Is this really a game?

In a very dark and messy room, a seemingly young man looks at his computer screen while scrolling along what seems to be a boom or novel.

"What time is it?"

Looking over at his right, the young man can see a modern alarm that says 11:10.

"almost 11:11 let's make a wish"

Closing his eyes and waiting a few seconds before making his wish, the numbers on the alarm change to make 11:11. After making his wish however the young man sighs and leans back on his chair.

"Life really sucks" and with another quick sigh he returns to looking at his computer screen.


"An email?" With a few clicks the young man finds himself reading a new email. "Would you like to test our new game?" Under the text a red box with the words Yes or No shone brightly.

With his mouse hovering over the Yes button, the young man clicked. "Congratulations! Please create your character" on the screen a Chinese styled border with the words Character Creation highlighted at the top appeared, another set of options appearing at the bottom.

On a whim the young man clicked on the words Physique and was stunned at what appeared "Pure Yin Body? Pure Yang Body? Is this really happening?" Bewildered by his discovery he continued to scroll through the Physiques until he found a section that interested him the most.

A wicked grin appeared on his face as he read " Immortal tier Physiques, ranked 1-100" at the very top sitting at number 1 he found what he was looking for.

"Heavenly Sun Physique huh…will it really let me pick it?" without even a second guess he clicked it, and there it was in the Physique option. "Phew, now onto the next one"

"Name? Easy." Without even a second glance or guess he entered the name Long Aotian and went onto the next option. "Now here's what I really want to get into" The character customization screen. "Man this is so realistic, it's like an actual person is on my screen" His mouth slightly agape he looked at the model hovering on his screen amazed by the realistic features.

10 minutes later the character was made. A tall man measuring 6 feet tall, long crimson unruly hair that flowed down on to his waist, and of course how could one forget the typical "Looks sculpted by the gods that can topple empires" ah yes and sword shaped eyebrows of course. To top it all off he chose an exclusive accessory given to people who apparently chose his physique, a set of Sun shaped dangling earrings. "Now, I am a true wuxia novel protagonist" smirked the man.

After having filled all of the information he clicked the Finished at the bottom of the screen. Immediately after he clicked his PC went completely dark, and shortly after a static sound began to come from the PC itself "The hell? was this just a virus created by someone?" questioned the man. In curiosity, the man lifted his hand and touched the screen of hid PC only to be heavily electrocuted.

"Is this is?.....Is this how i die?" The man thought to himself as his lifeless body dropped to the ground with only slight spasms from the electricity coursing through his body.

As the young man awoke, he found himself in a soft bed, not soft like his own but still considered quite soft. " i?" He said out loud before looking around. 'Tea pots? and what's with all these chinese looking ornaments?' having all of these questions the young man stood up and looked around once more before heading towards the doors and opening them to step outside.

Meeting with a blinding sun the young man covered his eyes basking in the seemingly intense sunlight 'The sun feels....oddly good on my skin' In front of the young man far ahead lay a large gate with no doors and a simple opening leading into the courtyard.

Before the young man could continue his walk into the courtyard, a blur of moving mass slammed into him causing him to fall backwards.

"Senior Brother!"

The young man lifted his eyes only for them to meet a young girl, maybe about his age, looking at him with tears in her eyes. "Who?...." with a puzzled look on his face he attempted to get up only to be stopped 'Do you...not know who i am?" the girl asked as she was pushed away, a clear look of disappointment and sadness in her eyes. "Am I supposed to know who you are?" The young man asked scratching his head. "Follow me!" Having no power to resist the almost crushing grip of the girl he was pulled very quickly towards an even larger courtyard than his, trees and decorations filling the yard 'Why is she so strong?' He asked himself.

"Father! Mother!" The girl yelled, almost immediately after the girl yelled two figured emerged from the doors of the building in front of them. A handsome man, and a beautiful woman that even caused the young man to be mesmerized for a second himself.

"Tian'er, Cai'er!" The woman moved and in a single stepped seemed to appear before the two, embracing them in a tight hug. 'Tian'er? wait a minute...Elder brother, Tian'er, chinese-like buildings... I'm in some type of cultivation novel!' gobsmacked by his discovery he stood still and stiffened up quite a bit.

"Tian'er? is something wrong?" The woman pulled back from the two, just like the younger girl she had tears in her eyes when looking at the young man himself "I'm seems like i have lost my memories" Said the young man.

Minutes later the young man sits at a table surrounded by all three people who are his father, mother, and junior sister respectively. "So my name is Long Aotian, and i am the crown prince of the royal Yuan family of heaven. You are my mother, Yuan Qinxue, my junior sister Yuan Caiyi and.... My father, Yuan Ling." The three nodded their heads.

"You were injured recently by one of the disciples from Baixue Palace, it is a large sect here in the High Heavens and mostly all of the disciples are geniuses themselves." His father spoke, a stern and plain look plastered on his face,

"Tian'er....You are our adopted son, however we love you as our own son." Said his mother, a loving look on her face as she placed her hand on Long Aotian's shoulder "However there are people among the masses who do not approve of you being the Crown Prince, perhaps they would if you would stop-" Before his mother could finish her sentence his father stood from his chair and spoke loudly "If you would stop being a silkpants!" Yelled his father

Again taken completely by surprise Long Aotian said nothing, however his father continued "You go around using your authority as the Crown Prince, sleep with countless young ladies, waste our families money, you are a disgrace to the royal Yuan family!" His father continued to yell, spit evidently coming out of his mouth and a vein almost popping from his neck. "Father.." Yuan Caiyi nervously looked between her father and senior brother, then looked towards her mother.

Seemingly, this was not the only time that Long Aotian and his father had an argument like this. "Yuan Ling! how dare you speak to my son this way!" Long Aotian's mother stood and pointed her finger at Yuan Ling, her beautiful face contorting in anger. "But Qinxue!" Yuan Ling attempted to respond however quickly shut his mouth, anger still visible on his face, and left quickly.

With a sigh, Yuan Qinxue sat back down on her chair and looked towards Long Aotian a smile now reappearing on her face with trace of the previous anger nowhere to be seen "Tian'er, although it may not seem like it your father loves you just as much as i do, it pains him very much that the son he raised cannot even remember his father furthermore he is the one who puts out his face whenever you have.....incidents with other peoples wives"

Long Aotian lowered his head in shame "I...I apologize mother, i promise i will try my best to make it up to you and father. A slender gentle hand landed softly on his face and moved it upwards to meet the smiling face of his mother "Silly child, father and mother will love you no matter what" Saying that Yuan Qinxue leaned forward and embraced Long Aotian tightly.

With slight hesitation, Long Aotian hugged her back 'Considering my name is Long Aotian, and what i feel on my ears are some round earrings, my hair is long and red.....I must be in the body of the character i created. How could he be such a scumbag?'A sigh escaping his lips Long Aotian pulled away from his mother embrace "Mother, i promise everything will be better"