That's Impossible

*Number 657 and Max Both Take the Stance of Fight and Then The Fight Begins*

*Both Advance Each Other Fast But *Blacked* The Next Thing Max See that He is on the Ground*

Max : *Thinks* "huh...What just Happened.....I am On the Ground??"

Number 657 : "Checkmate Solider"

Gore : "DAMN Bud...I Never Thought you will Lose The Fight That Quickly"

*Number 657 Solider Grip Locked the Max Body*

Max : "Wait...I Can't Get out.....Ahh ,That's Impossible!! how?"

*Solider Released Max*

*Max Stands up With Shock look on his Face"

Max : "Tch...How the Hell You Do that.....Even Though I Have Supernatural Powers"

657 Solider : "It's Not Always Depends on your Powers Sir.....You Should Know the Logic and Techniques of Every Moves...For Example If you Just Punch me....I am Trained Enough to Knowledge that how to Counter That Punch Even That Can Destroy the building."

Max : "Is Logic and Technique Really That Handy."

Gore : "Actually He is Right Bud, He can Even Counter My Punches Too"

Max : "No Jokes!"

Gore : "I am Not Joking Bud, That's the Main Things you Should Learn From Training....Before Enchancing your Power you Should Learn How to Fight Without any Power"

Max : *Thinks* "How He Can Really Countered By Body and Also I am Sure I Activated my Super Strength ,Even I was in each Power. Still he Able to Get me to the Ground Like I am Piece of Paper, So I Have to Learn Fight Fir-"

Gore : "Oiii....Are you Listening to me??"

Max : "Ohhh....I am Really Sorry, I Was Just Surprised to see that he Defeated me in no Time"

657 Solider : "I Can Sense you are Pretty Powerful too Sir, But Also I See that you Don't Have Any Experience in Fighting too!"

Max : "Yeah.....That's Right I Have No Experience, Because I was a Chef in my Whole Previous life Years"

Gore : "Ok Lets Start your Real Training than"

*Max really Excited to Learn New Things*

*Gore Hanged up a Piece of Paper in Front of Max*

Max : "Ahhh....Wth"

Gore : "Practice on it"

Max : "You are kidding Right...What I am Suppose to do with that Piece of Paper"

Gore : "Try to Make a Hole in the Paper With your Punches....No Power Should be Used"

*Max Take his Stance and Punch the Paper, But Unable to make a Hole in it*

Max : *Thinks* "How Can I Able to Hole in that with a Punch It's Like This Paper just Dodge my Attacks and Fly Away"

Gore : "Number 657 Show him How it Works"

*657 Solider Take off his Suit and Came Closer to Hanged Paper*

Max : "Don't Tell me he's Gonna Do it without the Suit"

657 Solider : "It Don't Take That Much Power... all you need for it is Speed *Punch the Paper*"

*With a Blink of an Eye There is a Small Hole in the Paper"

Max : "When you Punc-,How he- DAMN He is Fast"

Gore : "Now your Turn, Keep Doing it Until I Come Back...Remeber no Power Using"

Max : "How Able to Do this in Such Short Time...Hey Gore....Don't Go MAAAN"

*Gore Get out from the Training Session*

Max : *Takes Deep Breath* "I Think There is only Paper and Me Here"

*Max Starts Practicing For 2 Hours Straight"

*2 Hours Passed*

*Gore Came Back and Sees Max Still Punching the Paper, But not Able to tear a Hole*

*Max is Sweating Very Badly*

Gore : "Hey Bud...That's Enough for Today"

*Max Sat down on the Ground*

Max : "How Can I Become Strong If I Can't Able to Tear an Even Paper with a Punch"

Gore : "No Need to Feel Down Bud, Many of These Solider Can't Able to....Don't Underestimate the Power Of Logic and Techniques"

Max : "I am Soo Feeling Dizzy...I Need to Sleep Gore"

Gore : "You are Right...You should Go for Rest Now"

*Max Barely Stands up and Head back to his Room and then after Reaching his Room He Lay Down on his Bed and Slept Fast"

*The Night Passed*

*It's 6:00AM in the Morning*

*Alarm Suddenly Ringing up and Calling "Wake up Solider, It's Time for the Duty. Get Ready in 10 min*

*Max Get So Irritated*

Max : *Thinks* "DAMN MAN, I Literally Sleep for 6 hours only and Yet Why the Hell are you Waking me up at 6:00AM in the Morning*

Max : "Auhhhh....What a Pain in the ass, So Early....Come onnn"

*Max Gets Up From the Bed, Brush His Teeth, Wash his Face, and Opens the Room Cabinet. There are Many Clothes there. Max is Staring at them with confusion*

Max : "Why Clothes are here, not Only Clothes but Also Shoes and other Things.....Wait That Means They Brought it for me?"

*Someone Knocks at the Door. Max open the Door. There is a Solider who Tell him to get to The Room 7 in 10 Mins.....Gore is Waiting There"

*Max Changes the Clothes and Get to the Room 7 With the Guidance of that Solider*

*Max Enters The Gore Room, Both of them Sit*

Gore : "So Here your First Assignment of Mission"

Max : "And Whats That , Let see"

*Gore Hand over the Papers to Max. Max Stare at the Paper and Shocked*

Max : "Wait a Minute.....'Training Until you Achieve the Following Task' And Those Task are 'Defeat Solider 657, Do a Friendly Fight With Gore, and Make a Hole in the Paper with the Punch' Gore These are Non-Sense.....Who Make These Task Assignment for me?"

Gore : "Director"

Max : "WHAT??"

Gore : "The Director of PF Association Make These Work load for you After I Give him the Day Report"

Max : "Damn.....Should I Really Have to do These??"

Gore : "If you will be Fired"

Max : *Pale* "Ahhh ok So I Have to Do Training till I Able to Defeat him"

Gore : "Well this is your Assignment, you have to do it on your own from now on. But Don't Worry Bud I Will Help When you Need"

Max : "Ok So lets Get the Training Start"

*Max Goes to Training Hall*

Chapter Continued.....

Next Chapter : "Are Those Top Ranked?"