Chapter 21

"Mom!" Jak groused. "I can do it."

Karen chuckled softly to herself as her son all but stumbled off the elevator. Jak had been stir crazy for the last ten days. He'd started to rehab his shoulder and his right hand was still in a sling. He'd fussed at his nurse and anyone else who'd listen.

While Karen spent her days with Jak in his room, Reaux had come every night. She'd watched from the door on her way out as they'd talked, eaten, and played games. Jak's face always lit up when Reaux was around despite all his bruising and slight swelling. He'd wince every time but would smile nonetheless.

When the doctor said he could be discharged, Jak had nearly run to get dressed. He'd cussed the paper thin hospital gown and the non-slip socks. He wanted to pull his own IV lines out, but Karen and John had stopped him. They'd somehow managed to get him to sit down long enough to get discharged.

He'd been a caged animal in the car. His mouth had never stopped as they'd gone across town. He had chattered about anything and everything. Karen could see how anxious he was to get home. She hadn't been sure if it was because of being in the hospital for three weeks or if it was because he wanted to see Reaux, but he'd buzzed the entire time.

She watched him stumble down their hall. His legs were weak and he was out of breath, but he went down that hall with a purpose. Karen could only smile as he stopped in front of a door at the end of the hall and pulled his kreys out of his sling. It took him a minute, but he finally managed to get the key in the lock.

Warm smells wafted out into the hall. If his face could be any brighter, it would fall off. He pushed through the door and tripped over his own unsteady feet. Somehow he managed to stay on his feet and not bust anything open.

Reaux came out of the bedroom. Jak made a beeline for him, running smack into his chest. He bounced off, but Reaux grabbed him close. They stood there for so long Karen had to stir a couple of pots to keep them from burning. As she did, she watched them carefully.

The look of relief on Reaux's face was mirrored in Jak's body language. The only thing holding them up was each other. To have been separated involuntarily must have killed them. Reaux wasn't the type to let his mate get hurt, and it was hard for him to be in the hospital. For an Alpha of his caliber, it would either drive him to overprotectiveness or depression.

Jak lifted his face from Reaux's neck and kissed his cheek several times. Reaux turned his head and met his lips. He pecked him just as many times, letting the last one linger just a little longer.

Reaux sniffled then smiled through the relief washing through him. "Welcome home."

Jak mirrored his smile though his face looked awful. The bruising had started to fade, leaving his skin a sickening yellow and purple color. He wrapped his good arm around Reaux's waist and gently rubbed his face on his shoulder. Reaux stroked the back of his neck slowly, feeling the slight protrusion of the shunt. He would always remember the feeling of that small bump and what it meant.

"Fellas, why don't we eat?" John urged.

Jak didn't want to move, but his stomach chose that exact moment to growl softly. Reaux coughed out a laugh then guided him to the table. Even though it was grumbling, Jak didn't think he could eat too much. So he got some mashed potatoes and green beans. The pork chops looked good, but he didn't want to risk it.

Reaux noticed but didn't say anything. Jak had been on liquids and soft solids in the hospital. The doctors hadn't wanted him to get choked and rip his stitches or hurt his head worse. Jak loved pork chops so he'd made them as tender as possible, but on the off chance he wouldn't want to get sick, he made some soup as well.

Karen and John shared a look. The more they watched the two, the more they realized their fears of their son being alone were silly. Jak was happy, and this clearly was not a phase. The way they looked at each other said enough. Even if they tried to separate them, they would always find a way back to each other. Both were Alphas and they would do whatever they could to be together.

"Jak, how are you going to make it for the next few weeks?" Jak asked. "You're on bed rest for fourteen days."

"He's going to park his ass on the couch and not move," Reaux said.

Jak slurped his soup. "What about the bathroom?" He smiled when Reaux swivled his head to look at him with a very dangerous gaze. "Don't worry. I don't plan to go out kickboxing any time soon. I don't think I will hold up right now."

"You're not going to be doing a lot for a while." There was an underlying threat in Reaux's voice, and Jak understood it perfectly.

"My plans for the near future include not making my head hurt."

Karen pulled a yellow bottle from her bag and passed it over the table. "Be careful. Those are strong. Don't get any ideas while taking them."

Jak opened the lid and dumped one in his hand. Popping it in his mouth, he grimaced at the bitter taste. Reaux snorted out a laugh as he pushed a glass of water to him.

