face and looking at their current situation, this might be something important

I then take a deep breath...

Nayla: "I'm Bored ┐('~';)┌"

Everyone: "( ̄ー ̄)"

Theodore: "say, how many times did this happen during this month?"

Eve: " I believe this the 4th time master doing this"

Theodore:" sigh...what a troublesome master we have" as he said with a helpless look

Nayla: " HEY YOU TWO! this is not like the previous matter. I'm seriously bored living here okay? I'm planning to leave this island and start interacting with other people!!"

Everyone except Eun: "WHAT?!?!?"

Durenda: "But why master? Don't you feel sorry for them? do you have any grudge against them? people just want to live in peace. why must you go and leave this island?"

Nayla: " Hey that's rude Durenda! is your opinion of me really that bad?"

Hearing my question, Everyone nodded with a serious face...Seeing this, to be honest, I'm kinda speechless.

I mean it's not like I'm gonna mess around with a lot of people...Okay maybe I do want to do it but you guys don't have to be so blunt alright?

Nayla: " Hmph! Anyway, I'll be leaving this island to start my adventure alone okay"

Eve: "Objection!! You can't go alone! You can't even take care of yourself and let's not forget how sucks you are at pointing direction and now you want to go alone? are you sure you are able to reach the place you want to go and not end up in the graveyard? you even made a friend with green-haired swordsman as a fellow lost person"

Nayla: "EVE! Since when you can be so blunt?!? Also, I'm not that bad at direction alright! Σ(゚Д゚)"

Durenda: "You can't even tell which south and which north ( ̄ー ̄)" said Durenda in a low voice

Nayla: "Oiii I heard that!" ( ╯°□°)╯

Bernard: "Master at least brought one of your bodyguards, isn't that the reason you had created them?"

Nayla:" that you mention it, Alright I will go with A2! and you fine with that Eve?"

Eve: "Fine, but you MUST always go with A2. wherever and whenever you must stick to her"

Nayla: " Yes, yes, I will do it"

Nayla: "huftt... since it has been decided, I will leave this Island tomorrow with A2. I will Also brought Fraxinus as my transportation to there"

A2: "Master, may I ask where we will go?"

Nayla: " Well we will go to Kyoto"

A2: "Is there anything you want or something to find there master?"

Nayla: "-mimi"

Everyone: "what??"

Nayla : "I said kemonomimi! Kyoto is the land of the Youkai faction okay! and what is that mean? It means I will go to the land of Mofu mofu!" \(°ロ\)(/ロ°)/

I said with a righteous face as if it was a matter of fact, after saying that. somehow I feel weird stares. when I look at my subordinates, they look at me like a parent who found out that their child buy something from T*nga.

Nayla: " What's with that stare?"

Eve: " *Sigh* Nothing, don't mind it, master. Anyway you will be going tomorrow right? have you prepared your stuff?"

hearing what Eve said...I just realize that I've yet prepared anything ( ̄□ ̄;)

Seeing my Look, Eve just sighed and said

Eve: "I will prepare your stuff, you will be going with Fraxinus right? I will put your luggage there"

Nayla: "Ahhh! Thank you Eve You're the best!"

as I run toward her and give her a big hug. Eve just smiled at me while patting my head

after that we discuss everything need to be done since I will be leaving my island to them.