Instant Regret

*Max *BAM* Slam The Door and in Blink of eye a Curve Knife Thrown Towards Max's Face. Max Instantly Face Down Backwards*

Max : "Few...That Was Clos-"

*There Many Knife Now Coming Towards...But He Did Manage to Dodge all Very Quickly*

*There is Red Clothed Ninja Standing Towards the Max*

??? : "AHHH I see...Your Reflexes are Awesome Young man"

Max : "Who are you and Why are you Doing This"

??? : "Hm *Down his Mask and Smiled* Do I Really Need a reason"

*DUM* Max : "Where he-" A long Katana Coming towards Max Neck...He Didn't Even Realize.....Max Turn a Little his Nec.....*

*Hardock Suddenly Appears by Breaking The Wall and Grabbed Red Ninja and Throw Him to the wall.....But Reflect and Counter back From Wall.....Both of Them in Mere Fighting.....*

Hardock : "Hardened Body Technique Fourth Wall"

*Hardock Body Get So Hard That When Red Ninja's Katana Try to Tear Into Pieces*

Red Ninja : *Shocked* "Yeah That's Right....He is Top Ranked. How Can I Forgot!"

Red Ninja : "There is No Doubt you are One of the most Powerful People In this Country.....But Remember.....There Will Always be one to beat"

Hardock : *Whistle Breath* "And What that suppose to mean"

*Suddenly All Of Small Pieces of Katana Start Shaking and Suddenly All The Pieces Start Clashing with the Hardock. Which Gives Him Some Much Hard Time to Avoid But the pieces are Sharp and So Small to catchup"

Red Ninja : "This Nano Katana Can't be Torn...But incase when it Will Torn....*Big Evil Smile* It Become More Dangerous"

*Max Suddenly Punch Red Ninja in the face.....But He Block it with His one Arm"

Red Ninja : "Too Slow.....*Kicks him*"

*Max Get So Hard to Breath....*

Max : "This Can't Be I have to Do Something....I can't Let People Die.....I Am Sorry....Father.....I am Sorry...Gore.....Guess I Have to Do This"

*Max Body Getting Heated up, Getting in to Demon Break Form.....But Suddenly Red Ninja Appeared Behind, Max Saw Hardock Laying on the Ground unconscious"

Red Ninja : *Whisper* "Not...So.....Fastt" *Give Him a Power Blow to the Neck*

*Max Gone Unconscious and Slowly Eyes Closed*

*Next Time When he Wake up He is in the Hospital*

*Max Open his Eyes*

Max : *Heavily Breathing* "Wha...Whats Happened?....Am I At Hospital"

Gore : "Ahhh.....You Finally Awake"

Max : "Wait...Where is Hardock...Is he Alright?"

Gore : *Laughed* "Haha.....Of Course bud....he is the one who Protect you....but Unfortunately That Freak Runs away"

Max : "Did They Got Jade Emblem??"

Gore : "No They Didn't.....We are Successful in our Mission"

Max : "No....We Are Not"

*Max Face Suddenly Seem Depressed*

Gore : "What do you fine Bud?"

Max : "I Saw....Many Dead Bodies...Many Corpse.....Already Dead People....They are Dead.....How We are Even Successful in this Mission If we Can't Protect them..."

Gore : "Listen can't Save Everyone in this Country.....Where you can't reach....Where are can't can't Protect Every Last of them.....But We can Always Protect where we can reach....It's Always about their Fate"

Max : "Then.....Why are you Always Say "Protect Them All" is That Meaningless then?"

Gore : "People Die Everyday....From Natural Death....From Murdered.....from Accidents...Thats that part of People's Life...It's Also The beauty of a life"

Max : "Gore.....Just Leave me Alone for now"

Gore : "I Can Understand Buddy....I will Be Right back"

*Max Grip the Gore hand and Said...."

Max : "I Always Though...I Should Be Like you...But Now Mayb-"

Gore : "Just Don't"

*Gore Get Outside the Room*

Max : "I Think...Some People....just want to watch the whole world burn"

*After Sometime his Father Came into the Room*

Charles : "Hey Son.....How you Doin?"

Max : "I am Alright Father...I just Doing Fine"

Charles : "Don't Let Things Get on your head.....There are Many Things you will Experience So just Bear With it....What Happened"

Max : "Yes, Father.....I Will Do and Try my Best"

*Charles lift up Max's Leg and ask*

Charles : "Why This wound not Healed up??"

Max : "Hmmm....I Also Wonder Why is it my Leg Still Hurt and Wounded...Even After I Tried my best to Heal My Leg With my Power"

Charles : "Ahh I see...Maybe he has Halizer Katana, You can't Force it to can only Heal by Natural Body Cells"

Max : "Is That Some Kind of Special Katana?

Charles : "Yes, Actually It is Mainly Used To Kill Healers and Recovery type of Powers"

Max : "Healing and Recovery is Different powers?"

Charles : "Don't be Mistaken Healing Power can Only Heal yourself and Recovery Power can Heal Others too....So It Makes Difference"

Max : "Hmmmm....I have to Study Deep About the Powers and so"

Charles : "Don't Think hard.....Focus on your Technique and Logic Training.....That is Most Important First"

Max : "Ok.....After this recovery I Will."

Charles : "Ok I should Get going.....Take Care My Son...I am Really Counting on you"

Max : "I Do my Best Father.....Well Tell me About Mother's Health"

Charles : "Don't Worry you Will See Her Soon"

*Charles Ramsay Get out From the Room*

Max Ramsay Just Fall Asleep After That*

Gore and Charles Starts The Conversation Outside*

Gore : "Master! Is it Really Okay to Send to The Mission Like These...I Mean that Mission Have High Alert Danger...We Shouldn't send Inexperience like him to go for High Alert Missions"

Charles : "Don't Worry Gore.....It's my Choice to send him to this, Because I See High Potential in him.....but I Think He is not at that Level Right now"

Gore : "Master Night... We Should Have to be careful next time.....I think we have to send him to Medium Alert Mission if any came or maybe first we should give him training in AI Special Session"

Charles : "Hmm? AI Special Session? What is that.....I mean it was not in my time.....what is it?"

Gore : "Well.....It is Special Room just to train an Solider how to deal with the enemies...There are many AI Robots Solider who Help Them to Understand enemies better"

Charles : "Woah! that sounds cool.....I Should Try that soon Haha"

Gore : "My Pleasure Master....I will Set Everything up for you."

Charles : "I am Joking Gore...I am no just an old man now"

*Conversation Continues*

Chapter Continued......

Next Chapter : Mafia Side Part 1