Professional Training

*Max Pulls the Trigger Towards it's own* *BAM*

Karuso : "Do you Want to Play a Game?"

*Max Suddenly Opens his Eyes And He is Full of Sweat*

Karuso : "Tell me! Do you Want to Play a Game Max"

Max : *Thinks* "Wait a Minute Didn't I Just Pull the Trigger and Why I Pick up Gun on my own And Whats Going on How Am I Alive"

*Karuso Brings up the Revovler Below From the Desk Again and Puts on the Table*

Max : *Heavily Breathes* "This is Exact Happens Before and Again that Look on his Eyes, Something is Wrong"

Karuso : "Okay I Take the First Spin"

*Karuso Spins the Revovler and then again it Come to point at the Max Again*

Max : "What Should I do *Sweats* What Should I do"

Karuso : "Pick up the Gun Max and Point at me"

*Max Picks up the Gun Slowly*

Karuso : "So Lame.....Sooooo Laame!! if you Don't Shoot You will not Get in PF Association Ever Again and Also you Will be Isolated"

Max : "The Pressure I am Feeling....Just Who the hell is this old man"

*Max Immediately Pulls the Trigger Above the Roof*

Karuso : *Smile Fades Away* "haaa....So you Take the Good Choice huh!!!"

Max : "What's he Know Already that I Shoot at myself Before??"

Karuso : "Just like your Father....your Demon Break can be Activated but Giving you No Choice Situation...I Think this is the First Time you are in Demon Break yet Conscious, Am I Right?"

Max : "Who are you??"

Karuso : "Who I am? Let me Introduce Myself Again, My Name is Karuso Ayato and My Power is Time Leap"

Max : *Thinks* "Wait...That's Right!! Time Leap One of the Rarest Power Ever, There is No Doubt About it, He is the One and Only Un-Natural Un-Defeated"

Karuso : "Yes, I Think you may Figure it out, I am the one and Only"

Both : "The Clocker"

*Max Face suddenly gets excited*

Max: "Damn!! I am very Big fan of you I Read all of your Books about time, But I really Don't Know that you have the Power of Time Leap"

Karuso: "Well ...I know everybody thinks I am Genius scientist type Person, But Actually Because of this power, I really Come to know the Worth and Understanding of Time"

Max : "Soo....How was the Experience"

*Karuso face Looks Pale and Downed*

Karuso : "You Don't wanna know Max.....It's Horrible and Dark Sometimes"

Max : "Sorry to Ask you.ah..ha..."

Karuso : "By the way you make a good choice by firing the revolver upwards, as you may realized that you just triggered your demon break for some amount of time, but still you manage to shoot other way other then yourself that you do it Before"

Max : "Wait....why I also remembered all of this too?"

Karuso : "Actually it's also part of my power"

Max : " Ahh I see....I don't understand"

Karuso : "not to mention.... but I literally saw you dead too hahaha"

Max : *scared* "What's funny about that, That creeps me out"

Karuso : "No Need to Think Hard Buddy"

Max : "What about my Submission papers"

Karuso : "Haha... Don't worry about that I just Accepted your passed my Test After All"

Max : "Woah.... Director you are full of Mystery"

Karuso : " Haha... Don't be like that...I am Just doing What I have to Do, After all you have Potential!"

Max : "Potential for what.....Exactly"

Karuso : "to Become one of the Top Most Ranked Solider in PF Association"

*Max Become Really Happy to Hear That*

Max : "I Will.... Director"

Karuso : "You can you take a Leave now, Gore will Guide you afterwards"

Max : "Oohh...ok....Really Pleasure to Meet you...Director Karuso Ayato"

*Both shake Hands, Max takes the leave and go outside the Room, Gore is Standing Infront of Him*

Gore : "How the Interview goes?"

Max : "Kinda Epic....."

Gore : "Yeah Yeah!....I know He is Epic....That's Why He is Called Clocker, Also He is Director and Chairman of this PF Association"

*Both Guide Him to his New Room*

Max : "Woah Such a Fine Room...Furnishing is Better Than my Apartment To Be Honest"

*Max Layed on the Bed and Takes the Deep Breath*

Max : "Ahhhh...This Bed is Fluffy and Good, It Makes Me Feel So Sleepy*

Gore : "Get off the Bed Bud.....We Have Lesson to Learn"

Max : "What Kind of Lesson Gore?? Gimme a Break"

Gore : "This is going to be your First time Professional Training in PF Association"

Max : *Max Gets Excited* "Looking Forward to it"

*Max Get off from the Bed and Then Goes With the Gore, Gore Guides him to the Training Session*

*Both of them Arrives at Training Hall*

Max : *Thinks* "Woah This Hall is Better Then the Private Training Session Where I Fight my Father"

Gore : "How's The Training Hall Bud??"

Max : "Magnificent"

*There Are Many Un-Natural, Supernatural and also Humans Training in Some Kind of Suited Armor*

Max : *Remembered* "Ohhh.....That's The Suit I Received From the Package With I get the Proposal"

Gore : "Those Suits are Design For The Human to Give Them Super Strength and Speed...Also It Have Very Strong Armor So It's Help Them to Fight in Battle With Any kind"

Max : "That's Amazing Where Should we Start The Training??"

Gore : "Right Here and Now!!"

Max : *Stared At Gore* "Wait.....What"

Gore : *Shouts* "Number 657 'APPROCH HERE'"

*A Young man With Blondie Hair Comes Towards the Gore and Salute Him*

??? : "Sir Yes SIR"

Gore : "You are Going to Friendly Fight With This Guy"

Number 657 : "Sir YES SIR"

Max : "Wait A Sec....Isn't He is a Simple Human?? This Fight Might Hurt Him Badly"

Gore : "Don't Worry Bud, This is His Daily Routine Job and Also he Professionally Trained one.....For me I should Say 'Be Careful Bud' "

Max : "Why are you Sounding like you Saying to me 'I am Weakling'"

Gore : "No.....haha I am not Saying that.....Okay Let Roll"

Max : *Thinks* There is no way I Will be Defeated By a Mere Human*

*Max and Number 657 Solider Get the Stance and Then The Fight Begins*

Chapter Continued.....

Next Chapter : "That's Impossible"