False Face

*Both gets off for PF Association*

Max : "Before we go! Shouldn't we have to do Breakfast First."

Gore : "Yeah I kinda Staving too, ok lets go then"

Max : "Let Go to The Restaurant where I Worked"

Gore : "That's Right, Let Get a Great TOFU THERE"

Max : "Your Love for Tofu Never Gets old"

*Both of them Goes to the Restaurant*

*Enters The Restaurant*

Max : "Ahhh.....It's Full As Always I think Nothing Changed Much After me"

Gore : "Let Sit There And Order Something"

*Sit on Chair and a Waitress Comes to their Table and Ask for the Order*

*Gore ordered Tofu as Always and Max Ordered Chewmein Noddle with Shashilk*

Max : "Gore What time is it?"

Gore : "It's 8:05 AM and We Have to Get to the PF Association at 9:00 AM. Well We Don't Have Much Time Max, Be Hurry. They Are Very Strict to their Rules"

Max : "Don't Worry, Let Eat and Go"

*Meal Arrived at the Table But the Man who Served the Meal is the Main Chef*

??? : "Here's your Meal Sir and How are you Max??"

Max : "I am Alright, Lesfer! It's been a While Since I Recommend you to Work here"

Gore : "Why the Chef Comes to Serve Isn't Waiter do that Job??"

Lesfer : "Well I come to know you are here so I want to see you Myself, That's Why I Serve you with My Honor and Yeah Don't Worry About the Kitchen, I have Two More chefs Working."

Max : "Ahh I See.....you Have Team Now, You know you Have Same Taste Like I Have in Cooking"

Lesfer : "pfft....Isn't it Because We Learn Cooking Together huh"

Gore : "Hmmm Tofu is Delicious."

Lesfer : "Glad you Like it Mister Gore....Sir I Have a Question!"

Max : "What is it?"

Lesfer : "His name is Gore, But he is Chill and Fun Personality in him, He is Nothing like his Name."

Gore : "I have Named After my Power you know, I have the power of Beast"

Lesfer : "That's Very Interesting I see"

Gore : "Awwh.....My Tofu Gets Cold after all the Talking"

Lesfer : "Don't Worry Sir.....Here"

*Lesfer Point his Finger towards the Bowl, it Gets hot after Few Second*

Lesfer : "Now Enjoy your Meal Sir"

Gore : "Woah It gets Really Hot, I See you are Un-Natural As Well"

Max : *Smiles* "ohhh...I forgot to Tell you Gore, His Name is Lesfer Roid and he is a Fire User"

Gore : "Hey Boy, I Have a Offer for you, Would you like to Join PF Associati-"

Max : *Shouts* " Don't Just Go Around and Start Recruiting People okayyy"

Lesfer : "No Thanks, Mister Gore...I love this Job and Also it is my Dream to Become Best Chef in the Whole Country and Also I really Love Cooking not Fighting"

*Both Eats the Meal and Get off from the Restaurant*

*Gore Calls for the Car and Goes from it to PF Association*

*After Few Time, They Arrived at PF Association and Enter the Facility*

*Gore Guides him to the Submission Office and Leaves Max Outside the Office Door the Waiting*

Gore : "I See you at the Moment Max. Bye for now"

Max : "I will wait"

*After Few Time a man comes outside from the Office and call out the Name of Max Ramsay*

*Max Enters in the Office and See there are Many Badges and Medals Hanging on the Wall and There is a Old man Sitting in the Chair*

??? : "Sit Down Max"

Max : *Nervous* "Huhh...Yes....Thank you"

*Max Sits down on the Chair*

??? : "Hello Max , My Name Karuso.....Karuso Ayato, I am the Director of PF association"

Max : *Thinks* "Aside from his Face, He is Look like Japanese, but his English Accent is Perfect"

Max : "Hello, My Name is Max....Max Ramsay....Nice to Meet you Sir Karuso Ayato"

Karuso : "Ahhh I see.....You are the Son of Charles Ramsay Aka the Night Demon, There is no Exception that you look like your Father, He is the Most Powerful Solider we Ever Ranked in Those Times"

Max : "Yeah.....I know my Father is Amazing....Here the Submission Papers I Filled"

*Karuso Grab the Papers from Max Ramsay and Start Staring at it"

Karuso : "Hmmm....Ahhh so you are Supernatural I see what are your Powers Then...?"

Max : "Well There are hmmm.... Super Strength, Healing ,And Something like Demon Break I Think"

*Karuso Just Looked Surprised From the Look of His Eyes"

Karuso : "Demon Break you Say.....Just like your Father....Hmmm Interesting"

Max : "I Had a Fight with him But I loses"

Karuso : "Want to Play a Game??"

Max : *Thinks* "Wait.....What's That....What with the Smile on his Face.....With That Seriousness"

Karuso : "Tell Me Max! Do you want to Play game?"

Max : *Nervous* "Ahhhmmm...Wha...What Kind of Game?

"Karuso Grab out a Revolver from under his Desk and Puts on the Table"

Max : *More Confused* "What with that Gun karuso...What kind of Game Are you Going to play??"

Karuso : *Crazy Smile* "Tell me what you Bet?"

Max : "Is He Crazy or Something?? He is not the Person I Met Moment ago.....It's Like a False Face He had Before"

Karuso : "It's the Game of Death, Max Haha.....There only One Bullet in this Revolver out of 5 Rounds and There are Four Rounds of Our Play...Spin This Revolver, Who Gets the Point at will Fire the Person In front of him"

Max : "This Person is Out of his Mind....He Want me to Kill him or He Wants to Kill me.....Why he is Completely Changed"

*Max Just Remember Something*

Max : *Thinks* "Gore Told me not to tell Anyone About this Demon Break Possession, Maybe it's the Reason Why is just Change or There is Some Other Reason!!"

Karuso : "Alright.....I Take the First Spin"

"Karuso Spinned the Revolver and it's Start Spinning Fast*

*Then Revovler Stopped at the Max Ramsay*

*Max Freaks Out*

Karuso : "Pick up the Gun Max and Point at me"

*Max Starts Trembling*

Max : "I Can't I Just....Can't Do this"

Karuso : "So Lame.....Sooooo Laame!! if you Don't Shoot You will not Get in PF Association Ever Again and Also you Will be Isolated"

*Max Grabs the Revolver Immediately*

Karuso : *Thinks* "Just As I Thought his Demon Break Can be Triggered By Giving him Desperation*

*Max Eyes Pupils Got Small And His Face Look Different of a Scary*

*Max Point Revolver Towards The Karuso and Willing to Pull the Trigger and Then....*

*Suddenly He Point to his own and....And Pulls The Trigger*





Chapter Continued...

Next Chapter : "Professional Training"