Fight......Still on

Gore Thinks "Why Make is Seems So Angry, Why His Power Speed, Durability and Technique is Getting Better and Change. He Learning as he Fight. But his mind not in this Control Either. WAIT...This is the Third Power of Charles Isn't it. Don't Tell me He Possess The Power of...."


*The fight continues and the whole Building is Shaking like hell.....*

Gore : "Both of them gonna Destroy the Whole building if they keep doing that"

*Charles Ramsay Suddenly grab his right hand and Gives a Spined Throw, but Max Back to his face in second.*

Charles Ramsay: " are not going to stop aren't you?"

Max : "Ughhh....Don't gimme that Face are Also Enjoy it AREN'T YOU"

Charles : "He's Total Monsterous right now...Maybe He Also Have the DemonBreak...Look in this Eyes, he is Totally out of control. Guess....I have to do it now.

It's not always about just punching... sometime you have to know how you punch it...."

Max : "Don't gimme that crap.....just show me what you got....."

Charles : "That's not the good way to talk with your Father.

*Charles close his eyes and stay still. Max Punch coming towards him ...,but then suddenly Everywhere is just White infront of the Max Eye...No shadows, No people....Just him.*

*Max started to look here and there but.....He sees nothing but White Area*

Charles : *Echo Voice* "Son...What you see??"

Max : *Angry Noise* " ahhhh.....Where are you....Show yourself Coward*

*Charles Appears towards the Max and said "Coward you say."Max approach Charles and starts punching and Kicking but.....his Hand and legs just Passed through his Body*

Gore was outside and seeing the Black Circle in the Room and suddenly Remembered "Woah....that was the power Master Used before Speck Overkill.....The finest power of Master..... 'The Illusion' "

Charles : "Welcome to the limitless void of Nightmare, Here you can Only see Nothing but yourself and me."

*Max Came to Feel Dizzy and Dizzy Then Fell off into Hands of Charles*

*Charles Inverse His Power to Back to Room and Call out All the Students*

*Everybody Shocked to See the Max is Unconscious and in the Hands of Charles*

??? : "Did you Kill Him Master???"

Charles : *In Rage* "OOiii.....Why The F**k I Am going to kill my Own Son....Idiot....He's Just unconscious"

Gore : "How you Make him Calm Down Master"

Charles : "I just Show him Of Illusions in his Mind so He feels Dizzy Lost in Consciousness"

*Someone Opens the Door and Shouted at the Charles*

??? : "Oi oi oi ! You Want to Destroy My Building...This is only for Training not for Battleground"

*The Sound So Loud and Pitch That Their Ears Hurts*

Charles : "Ohh hoo....Really Sorry for that Echoo"

Echoo : *Really Excited* "Woahhh! isn't you Master Night Demon It's Really Really Pleasure to Meet you"

Charles : "Yep whatsup!! But.....Really Sorry for the Mess Echoo, I am Training with my Son and yet...This Happens to the Room.

Echoo : "I really Respect you Master But.... you Please not try to Destroy my Building."

Gore : "We are Really Sorry I Didn't Think that the Fight Will go the This Measure"

*Max Wakes up Slowly*

*Everybody Just Shocked To the That Max just Wake up this Fast*

Max : "Oww...Och! ahhhh...My Brain Hurting like Hell....huh!! *Suprised* What Happens to the Room?"

Charles : *Thinks* "Your Healing Power Sure is Something Else....I Want to know how is he Proving So Fast...After All He is Supernatural"

Echoo : " really don't know...It's all your Doing *Really Louded Voice*

*Everyone Cover their Ears*

Max : "Damn!! That Loud Voice It is Clearly Inhuman"

Gore : "Obviously He is inhuman Haha he Ranked 10 Solider in PF Association"

Max : "I Wonder that's Why His voice Strong Enough To Injure Human Ears"

*Everybody Apologize to the Echoo and Dismissed the Training Session*

Charles : *Clap* *Clap* "Today's Class Dismissed...We will Continoue Tomorrow"

Max : "Wait....I get No Training or Something else....I Just got a Fight with you and Lose."

Charles : "Well I Come to know your Fighting Style Which is Absolute Trash you know"

Max : "It is Because I am Trained to be a Chef my Whole Life? Isn't it obvious?"

Gore : "Haha Bud...He got a Point there ! Well I am Sure you Want to Get trained by me or You should go Training with your Dad! But Keep that in mind Bud , You Will Regret by Training with this Person, Many People Even The Professional Gets Fucked By him. I am Not Saying he is not a good Trainer But His way of Training is Hardcore.

Max : *Scared Face* "You Creeping me ouy here, Gore"

Gore : "haha Don't Think too Hard....let just Go home Already!!!

*Max Pack his Bag and Leaves...he get the bus and Got to the Station Near his House ! He Opened his Apartment...Wait a Sec his Front door is not Locked*

*Max Get Alert* " Maybe Someone Been here....Or Somethin else Happened"

*He Entered in his Apartment and See Everything is The Way they were....Nothing Happened?"

Max : "Ohhhhh...I Just Forget to Lock the Door in Hurry. BAKA me"

*Max Goes to Sleep*


Max to you Guys : "Well Sorry for the Late Chapter Releasing.....Author is Getting Really Traumatizing from the Life Pharse for some time As His Mother Passed Away Few Weeks ago. Well The Chapters Will be Contiued from now on. Also Thanks For Reading...Keep Supporting.

Next Chapter : The Perposal