Chapter 7

"What are you doing out there in the forest. Its dangerous." He said concerned before he realized something and started sniffing the air.

"Oh God, you're not shifters. Neither are you mages." He said before his voice started booming,

"Who are you?" He said before he started roaring, taking slow dangerous steps towards them.

"Wait! Calm down, they don't seem to know this place." Dinah said soothingly while Dinah and Meg are shaking.

"Who are you?" This time thankfully, he said calmly.

"We're humans. We also don't know how we got here." Dinah said without beating around the bush.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Drake interrogated.

"Yesterday was Dinah's birthday and I had a sleep over at her room. The next thing, we were at the forest sleeping on the bed." Meg explained while stuttering. Apparently, she is still scared.

"Hon, I don't they belong here. They seem to be from another earth. We have to call Been to know how they got here." Diana told Drake.

After dinner, they were shown to their rooms and Drake became nice to them. The next day after breakfast, Drake went to work and told them that Ben would be there by noon. Meanwhile, Diana brought Dinah and Meg to her garden while Zach, Mia and Aren trailed behind them . She seemed very happy and excited that Dinah and Meg started getting moved by her mood.

"Wow." Both Dinah and Meg said clearly mesmerized. The garden was decorated with flowers of different colors and different bushes of roses; red, pink and blue and water fountains of different colors, even the ground was decorated with grasses and little flowers that are being pollunated by the butterflies.

"The blue rose is very rare and any one touching it without it turning to ashes is considered to be lucky with his or life as he will live long."

"Can I touch it?" Dinah and Meg asked almost at the same time.

"Of course you can." Diana replied.

Dinah went first. When she touched it, it turns black before it turned blue again causing Diana's eyes to grow wide but it went back to normal before anyone could see. When Dinah looked at her, she said,

"You're were sad and you still are,and you'll still be. You'll feel like the world has wronged you and you'll feel like giving up. But don't, if you do, you'll never find the happiness you deserve."

When it was Meg's turn, it turned to ash before it did something surprising, it turned back to it's normal position.

"Huh interesting, it looks like you'll be dead but somehow, someone will bring you back to life." Diana said bluntly.

"I'm gonna die? What do you mean I'm going to die? Wait you said that someone will bring me back to life right? Do you know who? Can you see what's going to happenr?" Meg said throwing questions after questions all the while pacing back and forth.

"Woah, she seems really nervous." Mia whispered to Zach.

"Everyone will be nervous when they hear about their deaths." Zach replied while rolling his eyes.

"Hey, that's not the way you're supposed to be talking to your older sister." She said while nudging him. Though they were whispering, Aren could hear them with his sharp ears. He went over and separated them before they lose their tempers and start fighting in their wolf forms... again.

Back on Dinah's side, Meg was panicking.

"Yes Meg, you are going to die. And yes someone is going to bring you back to life but I don't know who or how. No I don't see what's going to happen but I knew what will happen naturally because I played the rose bush myself." Diana explained to Meg slowly which caused her to calm down.

At noon, Diana, Meg and Dinah are in the living room waiting for Ben to arrive. In a few minutes, a blue portal opened at the wall and a man in his late thirties walked out.

"Your highness, Royal guard Ben of Matier kingdom at your service." The man said bowing.

"Oh Ben you're finally here." Diana said as she hugged him. They looked very close.

"Anything for my queen." Ben replied smiling as he pushed her back gently to look at her face. He continues without noticing the people behind him, "So what's the reason of the urgent call so late at night, I was about to force myself to sleep when you're husband called me." He said complaining.

"Oh I'm so sorry Been, I thought you got over it I-" Diana's speech was interrupted by excited screams.

"Uncle Ben, uncle Ben you're here. We missed you." Zach and Mia's chorused as they hugged him.

Ben picked the both of them up twirling them as he said, "Oh I missed you too my prince and princess."

After he puts them down, they ran away giggling happily. Ben turned towards the smiling Diana and he froze, behind her was someone he thought he'd never see and his smile dropped.

"Kim...that can't be." He murmured quietly before Diana explained.

"Dinah and Meg, this is Ben,the royal guard and the king of Matier's right hand man, also the most powerful mage after the king. Ben, this is Dinah and Meg, humans." Diana introduced.

"Hi." Dinah said stretching her hand for a shake.

'Their voices even sound the same. She's my precious daughter.' Ben thought as he shaked her hand, giving her a warm smile which makes her feel safe.