Lets start Training...

[*In the Morning He Wakes up as Usual, Makes a Cup of Coffee and Breakfast for Himself*]

[He Sit on chair and Starts Thinking out "Hmmm.....Something Strange Phenomenon are Happening for the Past Few Days. Like Suddenly Finding out my Un-Natural Powers, Running Faster Than a Car, Even Fighting With Mr Gore. It's Been 22 Years of my Birth Still I Didn't Get Any Power....Why Now?? Is this Some Kind of Coincidence or This is How it is..."

*The Phone Start Ringing...His Father is Calling*

Max Answered the Phone " Hey Dad!! How you Doin? Sorry for not Calling you For Few da-"

"Don't Tell Anyone...!!" Father Replied with Serious Voice.

Max : "Huh!!?...Wait What are you Talking About??

Father : "I said Don't Tell Anyone that you are Un-Natural. Not Even a Single Soul or You will Get Hell to Pay"

Max : "Ahmm! Dad What the hell Happened to you. I Mean..... you Never Talk to Me like That And Wait a Minute..... Who Tells you...That I am a Un-Natural??"

Father : "Well I am your Father. I Know Everything about my son, Please just Keep it a Secret from Everyone."

Max : "Okayyy...But Do Mom Knows About this??

Father : "No Only I am the one Who Knows it....This World is Extremely Cruel for Un-Natural or Supernatural People."

Max : "But Dad I am a Chef and I Doing a Fine Job. Why Would I Do Fights With Them. I will Continue Living a Normal Life like a Normal Human"

Father : "THINGS WILL BE NOT FINE FROM NOW ON!!! Do What Gore say. He Will Guide you. Just Stay out this for a While and I Will there Soon."

Max : "uhhh....okayy! But Wait a Second....How you know Gore and Why you Going to be he-"

*Max's Father Hang up the Phone*

"JUST WHAT HAPPENING IN MY LIFE....Gimme a Fucking Break Already" *Max Shouted and Then See to the Clock*

*Then He Leaves the House and Get off for the Restaurant. He's in the Anger and Walking Down to the Street. A Person Goes near from the Max*

He Suddenly Shocked and See Back to the Max Ramsay " *Heavily Breathing* Who is This Guy, I Never Felt Like this Before, Is he.....No There is Only One...Maybe My Senses are Playing Games with me. My Finding Power Stinging me that He is the Guy Who Posses-"

Gore Appears from behind him and said "Hey!! What Wrong with you??"

Guy : "Awhh!.....ummmm...Nothing.....I was Just Passing by."

Gore : "Okay...Keep Going"

*The guy Left*

*Max Ramsay Arrives at the Restaurant*

Max : "Good Morning Everyone!!"

Manager : "That's The Max I am Looking for.... Full of Energy and Mode"

Max : "HAhh! Uhhh....Yes.....Thanks"

Serena: *Slap on his Back* "Ohh you Look Active and healthy Today. You Visit a Doctor?"

Max : *Tooo Close Tooo Close Serena (Blushes)* "No..uhh...I Have Just a Little Fever haha.....Nothing to Worry About..."

Serena : "Glad to Have You Back Max" *Flower Aside beside*

"Sooo Cutee...Ahmm Ahmm.... Let Get to the Work" Max Said.

*After Sometimes. Mr Gore Arrives at the Restaurant and Order for Tofu*

*Max Prepares The Meal and give to Waiter for Serve*

*Gore Finishes Eating Tofu and Starts Waiting for Someone*

*(Time Passed) Now the Time Arrives with Restaurant Time to Get Close. But Mr Gore is There for a Reason*

*Gore Called the Manager and Max. Manager and Max Comes to the Gore*

Max : "Ahmmm...What Happen Mr Gore it is Very Unusual that you stay in the Restaurant this whole day"

Manager : "Any Specials reason Gore"

Gore : "Sorry Manager!! But from Tomorrow Max Will Not Come for the Job."

*Max and Manager Face to Each other and Shouted with Surprise "WHAAATTTT?"

Manager Asked Max "Wait....Why you are Shocked"

Max : "I Don't know that Either"

Manager : With the Plain Face "You are Kidding! Right Max"

Max : "I Swear to God I Didn't Know it"

Gore : "Calm Down....Calm down Both of you. I am the one who Take Max away"

Manager : *Tear Comes out* "But Why Gore?? WHYY? You are Our daily Customer and Loved Tofu So Much.....yet you Give Wounds to my Heart. What I did Wrong to you Gore?? Why are you Taking my Max From me.....awwww"

Max : "Wt...I Don't know that Manager is so Dramatic"

Gore : "SILENCE!! Your Acting is Awful Manager" *Laugh*

Manager : "ok Atleast tell me the Reason"

Max : "Yeah!!! How Am I Gonna Live Without Money and so....."

Gore : "Don't Worry Max you are Going to Join Special Forces From Tomorrow and Being Trained by me. haha...Also your Dream Come true of becoming the Member of Special Forces"

*Manager Just Stoned for a Second*

Max : "Hmmm..... you got the Point so-"

Manager : Wait...wait.....wait.....wait...Then Who Gonna be Chef in my Restaurant. Who I Able to Find one as good as you"

Max : " No Problemo!!....I know One Person who Can Cook As level of me ! I Give you His Contact Number. So Talk to him and give him Job. PERFECT RIGHT!!??"

Manager: "That's Fine! But Will He Really Be my Chef"

Max : "Right now He is Jobless Right now. He Will Definitely come. Don't Worry."

Manager: "Fine....Bu-"

*Gore and Max Disappears*

Manager: " wait..WT..."

*As Gore and Max Walking down to the Street and Have a Conversation About Morning*

Max : "First Thing First. How you Know my Father?? And Why the HELL....Am I going to Join Special Forces??"

Gore : "There are Two Reasons. First you Don't Know how to Fight or Protect yourself and Second it's your Dream to Become the Best Solider of Special Forces. And I Can't Tell you about that How I Know your Father. It's a Little Secret."

Max Thinks "What Should I do Now..... Like I am happy and Afraid at the same Time. Ughhh! It makes my Brain Hurt"

Gore : First We go Home and do Dinner then will be Go for a Training"

Max : "Wait.....What you Mean by 'We'. Like don't you Have Home Mr Gore"

Gore : "Don't Worry About me Just Let The Thing Go with the Flow. You will understand Everything Later."

Max : "Haaaaa! I just have to Calm myself and Everything is going to be Fine"

*Max and Gore Arrives at the Apartment and Then Max Starts Preparing for the Dinner*

*Max Prepared the Meal and Come into the room and Put Meal on a Table. He Sees Gore is in Serious mood Deeply Thinking about Something*

"Hey....Ahmm.....Mr Gore? Hellooo!! MR GORE" Max Shout

Gore "Huh.....Yeah!!! Nothing I Was Just Thinking About How Should we Start Training"

Max : "Ohh....hmm..No Problemo. Lets Eat Meal."

*Gore and Max Do the Dinner and than Gore Stands up*

Gore : "Okayy So Time for Some Training"

*Both Goes to the Near Wide Open Space (Park)*

Gore : "Okay Get Ready"

Max Think "Damn!!...I Waited for this Moment or a Long time ! My First Training Session. I Soo Excited" and Then Said "I was Born Rea-"

*Gore Engaged With some Lighting speed and Give a Powerful Blow to The Max"

Max: "Ahhhh! *Cough* *cough* What Just Happened *Cough* I...."

Chapter is Continued.......

Next Chapter : "PF Association"