"I hate medicine," he groused. He made a face as he rubbed his tongue on the roof of his mouth. "Where's Alana?"

"She's with Tay and Damian. Since we've taken turns being with you, she's stayed with them so she wasn't alone. They've enjoyed her company," John said.

Jak looked at his father. "What is it? Why do you look like you're about to lose five million to gambling debts?"

His father turned his attention to Reaux. "What are your plans? Jak can't work for at least a month, and there's no way he'll be hired as a police officer as you'd like. How are you going to make it?"

"John, Jak doesn't pay the bills," Reaux said. His smile was cunning as Jak tried to hide his. "I have enough money saved up in case times get hard. I also have several properties I rent out. So if you're asking about finances, I'm not asking Jak for money."

"Dad," Jak's voice was tight, "what are you getting at? And if you're asking if Reaux asks me for money, you can see yourself out."

"Jak Taylor, don't you talk like that," Karen scolded. Jak raised an eyebrow which was just as dangerous. "Since you were born, both of you, we've put some money back for you and your sister for when you got married. We had hoped it would go to your future children to help raise them."

"There are still options for children. The world isn't as closed off as it used to be. But it's still unfair for you to assume Reaux is after money."

Karen reached across the table and took their hands. "Boys, a mother looks after her children. We wanted to make sure you could take care of yourselves."

"Karen," Reaux covered her hand with his, "I don't let Jak pay the bills. Not because he can't, but because I don't want him to. I want to be able to spoil him as much as you have. I don't want him to want anything. He's been through enough."

Jak looked at him. He had never known this was what Reaux was feeling. He always assumed it was a pride thing when they talked about money. Hearing that it wasn't made it even more special.

He pulled his hand from his mom's then lifted it until his fingers were under Reaux's chin. He turned his head, blue eyes meeting amber ones. Reaux looked at him in question, sighing out a laugh when he kissed them again. His fingers caressed his stubble before he pulled away. Reaux rubbed his knee then looked back at the woman across from him.

"Mom, you're assuming I even graduated. All I got to do was do my presentation. I didn't even get the chance to walk," Jak said.

Karen caught a glint in Reaux's eye. He got up and went to the kitchen. Jak didn't pay him much attention since he was used to Reaux being weird. He ate what he could then sat back to enjoy the company.

"This came in the mail for you." Reaux handed him a letter.

Jak took it and ripped the end open. He pulled out the contents and unfolded the papers slowly. His eyes scanned the top paper, going faster the more he read. He pulled up the top sheet and looked at the second then the third. Then he went back to the top one.

He looked up at his family, half flabbergasted and half sad. He looked at Reaux finally. The detective smiled. Reaux already knew so he looked back at his parents.

"I passed." He said it as if he didn't believe it. He barely saw Reaux get up again. "I got high critiques on my presentation, and I had the highest grade in the seminar class." He looked up at them. "I have my master's degree."

Two arms came around his head and dropped a cake in front of him. It was cookies and cream, Jak's favorite. He looked up at Reaux, into his smiling face. Reaux brought his hand up to caress the good side of his face.

"Congratulations, baby," he whispered.

Jak couldn't help the emotions that strangled him. It hurt, but he let the tears fall down his battered face. He stared at the paper then looked at the cake. He'd been bruised and battered -heart and body- and yet he still managed to pass his final for his master's.

A soft sob escaped him. Gently, Reaux pulled his face into his neck and let him cry as much as he needed. The older Alpha looked at Jak's parents with a relieved sigh. They smiled at him, knowing exactly what was going on with their son. Deep down, they were relieved as well since Jak had found someone who matched him temper for temper and wit for wit. Someone who wasn't afraid to bully him when he needed it.

"Jak, your cake is going to melt," John prompted.

Once again, Jak kissed Reaux then let him go so he could sit down again. Karen served the cake, and they settled into a warm conversation. This was how a family should act. Love and compassion was the main ingredient, and it never failed to pull them through. Even though an accident and subsequent hospitlization had tested them, they were still able to pull through by being open with each other and very loving.

Not only that, Reaux had found a family. He could see the love Karen and John had for their son, and because they loved Jak, that love extended out to Reaux. Despite their initial reticence at the hospital, they could see how much Reaux loved Jak, and they extended their love to him. He was now a part of their family. He was grateful for that and hoped tehy saw how hopeful he was for this relationship.