
5 Months Later

Jak cursed as he burned his hand on the pot. He dropped the lid to the pot and stirred the sauce in the skillet. He didn't usually cook since that was Reaux's expertise, but the detective was working late.

It was Jak's day off so he'd spent it running errands and grocery shopping. He'd had lunch with Tay and Damian then had gone to see his mother. Since his accident, Karen and John had spent more time at home than abroad. Alana had enjoyed it immensely, but Jak had his own life away from home.

He hadn't had too many side effects. His liver and artery had healed well, but because the swelling on his brain had been severe, they'd advised him not to do anything too strenuous. The only main issue he'd had were his sinuses. His skull had healed, but he'd somehow developed an infection. Now he was prone to sinus infections when he didn't used to be. Reauxhad started disinfecting everyhig to prevent them.

A month after being discharged, the girl who'd saved his life had come to the house. Reaux had managed to get her name and number from the school even though they tried not to give away student information. He had contacted her, and she had agreed to visit Jak. He had been sitting on the couch when Reaux had come in with her. At first he'd thought Reaux was cheating since he was bisexual, but he'd known who she was when he'd looked at her.

Her name was Evelyn Pierce, and she was a nursing student. She'd just gotten out of class when she'd seen the accident. Her instincts had kicked in, and she'd done what she had been training to do. If it hadn't been for her, Jak more than likely would have been paralyzed. They'd wanted to give her a reward, but she'd refused. Jak's survival was her reward enough and a confirmation that she was in the right field of work.

Jak had started working at the police station, first in the archives then as a dispatcher. He didn't want to go to the academy to become an officer, and Reaux didn't want him to put his life on the line. It was highly unlikely, but the older Alpha wasn't taking any chances.

Eventually, he had decided to become a victim advocate. He had more experience from his personal life that he could easily help other people. His temper had calmed down exponentially, but he still didn't like people hurting others. With Reaux still in the special victims unit, he felt he could do a lot of good with those who came in to report a crime. He was good at his job and could especially connect with younger people. Currently, he helped solve eight cases with Reaux's team.

The only thing that had suffered was their sex life. Right after the surgeries, Jak had stayed on the couch to make it easier to move from place to place. He'd nearly ripped his stitches trying to get out of bed. Reaux had slept on the floor just in case he needed any help.

During all of it, Reaux had refused to touch him. He said it was because Jak was injured, but the younger Alpha didn't really believe it. He'd mentioned once that Tay and Damian had started having sex almost immediately after Damian's accident. Reaux had promptly said Damian hadn't had his skull crushed or a lacerated liver. Jak hadn't been so angry at Reaux as he had been that night.

Reaux had thought withholding sex would be difficult for Jak, but he'd been the one to suffer. He had gone into rut a week after Jak had come home. Jak had been in the living room since he was on bed rest when the older Alpha had locked himself in the bedroom. Jak had offered to help take the edge off, but Reaux had adamantly declined. He'd suffered in the end, and his rut had lasted longer than it did when he relieved it with sex.

Since then, they'd had a handful of encounters. Reaux never entered Jak in the beginning, mostly thrusting in between his legs. Jak was still a little annoyed with his mate, but he could forgive some of his stupid habits.

With the sauce ready, Jak combined all the ingredients. He sprinkled cheese on top and set it aside. As he was pulling out the garlic bread, the front door opened. He heard Reaux talking on the phone and hoped it wasn't work.

There'd been another surge in cases now that school was back in session, and someone had tried to take over all of Dante's old haunts. He and Mateo had gone to jail on over a dozen charges between them. Between Jak's testimony and the girls from the hotel, there had been enough evidence to send them away for a long time. David Marquette had come to an agreement with Dominic Rodriguez, and Jak's medical bills were paid for as well as his treatments.

"Yes, thank you. No, I don't have any plans. It's up to Jak. Again, thank you. Bye, Karen." He dropped his bag to the table then disappeared into the bedroom.

Jak moved his bag then put everything on the table in a hurry. He made a bit of a mess doing so. He stubbed his toe, sucking in air to keep from yelling in pain. He'd ruin everything if he made too much noise.

Reaux returned freshly showered and in a long sleeved shirt and shorts. His hair was getting shaggy. Though it looked good on him, Jak knew he'd cut it soon. He didn't like it looking unkempt.

He stopped in front of the table and stared down at it. Chicken carbonara and garlic bread sat before him with red wine and beer as well as water. He couldn't help the little smile before he looked up.

"I don't know how it'll taste," Jak said.

"Come here." Jak rounded the table and stepped into Reaux's waiting arms. He rested his head on his shoulder and sighed. "What's the occasion?"

Jak couldn't tell if he was joking or serious. He lifted his head to look at him, frowning when he didn't see a sly smile to indicate he knew what was going on.

"Is this payback for six months ago, or do you really not know?" he asked.

"Jak, I'm thirty-six, not senile." Jak pouted at him. "Thank you, my dear. I truly didn't expect it, but I hope you didn't wear yourself out."

The younger man shook his head. "No. Damian gave me the recipe. He said Tay liked it, and since the two of you have the same tastes, he thought you would too." He looked up again. "Why? Do you have any plans?"

Reaux's gaze turned sly. He lowered his head and captured Jak's lips. Jak responded, turning fully to him and wrapping his arms around his neck. He deepened it as he allowed Reaux's tongue to sweep through his mouth. Little prickles of electricity sparked on his skin as excitement tore through him.

He let out a little moan as Reaux's hand settled on the growing lump in his jeans. The older man rubbed it gently and laughed as the younger trembled in his arms.

"If you don't stop," he rasped, "the food will get cold."

"Let it."

Reaux picked up Jak and headed for the bedroom. Gently, he dumped him on the bed. Grabbing handfuls of clothing, they were soon both completely naked and standing at attention. Reaux covered Jak from head to toe with his body, driving their erections together.

Jak sighed at the physical contact. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed this. Reaux had been so careful he'd felt neglected, but he knew that's not what the older man had meant. He'd just wanted him to be healthy and well.

Reaux stopped what he was doing and looked up. He rubbed at the tears Jak was unaware he was shedding.

"I'm sorry," Jak said. "You just haven't done this in a while."

"I know. I'm sorry. I didn't want to put any pressure on you. I wanted you to be well enough to go more than one round. It wasn't easy on me, and I didn't want to go easy on you."

Jak framed his face and kissed his nose. "Happy birthday, Reaux."

Reaux's smile was bright yet gentle. "Thank you, baby. Now can I have my present?"

The young man laughed. "You've already unwrapped it. Now why don't you play with it?"

Reaux smiled again and began to do what an Alpha should do for his mate. He claimed Jak over and over and over. They completely forgot about dinner as they reveled in each other, making sure each other knew how much they were truly loved.