Chapter 5

Seeing Diana's outstretched hands, Dinah thought, ' If I shake her hand, I will know whether I'm dreaming right?' with that, she proceeded to Diana's outstretched hand.

"Dinah! What the heck are you doing!" Meg said as she looks at Dinah shaking the woman's hand.

"You're quite brave, aren't you?" Diana said with a smile. She continued, "Normally people are quite scared of us."

That was when Meg snapped, "Where are we? What did you do to us? And who are you?" She said while trying to keep her voice from shaking.

"That is not the way to speak to the alpha's family." Aren said furiously. "Your Grace, should I take them to the cell?" Aren said turning to Diana.

"Now, now Aren, It is pretty obvious that then don't know who we are." Turning to the two,she said, "Why don't we go to the mansion, and make proper introductions because out here, you never know what might get to you." She said dangerously.

"Why should we trust you?" Dinah said cautiously.

"I give you my word as the Luna that no one will hurt you, this place isn't safe and we also want to know how you got here." Diana said gesturing at the forest.

Dinah looked at Meg and then said, "okay." Meg looked at Dinah horrified,

"Dinah! Please think properly, how are we supposed to trust a wolf, how are we sure that they're not going to devour us first thing we turn our backs."

"You....." Aren started furiously before he was cut off by Dinah,

"We need answers Meg, how are we supposed to find one stranded in the forest and besides, she gave us her word." Dinah told her soothingly.

In the end Meg gave in and followed them all the while looking at Aren who was seething with anger. Out of the forest, Dinah and Meg were surprised to see a fancy gate with a mansion facing them.