Baixue Palace

In his courtyard Long Aotian sat and pondered on his current situation with his family. "These people are really dangerous to my family, power.... that is the only way to handle things within a Cultivation world" A look of determination came upon Long Aotian's face.

Knowing that his father was busy as the emperor he made his way to someone he knew had power second only to his father, his mother of course.


A gentle shout came from the entrance of what was a very large courtyard that could almost be considered a palace by itself. "Tian'er" With her gentle voice, Yuan Qinxue called out to her son as she stepped out from the inner courtyard, embracing him in her arms 'so fast' he thought as he had evidently not even seen his mother move from her original spot before she was already hugging him.

"What is it that you need Tian'er?" Yuan Qinxue smiled at her son as she moved and in another flash they were already sitting down at a table.

"You're really amazing mother" Long Aotian smiled and said.

"You will soon catch up to me yourself Tian'er, i know it is your destiny to do so" She said placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Mother i wonder if you can possibly make me a disciple of Baixue Palace, i know father is busy with his work so you are my only option to help"

"Of course i can help, i your mother, am second under heaven only to your father!" Yuan Qinxue said proudly. "As the Crown Prince you will be placed as a Core Disciple of Baixue Palace just like your sister, you will never lack resources as both the Crown Prince and a Core Disciple this i promise" She stood up and grabbed her sons hand "Come, we will go to Baixue Palace immediately".

As a direct subordinate to the Royal Family but also one of the foremost powers of the upper heavens Baixue Palace is extremely close to the Royal Family in terms of location and of course relations. In a singular hour Yuan Qinxue and Long Aotian found themselves at the grand entrance of Baixue Palace.

"Baixue Palace Master!" a loud and powerful voice vibrated throughout the entire Baixue Palace

A very young looking and handsome man soon came floating down from the sky and landed in front of the mother son duo.

"Yuan Qinxue, always the rowdy one" the young man said, clearly unaffected by the powerful voice that belonged to Yuan Qinxue

"Hmph, cut the crap old man. I'm here to let you know that my Tian'er is going to be joining as the Holy Son of Baixue Palace" Yuan Qinxue looked at the man and gave a snort of disapproval

"And who shall his master be?"

"Take him to see the Ancestor"

Baixue Palace Master nodded "Come with me young man"

Long Aotian nodded and walked towards the Baixue Palace Master, suddenly he felt as if his body was getting lighter and lighter until he was flying upwards into the sky with Baixue Palace Master.

Baixue Palace Master and Long Aotian stood in front of a large cave, a fierce wind swept out from the inside of the cave that hit both of the men however a large bubble of golden Qi blasted out and surrounded the two "in the Ancestor's cave the Qi is very vigorous, you must be careful when going in"

Long Aotian looked ahead and nodded to himself before replying "Thank you for the suggestion Senior" however when he turned to thank Baixue Palace Master some more the man had disappeared completely.

"This cave..... the Imperial Dragon Scripture is responding to it heavily..... perhaps something in here is meant to help me with my cultivation" Long Aotian wore a determined look as he began to take walk into the cave.

Within his first step into the cave large amounts of Qi rushed into and against his body almost injuring him and blasting him out of the cave.

"This..... the Qi is nurturting my body and cultivation!" Excitedly, Long Aotian sat down and began to circulate his key in attempts to absorb and utilize the Qi blasting against his body.

An hour later inside of his body he felt something different, to his surprise while looking inside the illusory space within his Dantian he saw 9 pillars, each generating powerful waves of Qi. On the pillars, large dragonic beings ran throughout endlessly.

"I've reached the peak of Foundation Establishment!" Long Aotian had absorbed every bit of Qi he could get from what he as hit with, and now it was time to continue further into the cave

2 hours later Long Aotian had formed a Golden Core and stepped into the Golden Core realm, with his Golden Core being extremely special due to his physique and Imperial Dragon Scripture.

In 3 hours, he skipped over the Soul Wandering realm and reached Nascent Soul. His Nascent Soul which resembled a large golden eastern dragon that gave off incredible pressure as it stood in the middle of the 9 foundation pillars.

Finally in another 5 hours, he had reached his finally destination and stood looking at a golden-boned skeleton sitting against a wall.

"You are truly a special one to have stepped into the cave at Qi Gathering and reaching Ensoulment here young man, who are you?" A powerful voice reverberated throughout the cave

'This voice.... it must be coming from this skeleton that gives off terrifying pressure'

"I am Long Aotian, Crown Prince of the Royal Family" Long Aotian gave a bow to the skeleton

"Crown Prince?" At that moment Long Aotian felt a mysterious energy probing him

"Haha! a Crown Prince with no Imperial Dragon blood? you must be an outsider" The voice took a suddenly upset and disgusted tone.

"Indeed i am adopted into the main family, however i was raised as my parents son and i consider myself as such" Long Aotian continued his bowing position and dared not to move from it, although very slight he could sense the displeasure in the voice.

