Journey (3)

Passing through a Teleportation Gate feels like entering a cold bath in a cold morning for the first time: it is painfully annoying for the first few seconds, but then you just get used to it.

That's how I feel everytime I pass through a Teleportation Gate, and I am already too familiar to be bothered by it. Still, the unexpected feeling I get whenever I enter a new environment can never stop baffling me from time to time.

"Watch out for the Taurones!"

... Sometimes not in a good way.

A field so vast, it seems endless—decorated with green, lush grasses and trees, the place we have stepped our foot on is heavenly. A glance is what you need to decide the place is a good place to spend your retirement days at.

Unfortunately however, it is nothing but a delusional thought—spending your retirement day there. The place sure looks peaceful, but that is only the case, if you ignore the existence of the 12 feet tall bull-like Beasts.