First Mission

Bomb : "Well It's Time for Our Announcement"

Fake : "As you May All come to know that Name 'Speck Ovekill'"

Gore : "We are Here to Alert you About him and The Whole Mafia"

Dark Samurai : "Those Bastards can be Anywhere, They are Spread Though Whole Country"

Hardock : "Many of Our Soliders Lost Lives Because of Mafia, Yet There are Three Port Mafia Organization in this Country"

Electra : "Which are Kiznaivers, Bullkill and Capone , Speck Overkill is The Leader of Kiznaivers"

Echoo : "Bullka is The Leader of Bull Kill"

Bomb : "And El Deeplo is The Leader of Capone"

Gore : "The Most Deadliest and Most Powerful Mafia Organization is Kiznaivers, Even Both Bullkill and Capone Also Scared of them"

Fake : "Just Be Careful Where you May be your Last"

Hardock : "Everyone Here who are Newbies or Newly Recruited will Get a Card of their Own Identities, Which Also Have Alert Feature for Calling Backup From PF Association"

Gore : "Just Remember...Be Careful, Protect Everyone who you can, Never Give up, And Safe Lives"

Echoo : "It's Our Duty to Protect the People of this Country and Bring Justice Among them"

*Everybody in the Hall Said YEAHHH!*

Max : *Excited* "I Just Wanna Be Cool Like them.....So Cool"

Kirby : "I Already Have my Card, you Should get it too From The PF Staff Room"

Max : "I Will Get After The Training"

Gore : "Okay....That's All we Have to Say, Stay Safe and Bye you All"

*All of the Top Ranked Solider Starts to Leave, Everyone in the Hall Cheering up them*

Max : "Enough for Today....Let Get to Bed"

Kirby : "Not So Fast Buddy, Go to the Staff Room First"

Max : *Breath out* "haaaa....okayy, Release me!"

*Max Goes to the the Staff Room"

*There are Lots of Computer And People Working there, Max Goes to the Card Session and Ask them*

??? (Female) : "Ohhh so you are Max Ramsay....Right?"

Max : "Yeah....I want Card for PF Association, it was announced early"

??? : Ohh Yeah Already Got that for you.....Here's your PF Card"

*Female Staff handover the Card of PF Association, it is red Colored Card with Black Lines on it with a Chip"

Max : "Thank you"

??? : "Have a Nice Day Sir"

*Max Get back to his Room and Thinking about Taking Shower but Then Suddenly Alarm Rang and Called Max Ramsay to The Mission Office"

Max : "Ohhh Come On...Gimme a Rest already....I am Exchausted"

*Max Changed His Cloth into Solider Uniform, It's Black Colored. Then he Go to Mission Office, There are Many Solider Running Here and There for Working and There are Also Different Sessions, Max Ramsay Get to The Session Where 'New Task For Solider' Written*

Solider 657 : "So You are Here Max.....I Was Waiting for you.....Today is your First Official Mission"

Max : " What's the Mission?"

Solider 657 : "So Here are the Have All the Information you need...Go to the That are going with Few Allies....GO HURRY UP WE HAVE NO TIME"

*Max Entered to that Door. He Saw a Jeep With Few Solider Around Them and Shouting "Lets Go Go go" Max is Signaled that you Should Get into that jeep. Max Ran and Gets into the Jeep Immediately. Jeep Engine Start and It Moved out to the Facility"

Max : *Loud Voice* "So What's the Mission Solider?"

??? : "We Get the Info from PF Association That There is Full Raid Attack in Saiki Museum...Some Solider are Already Fighting there....It's an Backup"

*After Few Minute , All the Solider Arrives at the Scene. Hardock was there too*

Hardock : *Shouting* "Don't Charge Immediately There are Hostiles Keeping the Hostages. Be careful"

*Museum Suddenly Gets an Explosion on the Upper Building*

Hardock : "We are Going In Solider...Ohh So you are Here Max.....Lets Get into That Building....Be on my Command"

*Everyone Said "YES SIR" And They Goes into the Building*

*When Everyone Enter the Building They See Some People are Already Dead Laying on the Ground*

*Max Freaks out and Seeing that Awful Scene But Hardock and Other Team keep Going Forwards*

Hardock : "Come on Max...We Have Many To Save.....Don't Waste Time"

*It's So Traumatizing Experience for Max He Never Kill or Saw Dead People Corpse Like these. Max Said yes and Goes with the Hardock*

*Hardock Got the Call "There are Multiple Hostiles in the Building We are at Top Roof Fighting some....There are Other Some Down.....Help Them..*Cough*.....They Are Trying the Steal Jade Emblem" Hardock Said Got and Spread Solider Here and There.....And Send Max With Some Soliders Too*

Hardock : "Max.....Be careful Their Leader is Still Here...If Any Problem Get.....Don't Just Fight Alone....Alert me"

Max : *Serious* "Yes, Will do"

*Max Gets to the Large Hall Quickly after Listening to the Hardock. There are Some Security Bodies Laying Dead on the Ground....Suddenly Some Guy With the Mask Attack The Solider.....They Counter it With Their Different powers...There are Some With Katana, Looking like Ninja. Max Also Defend and Attack them With Super strength But They are Soo Fast...*

*Those Ninja Like Creature Killed Most of their Soldiers Their are only Few Left along with the Max*

Max : *Thinks* *Sweats* "Don't Panic.....Calm Down.....Hang in there....Stop Shaking Go DAMN....I have to Protect"

*Fight Continues*

Solider : "Go....Mr Max.....Go in That Room Immediately...We Will Take of Care of them....We Get the Report Their Leader is in there...And He Taken the Hostage of this Museum Owner"

Max : "But...What About you Guys...We Should Fight them Together fir-"

Solider : "Don't Be Fool....We will Able to Fight, Don't Worry About us.....He Will Get Away....He is TARGET RED"

*Max Runs to the Room Quickly Even After Seeing them Fall*

Max : *PANIC* "Ye...Yeah....We Should Focus on the Target Red....I Shouldn't Let him Get Away After What he Cause"

*Max Open The Door and Sudden A Sharp Curve Knife Thrown towards Max's Face*

Chapter Continued...

Next Chapter : Instant Regret