Crown Prince

Outside of the cave several powerhouses gathered, a natural reaction from the intense and tyrannical power that surged outwards from the inside of said cave, soon a silhouette emerged from the entrance and most people where confused.

The oldest looking man spoke first "And who might you be, young man?" he asked

"I am Long Aotian, Crown Prince of the Yuan royal family" Long Aotian looked at the older man without a single trace of fear instead he stood tall and proud while gazing upon the small crowd gathered in front of him.

"What is a trash like you doing here?" Remarked another man, this one looking slightly middle aged.

"And what is someone so insignificant as yourself doing insulting his prince" Long Aotian gazed upon the middle aged man causing a domineering pressure to flow out and target the man.

The middle aged man looked fearfully upon Long Aotian however only for a split second before regaining his composure and letting out a snort "Hmph how dare you claim to be crown prince when your cultivation is meagre"

This time someone else also spoke up, a curvy and elegant looking woman who seemed to be a veteran seductress "Now now 2nd Elder, why don't we ask the young man what he is doing in the cave and what has happened" She looked at Long Aotian with a smile on her face while pushing up her chest with he arms.

'It seems she too does not wish to acknowledge me as the crown prince' Long Aotian closed his eyes and sighed before letting out a blast of power that showed his cultivation base at Nihility

"You will bow down to your prince, or i shall take this as an insult to the Royal Family" He said now with a more serious face on

Everyone present shocked from this development all grit their teeth and bowed to Long Aotian reluctantly "Now, you woman with the large breasts bring me the Palace Master"

Said woman in question swallowed her anger and left the scene to find the Palace Master after all she may be an Elder at Baixue Palace but there was no way she could possibly offend the Royal Family. "Old man it seems you have something you wish to say"

The oldest looking man lifted his head to look at Long Aotian "I am the First Elder of Baixue palace, your highness" Long Aotian signaled for him to keep going "I wish to know...without seeming impudent... how did your cultivation advance so quickly?"

Long Aotian smiled at the question "How can I as my fathers son be trash at cultivation, i am a genius in disguise"

'You shameless brat you're adopted' is what everyone there was currently thinking

After finishing the Question the seductress arrived with the Palace Master

"It seems you have accomplished what it is you came for, Crown Prince" Baixue Palace Master said looking at Long Aotian

"Indeed, many thanks for your help senior" Long Aotian cupped his hands and gave the Palace Master a slight bow which earned him a sincere smile

"No need for formalities, let's take you back to your mother she has been quite anxious to know of your progress"

"I can only imagine it, I hope escorting me isn't too much of a problem for you senior"

"Nonsense come along"

"Ah before I forget, Second Elder was it? you are henceforth relieved from your position as Second Elder" Long Aotian walked by the group with his hands behind his back and paid no attention to them any longer.

Baixue Palace Master gave the 'Second Elder' a look before following after Long Aotian and disappearing from the sight of the rest of the elders.

At the Baixue Palace entrance Yuan Qinxue let out a sigh of relief while a smile of happiness dawned on her face when she saw her son arriving at the entrance in front of her with Baixue Palace Master "Tian'er!" she happily shouted as she all but bulldozed her son.

Long Aotian smiled "Mother, i thank you for this opportunity." Yuan Qinxue pulled back but kept her hand on Long Aotian's shoulder "Mother only wishes for you to be safe and strong Tian'er"

"And it looks like letting you go into the ancestors cave ended up bringing good results" Yuan Qinxue said looking Long Aotian up and down

Long Aotian looked at his mother then at the Baixue Palace Master, Yuan Qinxue almost instinctively knowing the meaning behind the look gave her son a nod. "Mother i have personally met and seen the ancestor of the Royal Family"

Yuan Qinxue stayed quiet for a second before waving her sleeves, a small dome cancelling the sound from vicinity surrounded the trio "What has the ancestor given you Tian'er?"

Long Aotian let his Qi run loose causing large pressure to envelop both his mother and the Baixue Palace Master however it seemed to affect Yuan Qinxue specifically a little more.

"This is.... Bloodline suppression?!" Yuan Qinxue looked at her son with evident shock written all over her face and with a nod from her son her suspicions were only confirmed.

"This means that the ancestor has specifically given you her bloodline! your father will be so happy to hear this Tian'er!" She shouted out in glee and hugged her son. "Mother i wish to go into closed door cultivation so that I may catch up to my peers"

Baixue Palace Master let out a laugh and patted Long Aotian's shoulder "That is where the resources of the Baixue Palace come in and as a Core Disciple you are given resources beyond that of any other desciple. You need only tell us what it is you need and we will supply it Crown Prince"

Long Aotian nods and looks back at his mother "Tell father and sister that I wont be gone for long and that I will make them proud when I exit."

"I will tell your father the good news, be safe Tian'er" Yuan Qinxue gave her son a smile before turning around and flying away into the distance. "Follow me Crown Prince" Baixue Palace Master turned back towards Baixue Palace and led Long Aotian to where he would be entering closed door cultivation, a cave abode with significant amount of Qi flowing through it.