Father Vs Son

[Night Passed]

*Phone Starts Ringing at 6:00AM in the Morning. Max Wake up and Pick up The Phone*

Charles : *In Very Loud Voice* "Get to The Session Academy NOWWW"

Max : "Ouuuch... My Ears....Why are you Calling me. Who are you??"

Charles : "Your Dad"

Max : "Ohhhh Dad....I'm....I am Sorry. I Will get to The Academy Right Away"

*Huh Where is Gore...Nevermind Maybe he get to his job.....I Should get Going*

*Max Gets Ready and Off for the Academy...He Get to it By Bus. He Saw A Huge Building In Front of him. He Entered in the Building*

Max : "WOAHHH! That's Beautiful. Look at Those.... Hmm Where Should I Go There are So Many Rooms and Session. Hmmm..... The Sign Board Says "Special Force Training Session" Maybe I should Go in there.

*Suddenly an Ball of Fire Incoming towards him.....Someone Appears and Vanish it*

Max : Waohh!...ahh.....What's thaat?

??? : Heyaah! Ahmmm....Are you a Human? This is place for Un-Naturals and Supernaturals"

Max : "NO.ahh...I am Here for the Training with my Father"

??? : "Your Father?? What His Name?"

Max : "His name is Charles Ramsay"

*Everyone In the Training Rooms Shocked*

All of them : "You are The Son of Night Demon??"

Max : "Nigh Wha...."

Gore : *Shouts* "Students.....Behave"

*All the Students Lined up. Charles Ramsay Came From Right Side of the Room*

All of Them : *Bow Their Head* "Good Morning Sensei!!"

*Max Saw his Father and Though "DAMN! He's Cooler then me Already"*

Charles Ramsay : "Good Morning My Students...Today I have an Announcement"


Charles Ramsay : "Today I Am going to Fight With Someone"

*Fight Someone?? Does That Guy don't Love his Life?*

Charles Ramsay : "And That Guy is non Other then Him" *Points towards the Max Ramsay*

Max : *in Trembling Voice* " Y...Y....Yes! ahh...it's Me who going to Fight.....Wait a Minute Why Fight I am Here to Practice in the First Place"

Charles Ramsay : "I just Want to know what your Style My son"

*Everyone Be like : "it's Father Vs Son"*

*The Environment Around the Room Become so Intense and Hype*

Charles Ramsay : *Stance* "Shall we Begin??"

Max : *Take off his Upper Shirt* "I am Ready. fooooohh....Focus"

*Charles Ramsay Suddenly just Vanish from the Eye of Everyone*

*Max really Shocked that he has Such a Speed. But He's Not Here Anywhere. What just Happened*

Gore Shout at the Upper Corner of the Room and Said "You Don't Have to Play Games for Someone new Like Him Master"

Charles Replied With a Huge Laughter " Hahaha....He Didn't See me"

Max Thinks "Wait A Sec...Don't Tell Me He Has the power to Teleport, I Just Thought it Was just a Speed. But..."

Suddenly Charles Appears Toward the Max and Said "Punch me Already. isn't the Fight Just Started"

*Max Shows His Full Speed and Get Behind the Charles. Everyone Shocked to See his Speed and Then Max Punch With Full Force that the Air Around Becomes The Pressure to the Charles.....But Unfortunately his Fist Didn't Even Touch him*

Max : "huh....What Happening. I am.....I'm Sure I am at good Position of punch in this Distance and My Arm is Fully Stretched...Than Why...Why My Punch Didn't Get to Him. He Didn't Even Move"

Charles Ramsay : "SON.....If you able to Know that Power Maybe you Will Able to Conquer It"

*Max Body Started to Tremble and shaking Badly*

Max : "What Happening to Hands...it's Shaking, no ,not only the Hand, My Whole is Shaking and Trembling... Wait...Something Inside is Moving. I got it....The Power is....."

Charles Ramsay : Yes!! You got it Right. It's Blood Manipulation.

*Everyone Shocked as They Always Though It's Telekinesis*

Charles : "Owww Come on Everyone Why All of you are Shocked??"

All of Them : "We Always Though it was Telekinesis"

Charles : "I Can't Control or Move Non Living Things. So Obviously At the End it's Blood Manipulation"

Max : "It's Far Worse than Telekinesis. I Have to Find the Way to Conquer it....Think.....Think.....Thats it"

*Max Just Stop Shaking and Start to Walk towards the Charles*

Charles : *Serious Look* " Ahhh.....That's Right Son! That's how you Conquer it...Overcome With it Possession....Make it your Own"

Gore : "What Happened Master.....How He Stop the Blood Manipulation?"

Max : "You'll Find out Soon Gore"

Max Said in Excited Voice "Shall We.....Father"

Charles Ramsay : "Yeah..... I Think this is Exactly where the Fight Begins"

*Charles Press a Button of Remote in his Hand, Room's Wall Changes Into Black and the Green Patterns on it. All The Student Get Back to other Corners*

Gore Thinks "Master Done the Same Thing During my Final Training Sessions. Don't Tell me They are Gonna Fight that Seriously"

*The Vibes Getting Darker and Darker in the Room*

*Both of them Coming Forward to Each other*

*The Aura Getting Intense and more Intense*

Charles : "You Realizing it now...Right Son??"

Max : *Voice Changed a bit into Monstrous* "Yeahhh! This Feels Good...and Now....I Am getting Used to it*

*Max Give a Sudden Waves of Darkness*

*Everybody Just Feels The Pressure of These Two*

*A Powerful Blow From Max Towards the Charles...But He Stops it With the Left Hand 'Like Karate Stance' and then Charles Push him Little and Kick his Leg and Punch him in face....But He Didn't Hit him....He Grab Max Arm and Stand him up and said "Again" Max Get More Angrier and Start Punching him Continuously . Charles Stops His Every Single Punches.....His Punches are So Dense that the Air Around Him Blows off. Every One Looking this Unexplained Scene With there Eyes and Shocked. Charles Said "Before Even Start the Fight First you Should Know how to Fight. These are Nothing Just Random Futile Punches."

Gore Thinks "Why Make is Seems So Angry, Why His Power Speed, Durability and Technique is Getting Better and Change. He Learning as he Fight. But his mind not in this Control Either. WAIT...This is the Third Power of Charles Isn't it. Don't Tell me He Possess The Power of......."

Chapter Continued.....

Next Chapter : Fight...Still on