Mafia's Side Part 1

Note : In this Chapter you will only read about Mafia System and What Going there

[*A Man Thrown to down on the ground in front of Speck Overkill. He is Trembling and Begging for Mercy. Speck Get up and Comes Towards the Man And Step on his Face*]

*Speck Overkill have a Scar on his Chick Little Bit Bluff Body Wearing Long Black Coat, His Left Eye Color is Purple and Yet his right eye color is Red. He Look like A Monster of his own way*

Speck : "Heavy Vocal Voice* "Do you know??...There is no Rules in Mafia Except Two....No Contract Break and No Betrayal"

*Crush his Head With his Foot..."

Speck Overkill : "Today's These Fuckers are not Loyal At All....Damn These Bastard"

*A Member of Kiznaivers Red Ninja was called to come to Leader. After Sometime he Came and bow Down his Head*

Red Ninja : "My Lord...I am Sorry to say th-"

Speck : "Stop...I Don't Care"

Red Ninja : "Actually We Fai-"

Speck : "I Said...I.....Don't....Care"

Red Ninja : *Afraid* "Yes, My Lord....Sorry"

*Speck Come Closer to Red Ninja. He So Afraid and Trembling because of Pressure of Speck*

Speck : "Just Don't fail next time or you Know *puts Hand to his Shoulder*.....What.....Will.....Happen"

Red Ninja : "Ye....Yes, m..My lord"

*Speck Take Red Ninja's Sword*

Speck : "Hmmm...isn't this Halizer??"

Red Ninja : "Yes My Lord"

Speck : "I Hear Before...That this Sword Can be Grip by only it's Owner....I Wonder Why isn't it Hurting me"

Red Ninja : "Because You are-"

Speck : "That's Right...*Put Katana to His throat* I Have Every Power....That you All Posses"

Red Ninja : " are Extremer"

Speck : "And You Know.....There is no Extremer Other then me...."

Red Ninja : "Yes, you are Right My are the Greatness"

Speck : "Yeah....yeah.....*Throws away his katana* Now Fuck off"

*Red Ninja Stepped Back and Leave*

Speck : *Thinks* "Ahhh.....I Have Every Fucking power but Expect Immortality"

*Next Scene*

*Suddenly Light's a Black Room and There are 3 Gold Chairs with a Table. 3 Men Enter the room. All three are in Black Long coats with Black Hats. They Sit down and Starts the Conversation (All three of them are Leader of their Port Mafia)*

El Deeplo : "It's Been a Long time Speck and Bull...I Greet both of you Here...Thanks For Making an Effort and time to come here"

Bull: "'s Been a While Since we Talk to Each Other like that"

Speck: "Yeah What?"

Bull : "Don't Be like that Speck After All you are Our Friend too"

Speck: "I Don't Think Any of you Consider me as your Friend...Both of you always See me as your Business Partner Isn't it"

El Deeplo: "That's not True...We are Friends Since Childhood.....You are Always Like that Speck.....Be Good With your own Buddies Sometimes"

Bull: "Well Anyway...We are here for Some Talk...About that Jade Emblem we Lost Because of that Red Ninja Didn't Succeed"

El Deeplo: "Look Here Speck....He's Your Mafia Member Right?.....Is he the Best guy you Have in your Group"

Speck: "Ahhh....You Mean That Red Shitty Ninja looking guy?...Of Course he's not the Best I Have Infact he Consider in my lower Ranked Members"

Bull : "Then Why you send Him to That Know that Jade Emblem Is Important"

Speck: "Hey Bring me Some Beer Here..."

El Deeplo: *In Anger Voice* "Are you Listening Speck.....Why are you Always So Careless?"

Speck : "Keep it Down...Baldy Why That Some Piece of Ruby is Important to you? You Have more Precious Gems in your Hands *Seriousness* Right?"

Bull : "Hey Hey Hey...No Fighting....We Are here just for Discussion"

El Deeplo: *Hand on Forehead* "Even With All the Power in the are Still an Idiot"

Speck : *His Body get Heated Red* "Who you Calling an Idiot *Fake Smile* Bold Head *Angry*"

Bull : "Woah Woah Woa.....Hold it Right There.....El Deeplo Keep it Down Man Let just Talk about it Not Give him Reason to Fight okayyy"

*Speck Get Back to Normal*

Speck : *Take a Beer Drink and Down the Mug* "What's So Important About that Jade Emblem anyway.....What the Matter?"

El Deeplo: "It Doesn't Matter What's in that Emblem.....More Important Thing is We Have the DEAL God Damn it"

Bull : "You Know We Have only two Rules in Whole Port Mafia"

Speck : "Yeah Yeah....No Contract Breaks and No Betrayal...But I Failed that Contract , I didn't Break it"

El Deeplo : "Who was that man? Red Ninja Get Defeated From?....."

Speck : "I Think....hmmm....Maybe.....He is Hardock, Who is Ranked 7th Solider in PF Association"

Bull : "As you Already know that Hardock taking the Lead of that Mission Still you Send your Low Ranked Member...Don't you Already know that you Lost that Mission"

Speck : *Anger Voice* "I Don't Get it.....What's That So Important about in that Jade Emblem.....Suppose Even that Jade Have supernatural are Human can't even touch it....Don't you?"

Bull : *Also in Anger* "Don't Just Keep Calling him Baldy...We Give you that Contract you Should Take it know that we can Rely on you Because you your Power and Authorities"

*Speck Give a Punch towards Bull...But his Hand Gone Through Bull's Body*

Speck : "Hahaha....Don't Just Use Ghost Towards me you Coward"

El Deeplo : "Keep it Down.....Guys, What so Done is done....we can't Change it"

*Speck Take off his Hands*

Speck : "Just Tell me that Truth"

Bull: "Wha-"

Speck : "Don't Think I Didn't Notice....There is both...Hiding From"

"Bull and El Deeplo Look at Each Other and Nod"

El Deeplo : "Ahhh....Alright....Since you are our Friend you Should Know it.....But Don't Take a Bad Idea"

Bull : "Actually That Jade Emblem......."

Chapter Contnued......

Next Chapter : Mafia's Side Part 2