Wait.....I Am Not Simple Human

[Mr Gore seems surprised and said 'Damn Bud!! Is this your Apartment?? So clean and shiny. You sure is a Finest Chef I know." Mr Gore's Face gets straight and said "But today you seems different. What Happened to you Exactly??"

*The vibe Gets Changed In the room. That Strange Look in Mr Gore Eyes Scares the Max*]

*The vibe Gets Changed In the room. That Strange Look in Mr Gore Eyes Scares the Max*

["I should make a tea for you. Wait here Mr Gore" Max said with the fake smile (Because he is scared)

"Don't worry bud!! I am not in such a hurry. Calm yourself and then talk to me." Gore said in the deep manly voice.

*Max makes the tea and Put on to the table in front of Mr Gore*

Max said to Gore "What you want to talk about from me , Is it so Important? that you came to me at this hour"

"Yes! This...is.... important. Just sit down and Answer to my Question." Gore said In deep voice

*Max sits down to the chair and seems little bit of nervous*

"Why you are so Lazy today and Broke the plate at the kitchen before I Come here" Mr gore said.

Max Answered "I don't really know whats Happened to me last night as I can't sleep a bit.....Also some strange things was Happening today. WAIT....HOW YOU KNOW I BROKE THE PLATE IN THE KITCHEN??"

"Calm down bud!! You know my Power is Beast...So...My senses are far good then a simple humans. I heard sound of it. What Exactly the Strange thing Happens to you?" Gore said.

Max replied "Actually When I was Late For the job. I was running fast thought the street....."

Gore said "Thats a Normal for a Person to run Towards the objective when He gets late or something."

Then Max said "Maybe you don't believe it...but... I was Running faster then a Car....!!"

"Wait a minute..... seriously you are running faster then a Car?? Ohh I see.... so you are Un-Natural Like me." Gore said it Shockley

Max Replied "I Never Experienced Any Power in me so I don't know what to do. Maybe that was all a Coincidence?? or maybe I just possessed a Power??"

"I don't think it is a coincidence. Maybe you a really possessed a power ok then.....Lets see!!" Mr gore are in Excited mode.

Max asked with trembling voice "What you mean by 'Lets see'. What we are gonna do??(I have bad feeling about this)."

"Just come outside bud..!" Gore Signed the Max

*Both of them just comes outside and goes to the Nearest park*

"Its Night Mr gore.... why we are in the Park!!?" Max said.

and then gore said "Punch me!"


Mr Gore said again with anger voice "Punch Me As Hard as You Can"

Max "Are you sure About that?? I dont really want Hurt you..."

Mr Gore shouted "Just Punch Me you Idiot"

Max Thinks "It was First time I seeing Mr gore is Hard on me"

*Max Runs towards the Mr Gore and Punched Him*

"...Ichh!! What is this?? What Are you?? A soft toy huh....Punch me Harder!!" Gore Said with Much Anger.

*Max Hits Him Hard Again*

"I was Disappointed Max!! I always thought more than a Chef you may Admire me to Become a Soldier like me.....But I was wrong" Gore said with his face down and he is disappointed

Max shouted "What are you sayingg.....I Always Admire you....you are the one who saved me....you are who makes My dream to Become a Saviour for Others.....and yet you are disappointed... I didn't even know how to fight....I didn't even know how to defense someone..." Max Voice downed and said "I didn't even Save Anyone...Maybe I really Am a Disappointment."

*The tears came from his Eyes*

*Gore comes forward and Patts the Max on his head*

Gore Replied "Once I was Also Good for Nothing...I was Didn't even realised my power Until a Great Man Gives me Hope To do it. My possession came forward when he was Injured so Badly in front of Mafia's Leader and I suddenly Comes toward to that great man and Turn myself into an Beast and Bite his Hand and Take your Fath.....I mean Great man Alive from their... But I think you don't Have Hope.....I want to give that and For that Punch Me with the All you Have...."

* Max Raised his Fist But .... just down it Again*

"I think That's it bud! you Just done for....I think u you don't want to be a Saviour Anymore" Gore said In straight voice and Starts to walking Away.

Max Just Call his Name 'GORE' With the Serious Voice.

*Gore Just Feels the Pressure and Sense Something like Something gonna be wrong*

*Max Come closer to Gore in Blink of an Eye and Gives a Powerful Blow of Punch, Gore Guarded Himself in Full Beast Mode... But Then The Max's Punch Impact So Powerful That Gore Just Fall Back and Break Through the Wall*

Gore's Mind Said "This ... Man....This Pressure.....His Aura.....It's Without a Doubt is Same as Him...He is The...Son of....Charles Ramsay!!!"

*Gore Laying on the Ground and Max Saw this Horrible Thing Just Happened. He Just Blinked an eye.* {Wait...the...f....Where Gore gone?}

*Gore Was Behind the Max and A Powerful Punch Coming To his Face. He Didn't Even See That Coming....Than Gore Stops his Punch Right Before his Face. The Force of the Punch is Soo Powerful That The Max's Ears Heard the Ziiiiinnnng Sound for 3 seconds. Max Get Extremely Surprised*

*Ehhh Don't Worry Bud! It Didn't Even Hurt a Little. You Have the Potential, But you don't Know how to Make this Potential out of yourself." Gore Said in Giggle.

Max Gets to the Ground and Said "You...Always Have the Upper Hand , And Still you Hold Back your Power. You Taking a Pity on Me??"

"Think About it Buddy!! I Trained for 20 Years to Enhance my Power. 20 FUCKING YEARS!!! What you Can Expect...Huh!!..... See you Tomorrow At the Restaurant...See Yeah Bud!!* Gore Said

*Max Just Seeing him Walking Away with Full of Surprises And Happy at the Same time*

Gore Turn his Face a Little and Said "I will Train you."

"Huh!!! WHAT?? Seriously??" Max Shouted With Excitement

"Shhh! Calm Down Bud!! You will Wake up People Near By...Bye"

"Like.....Breaking though a wall Doesn't Make a Sound..huh..!! Max said with the Plain face.

*Max Was Soo Happy at that time..... Than He Goes Back to His House, Do a Dinner and Sleeps*]

Chapter Continued....

Next Chapter : Lets start Training...