"Hmph, those brats must know only true Royal Family are allowed to enter into this cave. Leave!"

A powerful wind blasted against Long Aotian however it only managed to push him back slightly. "I believe you are being unreasonable senior, if i was brought here despite not being a part of the Royal Family by blood then there must be a reason"

A snort of disapproval went through the cave "It matters not, begone!"

Long Aotian finally had enough and looked up at the skeletal remains before flaring his Sun Qi, the Qi blasted out and seemed to radiate intense heat around Long Aotian's body. "Old man, don't be too unreasonable"

"How dare a junior of a mere Nihility realm insult me!" The voice now enraged, sent blasts of Qi towards Long Aotian however this caused a large grin to surface on Long Aotian's face.

This is perfect, with this Qi i'll have a faster Breakthrough.

With his physique activated to the max Long Aotian greedily and rapidly absorbed the Qi coming at him.

"That Qi, not to mention the powerful pressure coming from your body despite the low realm...." Once again the force penetrated Long Aotian's body and searched between every nook and cranny of his inner secrets, everything was laid out before the alien force searching through him.

'Frightening to think that i have no choice but to allow this old man to search through me' With a sigh Long Aotian stood still and allowed everything to happen.

For minutes, utter silence.

"Haha! my Royal Family finally has a true genius! So what if he doesn't have our bloodline that can be easily fixed!" The voice let out hearty laughter that filled the cave and even made it shake.

"Senior can you?... see my physique" Long Aotian asked with a hint of nervousness in his voice, why? well if a strong person such as the senior currently probing him could see his physique then anyone of similar power or even potentially stronger could also just as easily probe him and uncover all of his secrets.

"Indeed i can boy, however worry not i am going to help you out. As someone with the number 1 physique in all the heavens you are naturally welcomed as a part of the Royal Family , bloodline or not." The voice responded now having calmed down.

"Many thanks Senior" Long Aotian gave another slight bow "Senior is there any way you can help me with my current cultivation dilemma?"

"As you know someone without the Royal Bloodline cant cultivate the Imperial Dragon Scripture and by having it i and not the former i have put my family in danger." Long Aotian asked the voice with visible concern for his family.

" speak the truth, in the Upper Heavens it is a taboo to posses the Imperial Dragon Scripture without the Royal Bloodline however i have just the thing to help you out with that."

"How can you help me senior?" Finally hearing the senior speak a weight of worry was lifted off of Long Aotian's shoulder, as someone who knew his predicament and was also a very powerful force if they said they could help him then surely they wouldn't blatantly lie to him... right?

"See beyond the surface young one" As the ancient voice spoke the space in front of Long Aotian seemed to distort, the human skeletal remains that where originally there where replaced an in its place instead sat an incredibly large dragon skeleton.

The remains where so large in fact that Long Aotian wondered how it was possible for it to even fit in the cave, thinking about it more it became more obvious that the inside of this cave was influenced by some time of space power as well as clearly some type of illusion.

"Listen well boy, i am the Imperial Dragon, number 1 in the Upper Heavens and originator of the Royal Bloodline no force has ever reached my realm in the Upper Heavens and that is why our family sits atop the throne" The voice

"Forgive my rudeness senior... If you are the foremost power in all the heavens how is it that you are dead?" Indeed this was the more serious question lingering in Long Aotian's head.

"I ran into certain problems that someone of your level cannot know however worry not boy, someone of your talents will soon catch up to even me and then all will be revealed." The voice sounded sad, almost scared while speaking however Long Aotian himself could not noticed the change.

"All these years i waited for someone of my bloodline to be worthy enough to receive what i intended to be my inheritence... however time waits for no one and i fear that i will never see one as talented as you even among the Royal Family." The cave trembled once again, the sheer power that began to gather was so much that the powerhouses of Baixue Palace felt it and began to make their way over to the cave themselves.

"For you, i will grant upon you my own bloodline so pure that no one will ever be able to notice you were never from my bloodline to begin with. Secondly, i grant upon you the my own Bone Marrow so that you can continue to develop my bloodline and grow stronger, and finally you are the first one past the Ancient Times to know of my name." The voice began to materialize and soon in front of Long Aotian stood a woman so beautiful he himself doubted if she was real, as if she were created to be perfect beyond belief.

"My name is Long Baixue, others know me as Yuan Baixue, you who will posses my bloodline will carry on my legacy and continue to better the Royal Family as well as the Upper Heavens. When you are strong enough, come back for me" With a smile on her face Long Baixue disappeared.

He felt it, while she was talking Long Baixue had transferred what she had left of her own blood essence into Long Aotian and had also implated her own Bone Marrow. He felt intense pain, the pain caused him to let out a loud scream that sounded exactly like the roar of a dragon. The pressure given off by the roar was so intense, many who were too weak where forced to bow before its power outside the cave.