Dark Truths

[Gore : *Heavily Breath* "haaaa...I will Tell you the Truth ,But After Listening to this Don't Ever Talk about this or Your Life will Be Come a Living Hell"

"I Understand" Max Said]

Gore : "So...The Truth is...The Master who Trained me is Actually...He is Actually...Your Father 'Charles Ramsay'"

*Max is Super Shocked and Silenced for a Second*

Max : "Wait...No! That's impossible he Always Been a Chef He Always Been the Best Chef in the World. He Can't be..."

*A Open the Door and Starts Talking*

??? : "That's Right Son.... That was Me Who Trained Gore"

*Max Look at the Door and Start Trembling*

Charles Ramsay : "How you Doinn...Son?"

*Max Came up with Tears and Stand up*

Max : "But....Dad.....How?.....You are the Best Chef....Not Solider"

Charles Ramsay : "Calm Down Son.....I will Explain you the Whole thing So Listen"

*Gore, Max And Charles Ramsay Sit on the Chair and Starts the Conversation*

Charles Ramsay : "I am Retired 20 years Ago. I was the Top Rank 3 Solider at that time. I Do Many Mission With 100% Successful Ratio and Also Train Many Solider Myself. The Reason I Choose the Other path is you My son And There is another Reason Too that I Lost my First Son Because of that Cruel Mission. He was Also in the Special Force Top Rank 5 Solider. He Always Been a Great Solider"

Max : *Shocked* "Wait....I Have Brother?"

Charles : "Yes! His Name is Rex Ramsay, 24 year Old Solider Who Complete Mission With his Dad and Always Takes The Lead. But.....He Died Because of that Fucking Bloody Bastard. I Always Say to Him that Not to Get Fight with the Mafia's Leader"

Max : "What the Name of the Mafia's Leader?"

Charles Ramsay : "Speck Overkill" He is Cold Blooded Killer With no Mercy in his Eye . Murdering a Person is Just another day for him. He killed the Current Mafia Leader of that Time and Got the Place for Himself.

Max : How he Killed My brother??

Charles : "We got the Mission from the PF association to get 20 Most precious Stone From the Mafia Which they are going to Steal from the Museum of Kekroka, So in that Mission We face Speck overkill. we are ordered to retreat as our many of solider get killed and Badly Injured.

But my son did a Large Explosion Attack which injured Speck But his healing Ability are off the hook. In that Mission ...Rex Ramsay...your Brother....lost his Life in front of me...I Also Fight him and Gave him a Scar that he never able to Hide or heal.

Max : "*SNIFF* but Father why you Hide this from me the whole time. Why you hiding this Dark truth From me.

Charles : "After that I Take a Retirement from the PF association and Starts Living a Normal Human Life. I was good in Cooking so I Become the Best Chef I could ever. I Also want your Life to be Normal. That was the Reason I hide this All from you.

Max : Ok one Last Question. What are your Powers?

Charles : "As I am a Supernatural I possess 5 Power Atleast....You will Find out Soon

Max : "Woah!!!..Wonder are Those some hell of Powers??."

Charles : "I only know That you are Un-Natural as I only see Healing power in you, but Then I Come to Know that you Have Super-Strength. That Proves You are Supernatural Like me. I Want to Keep Distance From Any Kind of Danger Till you Get Fully Trained or Get to More Powers or Not."

Max : "What Should I do Then Father"

Charles : "You Should Do training With Gore"

*Gore Gives a Big Smile 'HEHE' "I Will Give you Perfect Training Bud. Don't Worry'*

Max : "no....no....no....no.....I Am Not going to Train With Him. He Just Give Me Powerful Blows and Keep Punching me for no Reason."

Gore : *Plain Face* "Seriously?? I just Give only 3 Fucking Punches and you Passed out in no time. You Have Many Things to Learn."

Charles : "You Have two Choices Son. Either you Live here and Train With Gore and So Or you Come Home And Train With Gore at Training Session Academy. What it Would be ?"

Max : "I will Train at Training Session with you. Okay."

Charles : "Oka-...Wait a Minute! You Will Gonna With me??"

Max : "Why not?? Like I am Your son.....so you may know How to Train me Better"

*Gore and Charles Starts Laughing*

Charles : "OKay Son....haha is...is that what you Want Lets See....then.."

Gore : "Pfft...You Really Gonna Regret This Bud"

Max : "I See Gore and How he Fights So Maybe I able to Make a Better Improving"

Charles : "Enhancing of your Powers Require Three Thing...Breathing, Practices and Inner Body Practice....It Will Improve your Body, Supernatural Powers and Tactics"

Max : "I Will be Ready...I Make Sure not to Disappoint you. If you were Able to Teach me Cooking Then Why not you Able to Teach me Fighting....After All I am your Son"

Gore : "Ahmm Ahmm...He Got a Point. Master"

Charles : "Time will Show that Tomorrow...I will be Waiting At Training Session Academy. I will Send you Location Thought The Phone. So Be on Time!!!"

*After the Conversation Finished Max and Gore Head Back to The Apartment. During the Traveling Max Thinks "Maybe my Father Got the Right way to Teach me about my powers"*

*Both Arrives at the apartment and Max Open the Door and Ask Gore "Hmmm...Why are you Here?"*

Gore : "ahhh....The Only Reason I Am Here is that I Love your Delicious Food"

Max : "huh...... Seriously!! That is the Only Reason you Start Living With me"

*After the Dinner they Goes to Sleep*

[Night Passed]

*Phone Starts Ringing at 6:00AM in the Morning. Max Wake up and Pick up The Phone*

Charles : *In Very Loud Voice* "Get to The Session Academy NOWWW"

Max : "Ouuuch... My Ears....Why are you Calling me. Who are you??"

Charles : "Your Dad"

Max : "Ohhhh Dad....I'm....I am Sorry. I Will get to The Academy Right Away"

*Huh Where is Gore...Nevermind Maybe he get to his job.....I Should get Going*

*Max Gets Ready and Off for the Academy...He Get to it By Bus. He Saw A Huge Building In Front of him. He Going to Enter...*

Chapter is Continued....

Next Chapter : Father Vs Son