Journey (End)

It has been a few minutes after I have just got my food supply, but Vibiane's dumbfounded gaze is still planted on me, just like the other soldiers that can't help glancing at me from time to time.

We are still running away from the Taurones that are now chasing after us more vigorously than before, and it makes me wonder why none of them faces the Taurones when they have the leisure to glance at me in wonder.

I get that they are trying to say I am a mad lad for what I have done with their eyes, but from how easy I have done it, it is not something that is worth to be amazed about, which is why I wonder why they are staring at me like that.

"If you have something in your mind, please say it."

"Mad lad!"


"N-No, don't hate me! We haven't even been friends for a day yet!"